Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
15:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Cash
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (3)
Level3 2021-06-05
上個weekend去咗南丫島,熱到傻咗即刻要搵間餐廳坐低食嘢,呢到食物同員工同英國style,但有海景(雖然有好多垃圾,但都係chill嘅)。Large English breakfast ~$100強烈建議大家唔係太餓千祈唔好叫large breakfast🥲叫個細嘅就得啦,雖然價錢差唔多,但係食物嘅份量幾乎兩倍,所長同友人好辛苦先食先食晒大部份😹個cooking style同之前喺英國食嘅好似呀,又有black pudding,完全係真英式早餐!佢應該完全係用咗整條腸嘅油去煎蛋,隻蛋油得嚟好好味😍Fish and chips ~$110又係真英國味,個炸粉同個薯仔同喺英國食嗰啲一樣㗎,香港都算好㗎喇,去唔到旅行都唔難搵到其他國家嘅菜,食住先頂住先啦🥲HP cider/beer ~$40 友人點嘅cider超級唔啱我哋口味,一飲直頭嚇一嚇。建議大家有心理準備先好叫,否則叫返啤酒就好了😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-07-21
I love blue goose, nice harbour view, friendly staff and best of all, really great food! This burger meal was massive and could have been eaten by two people. The onion rings on top of the burger were really cool and a nice touch, have never had that before. The burger patty itself was huge and a feast and a half. To have it with bacon as well, my goodness it really topped off the burger. Almost ready for a heart attack. People are friendly at the bar/restaurant, and the harbourview is what really tops it all off because it just adds to a nice and chill vibe. Get the small little private dining area that puts you out by yourself and almost on the water. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-05-30
Great food!!!Nice view!!!Relax place !!!Excellent service!!!Classic Bacon and cheese Burger (medium) $100Chicken wings & $70Two drinks $40Chicken wings Super crispy and deliciousBacon cheese burger cooked medium is very juicy and deliciousThanks for waitress remind us the dish size is huge!Not order too much food continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)