5-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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Good For
Group Dining
Private Party
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Indulge in the vibrant flavors of Mexico with the tantalizing menu from Te Queiro Mucho . Sip on refreshing Don Julio margaritas , perfectly blended with tequila, lime, triple sec, and a touch of sugar. Choose from classic, mango, or strawberry flavors, served frozen or on the rocks. 🍹Pair your drinks with a Corona, the beloved bottled beer that perfectly complements the delicious tacos on offer. 🍻Let your taste buds dance with delight as you explore our mouthwatering taco selection. Their Al Pastor taco features spit-grilled pork, served with a burst of freshness from juicy, fresh pineapple—just like in Mexico! 🌮🍍If you’re a seafood lover, the Pescado taco is a must-try. Enjoy the Baja-style fish taco, topped with zesty pico de gallo and a tantalizing chipotle mayo. 🐟🌮For the adventurous eaters, our Lengua taco is a true delight. Savor heaps of tender ox tongue paired with vibrant salsa verde, raw onions, and fragrant coriander. 🐂🌮Vegetarian options abound! Their Rajas Con Elote features strips of Poblano chili, sweet corn, creamy sour cream, and crumbled queso fresco. A delightful combination of flavors! 🌶️🌽🌮Indulge in the unique and unforgettable Guac & Chap. Dive into their signature guacamole, accompanied by fresh pico de gallo, crunchy fried grasshoppers, and crumbled cheese. It’s a true culinary adventure! 🥑🦗🌮And much much more! Check them out
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Beef Tamales 墨西哥粽由麵團包裹在香蕉葉蒸熟一啖牛肉粒一啖tamales同平時中式粽好類似,牛肉煮得岩岩好, 唔會過熟Made by wrapping the dough in banana leaves and steaming it.Taking a bite of beef and then a bite of tamales, which is quite similar to a Chinese sticky rice dumpling.The beef is cooked just right, not overcooked.Taco Trio (Mushroom, Pork, Beef) 三款Taco都相當豐富, 一路食一路趺啲餡OX tongue 最好味,牛味好出又夠軟身另外Spit-grilled pork 個醬汁調味好有風味All three tacos are very rich, and you can taste the filling as you eat.The ox tongue is the most delicious, with a strong beef flavour and a tender texture.In addition, the spit-grilled pork has a flavorful seasoning.Chicken Enchiladas(with salads verde, onion, coriander and cheese)面層一浸芝士蓋住滿滿既雞肉,再配住旁邊既salads verde食,幾有層次呢個dish唔算好濃味The tortilla is covered with a generous amount of cheese and served with salad verde on the side, which adds layers of flavour.This dish is not very heavy in taste.Churros即炸脆卜卜一舊麵粉,醮一醮溶化既朱古力醬本身無乜口感既Churros被朱古力醬升華返They are deep-fried crispy sticks made of flour, served with a delicious melted chocolate sauce.Churros themselves don't have much flavour, but they are elevated by the chocolate sauce.
