Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
冬陰公湯 咖哩大頭蝦 咖哩炒蟹 招牌蒜蓉包
Review (23)
本人用$588於GROUPON買左7位價值$84/位的 泰娘子 2 小時泰式燒烤放題,並於一星期前打去定位,但電話一直沒有人聽,於是我發信息說明人數及日期,一天後的零晨12點幾泰娘子回覆山林道因已經滿座,於是要求我去尖沙咀厚福街9號的分店(巴堤雅泰國餐廳),我一心諗住同家人慶祝生日,所以答應了,點知惡夢開始了我們一行7人準時去到巴堤雅泰國餐廳,ORDER了想食的主餐另加一些燒烤放題,等了20分鐘主餐的飯到了,但味道一般,而跟餐送的生蠔或生蝦,他說由於生蠔不新鮮所以建議要晒生蝦,這一點我們都接受,但都任食BBQ,本人及家人十分反感,我們ORDER左BBQ食物30分鐘(包括蒜蓉包)一直未到,我追單多次後終於送到,但BBQ所有串燒是生的,要自己燒(但團購時說明是皆由專業的泰國廚師班底精心燒製),而佢提供的爐十分之慢,我們燒了20分鐘魚旦及香腸易熟的食品才熟,點知一放到口發現燒左咁耐的食物原來是已經變左"叔"味,我立即投訴食物有問題,叫佢地自己臭一下,佢只說換過給我們,我已經火火地,我問佢你個爐咁慢換比我又燒30分鐘我幾點可以走呢????於是他說燒熟才給我們,結果我們一追再追下,終於30分鐘後佢將ORDER的一半食物數量送上,由於家人已經等到好火,而且食物味道都差,所以食左兩串就叫佢上甜品諗住走,點知嗰位自稱經理的女子(全店只有3位工作人員)說沒有甜品提供,由於已經搞到家人好唔開心,所以不想再嘈,結果給了$140服務費就走了.我總共比左$728,但結果又受氣,食物又差又貨不對辦,本身我都唔想激氣再提起,但驚見團購又再出現"$84/位的 泰娘子 2 小時泰式燒烤放題",所以決定說出,提醒各位 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-03-15
I have purchased a deal on groupon and thought it was a great deal. All you can eat skewers, main dish, two free drinks, and a papaya salad. The taste was alright, not totally great. The skewers were warm and took a long time to serve. I was also disappointed that there were also a service charge on top of the 10% service charge. I didn't read the fine prints carefully and there's actually a $18 charge per person for the skewers lady's service charge. The curry is ok (soft shell crab) but the chicken tend to be quite dry. We were seated at the very left side with very minimal lighting. Not quite comfortable.This time I learned that the next I purchase a groupon deal, I'll make sure I read all the fine prints. We end up paying $150 per person. We could have order separately from a good restaurant and enjoy every dish of the food. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-02-14
這次團購又失望, 每人$88另收$20服務費任食燒烤,有些燒烤要另加錢每人可選一款主菜而我選了海南雞,雞肉都有雞味油飯都ok, 朋友選咖哩大蝦麻麻d汁太甜, 送的生蝦很細隻, 最難頂糸D串燒是暖的, 特別系D墨魚丸和牛丸好難食有陣味,粟米好乾又糸暖的落單又成日攪錯我無點的又送來,點的又漏單真的 沒有下次,試一次都好慘好在侍應服務都算OK continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-02-02
今日同同事去食LUNCH去左呢間野食,個環境都幾泰國下唔錯呀,叫左個X椒膏炒河,有個類似跟海南雞飯既湯送,飲落好重胡椒味,正.個河粉食落去幾SPICY,雖然咩肉,但係個味MIX出來幾好,好惹味,標野飲係落神花茶無咩味,唔足料呢杯野食呢間野係要多D時間先好去,因為出菜好慢-.- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2012-01-18
因為團購的關係,所以叫埋d朋友去試下呢間野,之前其實都聽過團購問題多多,點知試完真係訂左5位,6:30 pm,我們有3個到左,果陣6:30 pm,但冇得入,因為未夠8成人數,呢個時候餐廳得2張檯有客坐,算啦,因為優惠券寫明,夠數,入去坐低叫野食,諗住叫串燒,點知小姐話黎左主菜先可以order串燒(呢個優惠券冇寫明),主菜係一碟咖哩咩咩飯之類的飯,5個人,每人一碟,終於可以order串燒,燒左十幾分鐘,先黎粟米,一條凍的燒粟米,之後黎埋d魚旦、牛丸、獅子狗…好食到呢…朋友叫侍應取消所有串燒order,大家舉手舉腳讚成,仲即刻提議轉場再食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)