4-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
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Opening Hours
Thu - Sat
19:30 - 02:00
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Review (19)
Level4 2023-12-20
去蘭桂坊除咗去街邊舖之外,其實樓上酒吧都有好多,在乎你識唔識搵,如果你識搵其實有好多驚喜。今日我哋去嘅呢間係位於蘭桂坊行斜路其中一間樓上鋪,入到去其實有好多唔同嘅遊戲玩,例如有beer bong,亦都有Snap cup. 除此之外,佢哋都有特色嘅Cocktail,我叫咗杯煎湯力,都係啲普通嘢,但係又好清新,我另外一個朋友叫咗Too Hot to Handle,所以兩杯都好特別,好好飲。所以其實如果諗住夜晚去clubbing, before that 都可以去呢度去chull下玩吓遊戲先,一定令到你有更期待嘅經歷。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-17
今晚,我喺Teddy Bear酒吧嘗咗幾款令人心心眼嘅cocktails。第一杯"Teddy Got Jealous",色彩繽紛仲帶點神秘感,每一啖都令我好似感受到小熊嘅小醋勁,酸酸甜甜嘅熱帶水果風味💖。跟住嘅"Teddy Mango",嘩,真係明星款喇!幾口落去,清新嘅芒果香味直衝鼻尖,飲到我心花怒放,甜度剛剛好,酒精味又唔會好重,正喎!中間,我地用着枱上嗰部特別嘅電話,同其他枱嘅朋友Snapchat搞吓傾偈,開心過癮!唔洗臉紅嘅直接接觸,都可以識到新朋友。而且,當有心心喺LED Mon閃,即刻覺得成晚都值返嚟😍。Teddy Bear嘅氣氛輕鬆愉快,裝潢又玩味十足。飲品質素正,服務員態度又好。如果你想搵間地方輕鬆享受夜晚,又想飲啲靚酒,Teddy Bear絕對值得嚟一轉🥂! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-21
今日去到中環蘭桂坊同朋友佢地飲杯野傾下計!再加上大家呢個地段都好方便離開!所以今次特就預約左一間cocktail又好靚既打卡酒吧!呢間酒吧裝修設計佈置都好有時尚感!加上四周圍都有好多唔同得意可愛立體嘅造型!包括有棉花雲嘅燈!再加上好得意嘅公仔紅霞燈!顯得成個場地更加有藝術感!當然唔可以少有嘅,就係有peer pong嘅枱、滿足到想玩唔同酒game嘅你!今次我同朋友total叫咗三種特飲,全部賣相都非常突出,各有唔同嘅風格!第一杯🥃:vodka mix raspberry tonic特飲用咗黑莓唔同嘅水果混合埋一齊,味道有啲似雜果感覺,但係再帶黑莓味道好清新!加上伏特加濃度啱啱好飲落好舒暢!第二杯🍸 surprise me呢杯用咗甜杏仁,荔枝味嘅風格,飲落清爽微甜,杏仁亦帶出香味,配上荔枝清新風格飲落去層次更加突出!第三杯🍸雜果味嘅MIX shoot配合雜果味嘅S hooter,令到成個酒嘅層次更加豐富,加上好香甜!女士必定鍾意飲!再配合唔同嘅mix,用咗番石榴無花果同埋水果味為主!食落去非常清甜!非常吸引!Teddy bear bar香港中環蘭桂坊Cosmo Building 8-11號 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-24
疫情咁耐就冇去蘭桂坊咁耐。難得朋友約我去呢間樓上酒吧短聚,6點半冇乜人可以開心影相打卡。之後就陸陸續續開始越來越多靚仔靚女入嚟,打成一遍好開心。最得意係佢地有matching flow 可以scan qrcode 就用得好方便,而且仲有shisha可以chill 住飲。本來同朋友打算留1~2個鐘chitchat 下就去食飯,點知識咗好多新朋友叫埋外賣玩到唔捨得走😆第一次玩beer pong 輸到變poor guy,感謝新朋友邀請一齊玩,開心♥️💯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-08-27
What’s up for Friday night ? Deeply missing those fun night out? Cheers 🥂 with friends, And meeting new friends ? Sounds cute that Every table has a Teddy bear on digital 😆, table n table might connect through this. The staffs would explain how to play these in detail. There’s warm up games too. We tried cocktails, definitely a fun place to gather n chill out. They also got many house-made cocktails. We order one with mango flavour, mixed with mango juicy and smoothies, mints leaves on top . Taste so fresh. One In strawberry flavour. Very nice for photo 📸. Girls would love. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)