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Review (23)
Level2 2024-09-03
海螺 - 這種海鮮以其獨特的外形和鮮美的口感而受到喜愛。外殼蜿蜒,色彩斑斕,仿佛大海的藝術品。當你輕輕打開外殼,裡面的肉質如珍珠般光滑,散發著海水的清新氣息。海螺的肉質鮮嫩,口感彈牙,無論是清蒸、燒烤還是做成海鮮沙拉,都能展現出它的獨特風味。這種烹飪海螺吸收了調味料的精華,帶來了豐富的層次感。搭配蒜蓉、檸檬汁或香菜,讓每一口都充滿驚喜。海螺不僅美味,還富含蛋白質和微量元素,是一道健康的選擇。每一次品味,都彷彿在享受大海的饋贈。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-04-11
有一日做完job~有cocktail party,客人好好留底我地食埋野先走~但酒店梨講呢到食物真無唔多掂,拎左一碟都唔想再出去拎🙈因爲我都算好胃食下,但連我都唔想食🤦🏽‍♀️蝦餃皮超級厚,有餅底既物體都硬而不脆⋯⋯⋯d菇係無味既⋯⋯⋯食左好多粒野⋯我都唔知自己食左d咩⋯⋯🤣最好食⋯⋯應該係d生果🤣唯一可以讚就係,侍應服務態度~同埋環境啦~但始終係酒店,呢d都做唔努就大獲啦🤣如果要搞cocktail party ,真係唔見意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-12-25
-25號聖誕節,我哋揀咗呢間高水準嘅酒店食自助餐,果然冇令我哋失望。 聖誕節當然係同聖誕有關嘅中菜做主題。 燒火雞、牛仔骨、不同種類嘅甜品,應有盡有。 如果食生嘢嘅,魚生、吞拿魚等等, 都係好新鮮好肥美。 呢個自助餐 - 名副其實係食盡全球嘅美食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-12-04
幾年前食過The Mira Hong Kong - Yamm嘅buffet,覺得好出色!今晚參加咗一個地點同樣係The Mira Hong Kong,不過喺18/F ballroom搞嘅Design Award Dinner🏆。·場地set得幾靚,台、燈、聲都安排得宜。有展覽區可以參觀下、有頒獎典禮(恭喜所有得獎者👏🏻)、有表演睇、有拍賣環節、有中菜食🥢。·野食整體嚟講都唔錯,有常見嘅酒席菜式,例如乳豬、石斑、炸子雞、鮑魚等,而最尾嘅甜品都幾出色,完美總結!😛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-19
Coming here for an event earlier, we were served with a 3-course lunch. Before our meal started, we were served with a bread basket and I have chosen the sesame bread roll which was nice and warm with a great crunch to it. Cauliflower soupThough the colour is very white in colour, it is not too creamy which I prefer. The taste from the cauliflower is rather comforting yet not heavy nor too thick. It is my favourite course among the three, just stay with me and you will know why. SeabassIt's very disappointing to see a sad piece of seabass with a unpleasant fishy taste, swimming in a pool of light kind of tomato soup, and the skin of the seabass is not crunchy at all. The whole thing is just so wrong. The fish is overcooked with a hard texture. The only think I ate from this dish would be the  side veggies and the young potatoes which are still edible with a good softened texture. The dessert is a red bean green tea cheese cake, it was super dense and heavy, a bit too sweetened. A heavy cake like that should not have such a big serving size, I am wondering if the hotel knows that their main course is not good enough, hence giving us a bigger piece of cake to compensate? Over, it's just an okay meal, it would have been much better if they use a different kind of main dish. The service is still quick and thoughtful though so I am just going to give an "OK" for this meal.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)