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Review (8)
Level4 2011-08-27
早排,受塑化劑事件影響, <日出茶太> 的生意及名譽大受打擊!當日出開灣仔,天氣又熱,真係想買杯嘢飲吓!走去 <日出茶太> 幫襯,依然無咩人幫襯!有度好,起碼唔使等咁耐! 咦!有新飲品! 荔枝奶茶!好似幾特別!況且仲有特價!原價 $15 ( 大杯裝 ) 減價後 $13; ( 細杯裝 ) 平多 $2!貴妃荔枝奶茶 ( 細杯裝 ) $11第一啖,夠冰涼! 有荔枝嘅甜味,飲咗幾啖荔枝味越來越少! 奶茶味一般!質感不滑!飲到底部覺得有一粒粒,可能係茶葉碎!荔枝混合奶茶似乎唔係咁夾!相信荔枝紅茶會較為好味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-06-16
Had no intention of trying drinks here before because nothing interested me until I saw the poster of this mousse drink.It was Taro mousse.The poster shows that it has cream on top similar to Gung Cha.When I got my drink, the amount of cream was more generous than GC, it was about an inch thick.Perhaps the cream was their idea of mousse.Anyway I tasted the mousse, it had some taro and coconut flavouring, it was thicker and nice than the salty one at GC.The cream and drink was cleverly separated by ice-cubes, until you decide to mix it together.I tried the purple part of the drink, the texture was not like mousse, but it was interesting because it contained lots of taro.It is similar to the "sau gum heung wu" at ShareTea that also contains taro pieces in it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-01-18
今日星期日去灣仔行街,行到口渴,見到轉角有間賣珍珠奶茶既,濃香珍珠奶茶做緊特價,就買左一杯,沖得真係好快,不用半分鐘,杯茶真係同普通既唔同,茶味夠濃,超讚!!!店裹面得兩個店員,她們服務態度超好喔.!! 本來我是叫少甜的,喝了一口,結果都是太甜了,因為我不能渴太甜,她們為我轉了一杯微糖!!甜度剛剛好.不過如果有得叫細杯d就好la...希望下次可以再光顧.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-08-03
逛過了3小時多的書展 總想喝喝東西 吃吃小食所以先來日出茶太吧!^_^點了:QQ奶茶 朋友的 聽說不錯 咬口提升鮮檸檬QQ $15老是買這個 因為酸酸甜甜零舍解渴檸檬汁下得足夠 好醒神 愛檸檬的朋友一定愛配上QQ和珍珠是十分棒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-07-26
七月十五日 (星期四)吃完了Cafe O,就到了將會吃buffet的地方落訂!吃吃下Cafe O,就落著大雨,幸好出來時已雨過天晴!主席說要飲台式飲品才回公司努力工作!這陣子工作量多得很,同事們都抖不過氣來.......走到了日出茶太,我點了杯百香果綠茶加珍珠老公仔點了荔枝紅茶兩杯味道都好!甜度是剛好的我喜歡飲日出茶太的百香果,而奶茶就喜歡飲貢茶的兩間的珍珠都很彈牙!老公仔說茘枝與紅茶混合起來原來都不錯,成功在於肯嘗試加油呀,希望八月中快點來臨! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)