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聖誕節係一個歡樂嘅節日淘小姐就諗住同淘先生試下我地未食過嘅墨西哥菜預祝聖誕節Te Quiero Mucho 位於上環 Ovolo Hotel 二樓半開放式嘅設計空間感充足令人覺得好 Chill適逢聖誕節餐廳就推出咗全新 FESTIVE MENU 🎄🇲🇽PLATO DE ANTOJITOS⭐️Quesadillas ⭐️Tlacoyos with Suadero⭐️Guacamole with Pico de Gallo⭐️Chicken Tinga Sopes⭐️Panucho with Cochinita ⭐️Deep-fried Beef Taquitos先黎多款墨西哥小食作前菜由於墨西哥普遍以粟米作為主食所以呢幾款前菜都係以粟米粉搓成嘅粟米餅再配搭唔同嘅餡料無論佢係咩款式嘅粟米餅餅底味道同口感都好特別有脆口嘅、有煙靭嘅餡料通常以豆蓉為主亦都有一款係以雞肉加橙再加啲墨西哥香料製成味道好特別而有一款好似春卷嘅係有牛肉餡料微微帶點辣度幾款小食都十分可口亦十分飽肚亦都好感受到墨西哥菜餚嘅吸引力🇲🇽PARRILLADA NORTEÑA⭐️Lamb⭐️Grilled Rib Eye⭐️Pork Belly⭐️Tortillas主菜有三款高質扒類包括羊扒、牛肉眼扒、同豬腩肉扒係煎製嘅同時都加入香料味道頓時有所不同而旁邊四款醬汁亦十分有墨西哥風味可以用粟米餅包住肉類再點少少醬汁非常惹味因為啲醬汁係不同程度嘅辣極之刺激 🌶️🌶️🌶️🇲🇽DULCESChurros原來墨西哥菜都有Churros~面頭有大量砂糖嘅Churros口感較為鬆化朱古力醬亦好似有秘整配方咁食過翻尋味🇲🇽Cocktails ⭐️CHO CHI以龍舌蘭、薑糖漿、香菜、酸橙汁等等調配嘅cocktail青綠色玩味甚濃好似遊戲歌曲之神 Xöchipilli 賜你力量咁會令你全晚都喺度跳舞⭐️CHOCOLINES靈感來自阿茲特克皇帝蒙特祖瑪最喜歡嘅朱古力以 Mezcal, Amaro, Borghetti 調配味道有濃濃嘅朱古力味滿滿嘅異族風情食完飯再查吓餐廳名字嘅意思原來 Te Quiero Mucho 係 I love you very much 果然令我哋都心花怒放🍽️ Te Quiero Mucho 📍 上環皇后大道中286號香港奧公館酒店地舖及1樓
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今年會過一個炎熱的聖誕,我不是一個未卜先知的人,會知道今年香港的聖誕,一定是炎熱,而是我們一家會飛到泰國去渡過今年的聖誕節。有見及此,女兒說不如提前在香港吃一個聖誕大餐先來慶祝。今天她問我吃過墨西哥菜沒有,我說南美洲這麼遙遠和冷門,當然未曾接觸過這個國家的菜式。墨西哥菜有什麼菜式,我完全沒什麼頭緒,印象中只知道凱撒沙律的源頭地就是墨西哥,還有墨西哥卷餅Taco和墨西哥有一種全世界最辣,不是人人能接受得到的辣椒而已。來到上環,Te Quiero Mucho 就座落在我以前舊公司的後面街皇后大道中一酒店的一樓,來嚐一個墨西哥聖誕套餐。這裡是一間酒吧餐廳,佈置得甚有墨西哥的氣氛,草帽骷髏頭等的墨西哥陳設,盡見在這餐廳上。套餐裡先來的小吃有數款,以肉類為主要食材,以雞牛豬肉為主,味道偏向濃烈甚至帶辣。未吃過的我覺得先入為主,味道都算唔錯和有特色。再伴上厚的薄的墨西哥薄餅或玉米餅來吃,這是墨西哥菜的特色,也是伴雞美酒的恩物。主菜今晚選了Lamp Mixiote,這是一味纸包羊肉,餐廳選的是羊肩肉,再經慢煮令羊肉不帶羶味和腍身入味,配料有仙人掌莖洋葱青檸和龍舌蘭葉等,再放在墨西哥薄餅來吃,是有另一番的風味主菜。甜品是墨西哥傳統的甜點 Churros,炸得香口鬆脆,肉桂味香濃,加點朱古力焦糖醬來吃,又是另一個層次的甜品。總結我初嚐墨西哥菜的滋味都算是口味合格,但感覺菜式是那些一人一份的休閒伴酒食物,加上餐廳的情調氣氛一流,較為適合放了工尋找地方鬆弛一刻的人。
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The service was horrible. We had two people and asked for tap water. The waiter told us that they didn’t serve tap water but we saw that the other table had it. What’s more, they only gave us one glass for sparkling water but we have TWO people. I wasn’t sure if there was any communication error but this was certainly unacceptable. He was also like throwing the plates in our faces.The prawn cocktail was ok, but the tacos were a little bit too wet and couldn’t hold the fillings. We tried to tell the waitress (seems like a more senior staff) about it and she was a bit rude while handling our comments (or maybe too proud of their food). The churros was kind of crunchy and not the chewy type. The music was a little bit too loud and we could barely hear what the other person was saying. The area that we sat at was near the staircase and when people were walking up, the table was basically vibrating. In other words, it was a little bit too packed and not too comfortable.Overall, this is not what I have expected and will never come back.
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