8-min walk from Exit A, Wong Tai Sin MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
18:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (58)
Level3 2019-02-01
昨天因為工作嘅關係去咗黃大仙做嘢,咁到中午嘅時候冇乜胃口但係又要食午飯,咪諗住搵間泰國菜食少少辣野開胃啲,點知比我搵到呢間泰國菜,一望到餐廳嘅裝修真係好有泰國feel,仲可以唔坐室內坐門口都可以,咁我咪嗱嗱臨坐低攞個餐牌叫過泰式湯河粉食囉加個木瓜絲沙律,仲帶咗個椰青添,點知有驚喜個河粉合格,個木瓜絲沙律超級好味,因為佢可以因應你嘅要求加辣或者唔辣,我本人超級喜歡食辣,所以叫咗個加辣超級好味,椰青都幾新鮮,買單都係$80蚊本人就覺得超級抵食喇!如果喜歡食辣嘅大家去試吓啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-05-12
今日見係母親節 突登book左8點食餐泰國菜同媽咪慶祝 點知食到成肚氣😡😡😡😡😡我地4個人7:58pm 已經到左 佢話有位要等等 等左成15分鐘都冇人帶位 然後我地再問左幾次 先話我地個位係2樓😦然後上到去得一張8人大圓枱🤷🏻‍♀️我地明明book 左位然後再準時到 最後等左十幾廿分鐘 你俾張8人大枱我? 仲要屈我話我遲到所以冇左張枱 我完全接受唔到 我地同經理講話要番4人枱 擾攘一大輪 8:30pm先坐低叫野食 心諗野食好食就算 唔再嘈難得出黎食飯 點知落完單 30分鐘內都冇野食 係水都冇杯 然後仲要黎錯左2次唔係我地叫既野🌚追左都起碼3次單 重覆講左order 5, 6次 幾經辛苦 9:00pm 終於有野飲 9:15pm d餸先陸續送到 最後食到成10點先食完🌚同場起碼有3至4張枱都係同樣情況 食到火都黎總括黎講 野食唔難食 但真心成個樓面service 都好差 係十分之差 食到每一枱都嬲 每一枱都漏單既餐廳 我都係第一次見 一定一定唔會再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-05-12
今餐二大二小,ㄧ家人去食。由於時間比較早(6點3到),在無預訂情况下都無需特別等位。今次安排坐地下舖,雖然地方不大,甚至有少許逼,但環境還可接受。(因為有張國榮歌曲相伴,坐位還可以, 只是檯與檯出入口位置較逼。) 今次叫了二人套餐(有咖哩蝦,冬陰功,朱脛肉,泰式抄河),加了泰式抄飯,串燒,改特飲,再加包包。份量識中,賣相不錯,整體食味指數有90分。 但8點後朋友,要預訂留位,因離開時有不少人都要在門外等位。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-03-12
We went here after a long hike in the area and was really excited to fill our bellies. Openrice reviews made it seem quite promising.We sat outside when it opened for dinner and had to throughout the night struggle to get attention of the waiters. Even the bell was not very helpful.We ordered dried stir fried noodle, pad Thai, green curry, and pork neck fried rice. Long story short, I've had better. The pork neck was almost non-existent in the rice, and it was a bit too oily. The pad Thai lacked flavor and was too sweet. The stir fried noodles was good but the chicken in it tasted off (I know from firsthand from food poisoning from chicken). The only thing that was actually good was the green curry. And it was left on the table for a good 10 mins before I had to go in to fetch plates myself.We also ordered my favorite Thai dessert- the coconut sago pudding in pandan leaf. It took ages to come and it was apparent why when it came. The pieces were all in different lumpy squares and the center was super cold and you can tell the sago had been in the fridge for a while or even frozen.Overall it was a terrible experience. Although the price was quite friendly, I would not go back. I really don't know why it was so popular and busy! I guess it was for a lack of better options in the area. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-03-12
今日去左黃大仙一間泰國餐廳Thaiwestern我一坐低就叫左杯熱檸檬蜜糖,用了真正檸檬加濃厚蜜糖!真的又暖又甜~燒豬頸肉咬落香脆可口,夠肉汁唔會燒得太乾海南雞朋友都讚好味,覺得味道入味,泰菜中屬清清地口味,食到停唔到口tim!推薦!燒雞全翼隻隻翼都大大隻啊,食的得十分美味泰式拼盤(蝦餅,魚餅,春卷,香葉炸雞)中意食炸野嘅人尼碟唔好放過了,有我最愛的春卷泰式生菜包(豬肉或雞肉)味道唔太咸,因出面食開嘅生菜包都偏咸,另肉碎份量都好足瀨尿蝦醬炒通菜味道出眾,瀨尿蝦醬都是第一次食菠蘿海鮮炒飯,用原隻菠蘿上,內容豐富的泰式炒飯,入面有蝦,腰果,肉鬆,無左平時齋食提子乾覺得好甜嘅感覺,口味中和返👍價錢係$298 成人一位,12歲以下小童$168一位。有得玩有得食,仲可以唱k。今晚同朋友玩到12點關門先走,好滿足!會推介呢間餐廳比朋友 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)