Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
巨鋒提子水晶優酪 青檸繽紛寒天爽 香烤珍珠奶茶 啤梨啜啜寒天
Review (7)
平時都都有飲開呢間既珍珠奶茶. 今日同班fd行過見到有新野wor......奶霜. 雖然奶霜唔係d咩新野但都試下啦! 我自己叫左杯奶霜朱古力,朋友叫左珍珠奶茶.奶霜朱古力$14大大杯(700cc)ok抵飲,好香朱古力味飲得出落足料架,D cream好正, 又香又滑,有d似新地 朋友杯珍珠奶茶$10係細杯(500cc)都唔錯,唔似出面果幾間(貢x,日xx太etc....)咁鬼死咁甜仲鬼死咁大杯,次次都飲唔晒. 總結: 呢間tea plus係我係香港東區飲過咁多間之中,我覺得係最好飲既.起碼佢地service真係幾好,有講有笑. 唔似其他舗咁mk lor 而家做珍珠奶茶都要講heart 唔係出名大晒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-06-01
that day i jux pass by shaukewan with a fd to go for gathering in the evening,even though it's a bit messy as there's heavy rainstorm,,, but we were jux too thirsty and decided to buy drinksthen we saw a colorful and quite attractive taiwan style drink store and we decided to buy drinks there!my fd and i are always big fans of 珍珠奶茶,,so we ordered 2 and 1 with less sugar!to my suprise, the less sugar one is jux right as i dun like drinks that are tooooo sweet,, and usually when i order less sugar in other stores,, they always return me with one that is too sweet for me,, and as i dun wana waste food, i usually hv to finish them unwillingly and drink plenty of water afterwards and my fd are also satisfied with the normal sugar one! and we both agree that the 珍珠 inside is quite nice as well.it will be in my list of taiwanese drink store from now on!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
第一次寫食評, 多多指教本人是個住在筲箕灣的台式奶茶狂熱份子, 所以會經常在附近出沒, 光顧此店也不止一次了.tea plus員工給我的感覺是有禮貌和有熱誠的. 對售飲品的小店來說已經很少見了.店裡有一男一女, 每次當我走近看menu時, 他們都總是帶著笑容問我"請問要什麼?",有時當我三心兩意拿不定主意時, 他們也會主動給予意見, 這是值得讚賞的.有次(忘了確實日期......在掛寒冷天氣警告的)我去買熱飲<茉香布丁奶茶>, 女店員給我遞上飲品時還不忘加上一句"小心盪", 使人心裡舒服.店子環境方面, 裝修是綠色的, 很引人注目呢! 老遠已能看見它了單看這樣的裝修已覺很新奇......所以我才被吸引來了談回飲品: 29/11/09 - 茉香布丁奶茶 - $10味道不算很棒, 但也非常不錯!之前也喝過其他店子的珍珠奶茶, 通病不是太甜便是沒茶味,但這間不同, 奶味和茶味是配合得宜的, 恰到好處, 而且甜度也剛剛好, 不會過火.加上本人很喜歡那茉香夠清香, 還有那滑溜的布丁, 毫無疑問是後會有期的最欣賞的是飲品裡有布丁也只是$10,不像其他台式奶茶台動不動就要加$2-3元才可享用到布丁一類口感物而付款也很方便, 這樣的小店竟有八達通呢, 形象專業, 也方便顧客, 值得加分整體來說, tea plus這店不錯.這店還有很多款創新的飲品, 找天再試別的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2009-11-05
行過見到間裝修幾有新意的台式奶茶外賣店,裝修唔再係黑白啡d咁老土的顏色,好,既然裝修咁吸引,睇下係咪虛有其表先,就試下最傳統的珍珠奶茶得唔得先。見到d員工咁醒神已經有d好感,再見到杯奶茶顏色都幾靚,一飲之下,果然有料到喎,之前係其他地方飲過d珍珠奶茶唔係太甜就係奶味太重或茶味太多,一d都唔專業,呢間就唔同,奶味同茶味夾到啱啱好,d珍珠又幾有咬口,果然係下過下苦工,問下d員工先知佢地係連鎖店,仲有一間係荃灣城市中心,等有機會到荃灣亦試下係咪都咁掂先。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-09-28
尋日行過筲箕灣, 見到有間新開的台式食飲,d staff 都幾有禮貌, d 飲品款式又幾多,左巨求其叫左杯巨鋒提子汁, 估唔到都幾好飲wow, 唔太甜, 有d 果粒, 加左小小好似益力多既野, 但又唔太濃, 幾好的配搭, 值得一試 !!!!!因為啪八仔, 所以唔記幾錢tim, 好似$14 掛........................................... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)