1-min walk from Exit D2, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay BoC Pay UnionpayQR
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (148)
Level1 2024-03-27
食物質素越嚟越差,份量比以前少咗勁多..平時都會keep住食佢,因為方便就喺荔枝角…所以正常食開都知道份量係如何,今次太令我失望豬頸肉得幾塊,打去同店員講,店員話一向都係咁喎.. 但平時食開冇可能唔知道係點樣囉…以後都唔會再幫襯.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-12
呢間餐廳嘅位子唔多,所以好容易就會坐滿,今日可能因為落雨,所以少咗人喺呢度食飯呢間舖頭係先叫嘢食—>俾錢—>食嘢咁我就叫咗一個泰式豬頸肉飯,配凍蜜桃檸檬茶。等咗大概5至10分鐘,店員就會幫手送餐,就咁睇豬頸肉嘅份量都算幾多,相對嚟講個飯就比較乾,不過佢有個泰式嘅醬汁配俾我,所以食落去都OK嘅豬頸肉唔會燒到好乾,都幾有趙口,而就算你唔點佢個汁,佢嘅豬頸肉本身都有啲鹹味,燒得都算香。而佢嘅蜜桃檸檬茶就比較甜,所以建議大家如果去到嘅時候可以叫少甜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日我食泰國菜、堂食,叫咗個無骨海南雞飯,點知食食吓有三舊有骨呀 餐牌上亦無標明會有機會有骨 點解餐牌唔改名做咁係咪已經違反商品說明條例 ?再叫咗個外賣比我朋友,叫咗個青咖喱雜菜,我朋友一打開呆咗 得幾條好似人哋食淨啲冷飯菜汁咁😓🥗問我係咪打包食淨嗰啲俾佢 收$90 食咗啲廚餘👏🏻👍錢又冇咗 朋友又走埋佬 ,今次係我幫襯以來最差嘅一次,係咪有Viu介紹你哋之後啲品質就唔需要咁注重,今次嘅可怕經歷,唔敢再幫襯,亦都唔敢再介紹朋友,希望你們認真善待客人😡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I ordered the "Hainanese Boneless Chicken Rice", expecting a boneless, flavorful dish as advertised on your menu. To my disappointment, what I received was quite the opposite.The chicken was not boneless but rather, half of a chicken with bones intact. This not only deviated from my expectations but also made the dish difficult to enjoy. I believe the term "boneless" should accurately represent the dish being served.Furthermore, the rice that accompanied the chicken was far from satisfactory. It was extremely hard and gave the impression that it was undercooked. A key component of Hainanese Chicken Rice is the rice itself, which should be fluffy and aromatic, but what I got was unpalatable and tough to chew.This experience was not at all what I anticipated from a restaurant of your caliber. I hope my feedback will be taken into consideration and that necessary improvements will be made to better meet the expectations of your diners in the future. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-05-25
小食拼盤🤍🤍🤍預想中嘅味道,不過炸得唔錯冬陰公湯🤍🤍🤍🤍好飲!好足料又夠味,夠酸又夠辣!仲有好多草菇!泰式通菜🤍🤍🤍🤍用咗馬拉盞去炒通菜,超級香,送飯一流!招牌海南雞🤍🤍🤍🤍海南雞好嫩滑,仲要無骨嘅!今次叫個四人餐包咗咁多樣野食(多到我覺得太豐富),仲要水準幾好,抵食!青咖喱牛腩🤍🤍🤍青咖喱牛腩表現正常,不過不失泰式炒肉碎🤍🤍有正宗泰式炒肉碎嘅味道,但係啲肉碎太瘦,同埋唔夠辣泰式鳳爪沙律🤍🤍🤍🤍鳳爪好爽口,而調味做得好好!芒果蝶豆花斑蘭葉糯米飯🤍🤍🤍🤍啲芒果可以再甜啲,糯米飯蒸得好食,班蘭味都好出! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)