餐廳的裝潢以深啡和金色為主,朗豪坊及MegaBox分店更採用半開放形式,於大門外設有卡座;集結潮流品味格局,既充滿泰國色彩風格,亦增加了空間感。菜式為泰籍廚師主理,突破地以口味複雜的曼谷菜作招徠;著重甜酸辣味的平衡, 客人亦可就個別喜好而調教辣。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 00:30
Sat - Sun
16:00 - 00:30
Public Holiday
16:00 - 00:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
冬蔭功大蝦湯 炒金邊粉 金柚蝦沙律 紅咖喱香業釀青口 香草炒辣蟹
Review (30)
Level1 2009-03-10
同事生日, 一行十人諗住食餐好lunch。去到問口, 同個短髮waitress話要10位,佢即黑面 (咩事, 10個人唔可以一齊食飯?!), 佢話室內冇位, 只可以坐露天, 被迫於寒風中馬路邊開餐。咁凍,幫d同事拎熱水, 再次被黑面, 落單叫完野, 佢竟然話: "淨係叫咁多野? ", 黑面 X 3.....成餐响寒風中食, 野食好普通,有得覺得街口$24蚊外賣應該仲好食。臨走前果位短髮waitress倒瀉水, 同事條褲濕哂, 佢一句sorry都冇就走佐, 好似冇事發生過。唔知呢d算做乜野服務。位位$80, 當跌佐都冇咁嬲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-02-02
年初三看完展覽後想吃東西, 但附近很多食店都關門大吉。 竟然找到這間泰國食店有平食下午茶 (二人食), 包飲品都是 $68。兩層架分熱食和甜品, 熱食非常正但甜品完全不好吃。熱食的沙嗲串燒、炸蝦餅、竹葉雞都好味道。即叫即炸, 十分可口! 但想不到泰國食店的甜點連最普通的椰汁西米糕都不好味, 西米好硬, 椰汁沒有香味, 可能放了很久。至於飲品方面, 珍多冰是刨冰加椰汁, 不太甜但十分冰涼, 適合夏天的燒暑飲品! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2009-01-10
We had booked a table on25Dec08 for the dinner buffet cost over $210.00 per person. The advertisement on internet is :以地道泰國美食及價廉見稱的 Thai Orchids,推出任點任食聖誕大餐,大家可在兩個半小時內任意點選餐牌上的各式泰國傳統地道美食,時間充足,只要在order form上點選好就有專人奉上。必吃酸辣椰汁雞湯、招牌咖喱炒大蝦和招牌泰式炒金邊粉等。而每位惠顧的客人還可獲得流沙黃金大蝦一隻,鹹香且鮮甜,正! But finally, on the buffet menu, there were not more than 15 dishes (including dessert) for choosing. On the menu, there was no curry shrimp, sour coconut chicken soup........ The buffet costs over $210.00 per person, and our bill for 4 persons totally over $900.- That's why even on X'mas , including us there were only 5 tables' customer. Even the taste of food was OK, but the choice was too limited. Besides, the services was not good, those waiters always pretended busy even there were only few customers. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2008-12-28
You know how much it takes to open a bottle of wine there?HK$150!My friend bought a bottle of champagne for me and we were looking for a place to open and enjoy it on xmas eve. We're foolish for not asking how much they charge before we went in there.What can possibly justify that $150? The ice? The waitress's bottle-opening skills? The views? (not breathtaking skyline but just a crowd of office workers against the background of office buildings)We didnt order anything else except a cider beer. But there's no way they are charging HK$150 for the corkage fee.As someone who works nearby, i think thai orchids is a decent restaurant, nothing to rave about. but after this experience i am boycotting this place! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-12-04
兩層高的tea set~ 賣相好得! 上層是甜點; 下層是咸點. 餐飲可揀 珍多冰/ 青檸冰/ hot coffe/tea.先試 下層 的 三款 咸點 吧1) 雞肉/ 豬肉串燒 4 串~ 熱棘棘串燒 伴食 甜甜的 花生味 沙 嗲汁 好好味, 雞肉串比較香軟可口; 豬肉串較un.(2) 炸虾餅 2 片~ 好熱好爽口.(3) 用竹葉包住 成三子 的 炸雞肉~ 樣子幾得意, 味道跟雞肉串燒差不多.再試試 上層的 四款甜點1) 甜番薯~ 吾夠林, 好 甜. 口感怪怪 的, 這個麻麻, 只 吃了 一口.(2) 竹葉椰汁西米糕~ 吾香滑, 沒有椰汁味, 有d 失望!(3) 椰汁西米柸~香滑好味道!(4) 紫米柸~香滑好味道! 紫米可以林d更加好!總括而言: 二人下午茶餐 $68 ($75, 加一後) 幾抵食! 食物味道ok、餐廳環境、氣氛都ok! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)