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Review (7)
Level4 2024-06-17
The Archivist has a new menu with more items matching its Marvel theme. Mischief(obvious reference to Loki) was quite refreshing with its citric flavors though quite strong with boht whiskey and sambuca in it.For mains, I tried their burgers and despite it is a bit more pricey($10) than the one I tried recently inside Disneyland, I think it is worth the price. The bread is not dry and the beef patty, though not up to juicy, definitely is much better. It seems small but actually the patty is much thicker.However, I was most impressed by the chicken. I half expected the chicken to be slightly dry but it was quite tender and moist and the other fillings such as pineapples gave it a great flavor.For desserts, they did quite a good job though I would prefer the Asgardian Cheat Day(I tried it prevoiusly though they named it Chocolate Combination in the past). They have popping candy inside the marshmallow which was fun to have. However, despite the use of the passionfruit flavor, its tartness was still not enough to offset the sweetness of the dessert making it too sweet for my taste. I think this is a great spot for a late lunch/early dinner even if you are inside Disneyland. You can have a rest at this comfortable place and have a meal while waiting for the night performances at the park.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
和女朋友慶祝生日,全日喺迪士尼玩,夜晚就去試呢一間Marvel主題餐廳,因為我哋都係Marvel嘅fans,不過講真一啲以主題為賣點嘅餐廳,一般都係gimmick為主,嘢食質素其實就冇抱太大期望,但係食完呢一間之後,發覺佢真係完全超乎想像地好食,真係有出面最勁嘅酒店大廚質素,份量亦都比想像中多,佢呢個價錢真係抵到不得了,性價比非常高,我而家都不斷向身邊嘅朋友推介!揸電車嘅朋友亦都好Friendly,因為門口停車場亦都有免費充電樁,不過留意佢喺荷里活酒店,三間酒店嚟講佢係同迪士尼最遠,迪士尼同佢有接駁巴士,所以預返時間。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-21
上年10月尾同家人和小朋友入廸士尼,係最後一個月入廸士尼因為不再續約年卡有點可惜。我哋去咗酒店食少少野先入樂園。叫咗個兒童餐比小朋友,條香腸好靚,有好多醬,甜甜鹹鹹好滋味,生果切得好可愛,個餐仲包咗果汁,要咗橙汁,好酸啊⋯⋯。雖然係假期,但用餐嘅客少,都係得三枱遊客。對面嗰間自助餐生意好好多。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-16
假期到Disney's Hollywood Hotel兩日一夜,到Marvel主題餐廳食下午茶,一入餐廳覺得好特別🤗有3張枱全是和Marvel電影🎬有關物品,雖然我唔係Marvel但都好開心🫣 ~伽瑪射線 🔺賣相麻麻,有些失望🥹 ~箭術高手 🔺加咗魔法水變成紫色,搞動後有波紋好靚😍 ~朱古力聯盟 🔺辣朱古力心太軟🤣特別😀 ~美國隊長青檸撻 🔺是日最好味之首,檸檬味好香🤩 ~漫威英雄香煎帶子 🔺不過不失😝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-31
今日我哋去咗Hollywood Hotel新開嘅餐廳-留映廳食下午茶。餐廳以Marvel為主題,所有裝修同食物、飲品都好有特色。一家人可以舒舒服服咁嘆下,休息下真係唔錯嘅選擇。特別係男仔,一定喜歡marvel 內的角色,又有型格又係Hero🤭不過餐廳主要係兒童餐同小食為主,主食就無了,全部係特色小食,但味道唔錯,賣相仲好吸引。我哋點了三個兒童餐: 每份$168 👶🏻兒童套餐🌟西式小杯湯 粟米湯用杯裝,入邊仲有粟米粒好啱小朋友飲。沙律 🐔 烤雞蘋果🍎 雞同蘋果都切到細細粒,都幾開胃。 🌟繽紛通粉火腿雞蛋沙律 細細粒嘅通粉好啱,又唔會太淋,份量剛剛好。 🌟田園沙律 呢個就比較普通剩係得沙律菜,小朋友未必鍾意。主食🍔迷你牛肉漢堡配炸薯條 🍟漢堡包細細個好可愛,炸薯條又啱晒小朋友口味。🌭美式炸熱狗配薯片雖然薯片有啲熱氣,但係份量唔多。炸熱狗好受歡迎,我同細佬都好鍾意。🌮墨西哥雞肉餡餅呢個都好好食,因為有芝士又有雞肉。甜品 🌟水果串🍓🍈🍉 (有西瓜、蜜瓜、哈密瓜、士多啤梨。) 🌟西班牙肉桂條 肉桂條又甜香脆🌟精選蛋糕 色彩繽紛嘅蛋聽糕,好切合迪士尼主題。🌟飲品 發光的雷雷擊 -酸酸甜甜的檸檬、橙、蜜糖👍可轉為無酒精飲品給小朋友🫶🏻🌟朱古力聯盟 朱古力布朗尼•朱古力忌廉•辣朱古力心太軟超級特別,第一次食辣的甜品 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)