2-min walk from Exit C1, Olympic MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 17:30
Sat - Sun
09:30 - 18:00
Public Holiday
09:30 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (44)
Level4 2021-05-02
今日出開朗豪坊附近又想揾間靜靜地既咖啡店坐下於是簡左大角咀區揾食上網見到依間小店啱我要求就黎試一試佢二點左右黎到,只得一枱客果然夠寧靜,正餐牌上只有輕食我就簡左貝果同Latte貝果有大量火箭草,蛋及煙肉口感豐富的,只是貝果不夠熱煙煙韌韌咁,一般反而Latte有水準,咖啡是偏nutty不太苦,好啱我口味鐘意咖啡既朋友一定收貨總括黎講咖啡有水準,想hea下嘆杯啡既依度係一個好選擇以上食評只反映本人立場,如有雷同,實屬不幸 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-02-09
其實呢到位置對區外人士的確有點偏遠,我係因為去隔離拎bagel,所以黎飯杯啡食個bagel~作為一個煙韌貝果控,好鐘意食new york style的bagel呢到的bagel係由隔幾個鋪位的Blendit供應,有時喺嗰邊買完bagel,喺呢到飲啡都會有折,詳情可以問返店員。店員輕輕焗一焗翻熱bagel,非常好咬!可以自己揀想要咩口味的bagel,對我黎講,只要個貝果好食,咩餡都唔太重要,哈哈。當然,bagel with smoked salmon係個點都唔會錯的組合。夾住的煙三文魚唔算多,覺得可以多返少少。Shakerato呢啲speciality coffee唔係間間cafe做做,呢到可以揀cucumber syrup,成杯野好清新,唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-12-24
If I have a day off this is my go to morning coffee and of course the salmon bagel! It is possibly the best salmon bagel I’ve had in HK, whether on plain or blueberry (or a bit of both if you split it with a friend) Never get tired of stopping here for a quick coffee or sitting down to read a book as the world passes by! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
要講鬧市得嚟又唔多人,非大角咀莫屬。近年愈來愈多新餐廳進駐,為舊區注活力,今次先介紹 The brew job coffee。揀呢間舖主要係因為見到有Bagel,因為香港有Bagel嘅地方唔多呀!Avocado & Egg賣相有驚喜, 因為估佢唔到係煎蛋呀!呢個Bagel有牛油果蓉、雞蛋、火箭菜同cream cheese。Bagel只有原味揀,偏煙韌。當蛋黃流到牛油果蓉上面,加埋Bengal都算係唔錯!Smoked Salmon Supreme有挪威煙三文魚、酸豆、紅蔥頭、火箭菜同cream cheese,同樣原味嘅Bagel,呢個就係穩陣之選,因為呢幾款食材加埋,只要夠新鮮都會好食!Dirty(前)、Latte(後)兩款都叫咗Combo set $98,所以可以揀$38飲品。前者就係將espresso倒入凍鮮奶裡面,上層係深啡嘅咖啡,下層係白色鮮奶,中間有個漸層。先飲到熱的espresso,再飲到凍的牛奶,一杯飲到兩個唔同口感;後者就奶味比較順滑,好易入口。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-11-01
只可以講 那天我瘋了(果日我發神經)飢餓感逼瘋了三小時去了3家cafe 呢間係其中一間我如常甘叫左杯black Tea + bagel 今日係bagel with cream cheese如果你鐘意cream cheese 你絕對會感大滿足 black tea 反而係港式茶膽既味道 我個人覺得可以 因為飲完無澀味道 鋪頭坐位唔算多但係都人來人往裝修比較複古xfactory風格感覺都好relax 另外仲有bagel sandwich 🥪 供應有興趣不防去試吓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)