3-min walk from Exit A, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Tue
11:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 12:00
Thu - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (59)
Level3 2022-08-07
今日去左朋友屋企聚會 夜晚叫左韓國菜外賣係美食平台 叫外賣 但舖頭名係啊一家 我哋4個人食但叫左5款食物😆 最後係食唔晒因為每款既份量都好多🇰🇷蜂蜜蒜蓉無骨炸雞 無骨真係岩哂懶人食 啖啖肉😋 個醬都好濃厚好夠味🇰🇷韓國泡菜煎餅 入面有啲海鮮 好大份 不過有少少燶左 但唔影響味道🇰🇷炸魷魚鬚拼辣年糕湯 炸魷魚鬚好大舊 炸得好香脆 要剪開先食到 辣年糕湯 有年糕有炸魚餅 少少辣🇰🇷炒粉絲 好大份 不過味道偏淡🇰🇷海鮮豆腐湯 好好飲 少少辣 有幾舊滑豆腐 有少量海鮮 另外再配有飯同小菜另外再加左配菜 有泡菜(唔係好岩我哋口味)同醃魷魚(偏咸)整體係好抵食 份量多 味道唔錯👍🏼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
⭐️第一家⭐️📍:西灣河太康街1號麗灣大廈地下L號舖⏰:11:00am-12:00am同男朋友出咗去灣仔有啲嘢做 但係又臨急臨忙要去做其他嘢 又想食韓國菜😍於是上foodxxxxx睇吓附近有啲咩外賣自取食 就見到呢間買滿$120有八折嘅外賣炸雞🤣即刻落單買返屋企食!呢度係即叫即整 通常落單大約20分鐘左右可以攞到 外賣好貼心 會用錫紙包住外賣炸雞 有保溫嘅作用 拎返屋企仲係暖暖地🤣🐥無骨蜂蜜蒜蓉炸雞滿滿的蜂蜜蒜蓉醬 一拎到上手香噴噴 蜂蜜汁塗滿每一件雞塊 外皮唔脆 不過好香 裏面既雞肉雪白嫩滑 食落口啖啖肉 真係食唔停口🤣🥬泡菜餅食韓國餐最鍾意食泡菜餅😍泡菜好爽口 辣辣地嘅口感一流 佢哋呢款比較厚身 同埋一塊真係兩個人食都食唔晒😂都比較脆身 口感一流!🥬泡菜泡菜配炸雞食真係好唔錯 凍凍地爽口!🍟炸薯條拼盤男朋友鍾意食炸薯條 咁一定要叫呢個拼盤😂返到屋企仲係暖暖地 唔會淋晒 一盒份量好多 再配埋茄汁!非常惹味香口! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近天氣咁熱都唔想出去買嘢食屋企人又唔想煮所以就決定外賣🥡韓國嘢媽咪不嬲都好鐘意而我自己就好鍾意蜂蜜蒜香炸雞🍗蒜蓉同蜂蜜嘅搭配真係一流蒜香味超級濃郁,而且唔會炸過晒龍韓式炒牛肉,甜甜地牛肉味好濃 好重泡菜味道加上白飯 更加一流芝士辣雞炒年糕滿滿嘅芝士鋪喺面食前熱一熱 令到佢溶化入去再攪拌一齊食 真係好味又邪惡真係一定要熱辣辣嘅時候食晒如果唔係啲芝士凍咗唔好味😋真係即整而且送餐速度唔會好慢每樣嘅份量都十足 食完好滿足! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-06-28
就算去唔到韓國都可以食到地道嘅美食第一家 The Best House可以外賣送到你屋企家人朋友都可以享受韓國美食炸醬麵套餐跟配菜唔係隨隨便便一碗炸醬面上面仲有特製嘅醬汁令到味道更加昇華 麵條軟硬適中而且唔會好鹹,調味正好食炸雞之前叫咗個小菜涼拌辣魷魚食到魷魚嘅鮮味 喺開胃嘅前菜唔會好辣蜂蜜蒜香炸雞蜜糖醬汁超級多 炸雞依然脆卜卜分量仲有大,小 同朋友分享就最啱啦真係送到黎都熱辣辣同埋我覺得唔會太甜叫咗個全份有骨真係十足份量 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-06-27
Just when we thought this might the Korean take out that we would love, it turns out that the fry chicken is as boring as KFC. Korean fry chicken is double fried, and what we had was a joke. And then the kimchi pancakes and kimchi’s soup are just a insult, the pancake is far far and very far from the Korean vision. And the soup, why don’t we just buy some kimchi powder and cook by ourselves!Overall, don’t spend money for something that you thought it might be the one… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)