6-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
The fiesta themed lounge that you can find a lot of traditional Mexico drawings. It serves Mexico cuisine and also a wide range of specialty Tequila. continue reading
Additional Information
Tequila on Davis is an authentic, casual and friendly Mexican restaurant and bar. Situated in the heart of the burgeoning bar district of Davis Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong, Tequila on Davis serves delicious Mexican food and a wide range of specialty Tequila.'Tequila Upstairs' is a first floor area perfect for private parties and events, with a full range of audio visual equipment for any occasion.Tequila on Davis is open for lunches and dinners and at weekends is the place to hang out for Brunch.
Opening Hours
16:00 - 23:30
Mon - Thu
16:00 - 23:30
Fri - Sun
12:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Live Sports Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (36)
Level3 2024-05-22
📺YouTube: Man爆少女當晚剛好上完Whiskey的課程..可能喝多了的關係…感覺肚子有點餓我朋友推介到這裡吃…這是她認為這是香港最好的一間Tequila Bar而Beef Las Fajitas是其中一樣她大力推介的食物..另外我們亦叫了Nachos Regular Size上枱的份量真的多得驚人...而最高興的是這裡的牛肉是用牛柳絲...入口啖啖肉沒有筋的而且Nachos Regular Size的份量已經相當大份...就算當晚我們較夜才到達...食物也是即時製作非常新鮮Drink 方面我選擇了Fruit Margaritas(聽說是真的有果肉的而不是全用糖水的)真的沒令我失望...這麼便宜的價錢就算沒有真果肉在當中我也會接受!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-04
星期二打算揾間墨西哥菜式Taco ,雖然呢間餐廳冇Taco Tuesday但係都諗住食試吓佢啲嘢食。最後叫咗個大nachos with chicken 同half size ribs😍個nachos 味道唔錯,醬料都足夠。而個ribs serve with 薯角好香熱辣辣,而且份量都OK 有兩大塊。仲叫左杯cocktail,食左個滿足的晚餐。#foodie #nachos #ribs #cocktail #hkfoodsuggest continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-04-09
Similar vibe to Tequila Jack’s in TST, super casual vibe, serving affordable drinks and classic Tex-Mex dishes.Unfortunately I have to say Tequila Jack’s is superior, at least based on what we ordered.We tried three different flavours of frozen margaritas and one regular nachos. The margaritas all had a strange artificial taste to them. Still drinkable, but a little off putting. The nachos were ok, though I couldn’t help but notice they were barely warm. I wonder if it was put in the oven at all. Don’t remember if there was melted cheese. However the taste was good and I liked the toppings that they used. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-12-11
同朋友慶祝生日於是想試下平時比較少食嘅菜式見到西環都有唔少異國風情餐廳就試下依間啦!餐廳名有Tequila一於試下有Tequila嘅cocktail先因為drink list上面無相所以上檯時見到有火焰裝飾嘅cocktail都幾驚喜飲落Tequila味都strong㗎但唔會只係得酒精味我地仲點咗Mexican Platters(墨西哥拼盤)份量十足有粗薯條﹑炸洋蔥圈﹑雞翼﹑nachos、芝士餡餅等等好鐘意nachos上面嘅蕃茄﹑洋蔥﹑牛油果醬食落好fresh落單個陣以為食物份量唔會好多我地仲點咗份Big Burritos (餡餅)裡面揀咗辣肉腸做餡食落會偏鹹但配埋旁邊嘅飯食就啱啱好建議約多少少人嚟食可以試到唔同菜式!最後因為太飽本身想拎返走兩件預先喺Dominique Ansel買嘅蛋糕出去食多口問一問切餅費佢未答就已經話要睇睇個尺寸先然後好快就將兩件蛋糕放咗上碟拎咗出嚟不過蛋糕邊整爛咗少少最後話收返hkd50然後送咗兩shot酒再加全場唱生日歌如果下次預早少少講定先拎蛋糕出嚟會更好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
其實當日原本係想去食chill and grill 可惜去到嘅時候full house左 唯有睇吓附近嘅餐廳😗點知意外發現個好東西😻內裏氣氛超級無敵好 而且特別鍾意佢嘅bar area 嗰種Tiki feel實在係充滿異國風情🥰-🇲🇽Regular Nachos Grande ($118)Nachos不得了😻雖然係叫正常size 但個份量都好多~先講好鍾意佢選用nachos嘅質感 即使淋滿醬汁亦都唔會容易變腍 保持到嗰種偏硬身而且好脆口嘅口感😋配料亦好豐富 牛油果醬 酸忌廉 黑豆 辣椒橄欖 樣樣齊!!惹味得嚟 調味又剛好 唔會過鹹 即使擺咗好耐 食到最後一刻個nachos仲係保持到脆口的 自己好喜歡🥳🥳-🌮Beef Tacos ($207) *Request on hard shell🥳tacos食得多 但可以特別要求hard shell真係第一次見😛所以試吓 結果原來真係幾正!!Hard shell顧名思義係硬身飯皮 有種crispy口感 包著嘅牛肉餡勁多 惹味得黎肉質軟淋 認真好唔錯😻係近期食過比較出色嘅taco😻最得意嘅係佢底下會有海量黑豆同埋茄醬炒飯🤣黑豆硬身幾有咬口不過就冇乜味 個炒飯本身諗住墊喺底冇咩期望 點知食落個味道又幾好食喎衰鬼🤫甜甜酸酸咁~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)