This local coffee chain is in the same group with caffè HABITŪ since 2012. It uses homemade roasted coffee beans to serve specialty coffee and hot Western-style dishes. You may enjoy casual dining here. continue reading
Opening Hours
09:00 - 18:00
Tue - Fri
09:00 - 11:00
12:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 19:00
08:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (39)
Level1 2024-03-05
由於西貢人,經常去飲咖啡食埋餐.因為有本人至愛的巴拿馬咖啡👍🏻👍🏻.小店員工服務態度好,細心做好每一個餐😋好好食環境舒適.由於有最低消費🤭減少了好多好吵的人👏👏👏令食客可以好好享受👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-28
入開嚟西貢,梗係要嘆個靚嘅早午餐啦尤其是特別鍾意飲咖啡嘅我西貢市場街呢一間其實已經開咗幾年,之前飲過佢嘅咖啡已經覺得好出色,今日坐低食埋個午餐仲未食早餐嘅,我到午餐時間我都要叫份特色早餐先😂😂The Academics Breakfast學研特色早餐🍳(基本上全日早餐嘅材料都有齊滿足到我成個上下午😚😚)我最鍾意佢嘅配菜沙律菜都非常之新鮮當然唔少得一杯flat white嘅咖啡啦😍😍佢啲咖啡豆好特別,香氣濃郁,好飲就算自己一個嚟都感覺非常之舒適 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-03
Sai Kung gets more and more international each time I revisit it. It was a little surprise to come across this coffeehouse, cos I used to think its branches located in the city centre. Absolutely artsy shopfront with coffee bean graffiti, and an eye-catchy tagline! Surely will make your day! I had this coffee+ cookie set. The hot cup of manuka honey latte was fantastic, came with polished latte art and a drizzle of honey. The staff was kind to offer me a less-sweet option. Today they had three cookies available, I picked the seasonal special: earl grey sea salt chocolate cookie. This is incredibly good and decadent. I warn you: it’s full of melty chocolate chucks and edible pieces of earl grey tea leaves. Rich and flavoursome. The best part is the crispy flakes of sea salt! Simply amazing! Time to indulge yourself. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
首次幫襯,第一印象係啲嘢食有啲貴,不過食物質素都幾高。3個人點咗全日早餐、忌廉野菌野菜花飯、朱古力撻(是日甜品)、latte、精品咖啡+抹茶鮮奶。全日早餐🍽️:食物有特色,亦非常豐富,panini上面有香草醬,好味忌廉野菌野菜花飯:味道香濃,椰菜花飯🍚好幼細,雞脾菇🍄亦好味朱古力蛋糕🍫🍰:可可味濃,質感好好latte ☕:一般,送到嚟時基本上已混合曬精品咖啡:有notes說明咖啡豆的風味,但感覺冇乜特別抹茶鮮奶:朋友話好飲,賣相幾靚食完呢餐,有機會會再嚟,因為念念不忘忌廉野菌野菜花飯😋;至於咖啡,我諗呢度係出名,但不至於會衝著咖啡而再光顧 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-17
與朋友到The Coffee Academics  食午餐,位於西貢市場街55號地舖至1樓。 之前都有去過幾間分店, 最喜歡這裏的咖啡☕, 今次到西貢分店,下午茶🍽️ ~ 水煮蛋牛油果多士$118、加雞胸$25、 太陽蛋煙肉奶油班戟$128、 蟹肉野菜餅$45、 炒野菌$38、Flat White $6、 Cappuccino $6。 ▫️水煮蛋牛油果多士加雞胸 ~ 豐富的牛油果蓉, 配上清新的沙律菜和健康的水煮蛋,另加$25,有幾件嫩滑的雞胸肉, 但多士口感偏硬。 ▫️太陽蛋煙肉奶油班戟 ~ 邪惡又美味的菜式, 估唔到煙肉和班戟的味道可以夾, 配上太陽蛋味道更豐富。 ▫️蟹肉野菜餅 ~ 炸蟹肉餅有滿滿的蟹肉絲, 令配沙律菜去膩。▫️炒野菌 ~ 野菌炒得比較肥膩。 ▫️Flat White ~ 咖啡味香濃,奶泡綿密。 ▫️Cappuccino ~ 味道比較濃厚而细腻。 整體質素不錯, 咖啡有質素。 🏷️溫馨提示~ 整個用餐體驗均屬個人分享意見, 只作參考😊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)