2-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (15)
This local coffee chain is in the same group with caffè HABITŪ since 2012. It uses homemade roasted coffee beans to serve specialty coffee and hot Western-style dishes. You may enjoy casual dining here. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (107)
今晚OT完,獨個兒外出走走,想揾餐靚餐廳嘆杯latte去慰勞自己一下...食個簡單又滿足嘅一人晚餐。選擇咗去光尖沙咀 K11 musea 睇睇,經過一番挑選後,最後入咗呢間喺3樓 THE COFFEE ACADEMÏCS。。。原因係先畀佢哋嘅餐廳環境吸引咗,個感覺好Relaxing, 睇睇個menu,仲有dinner set, 絕對符合一個人晚餐budget!🤩☺️Dinner set 包括咗:沙律 + 主菜 + Coffee主菜最後我揀咗;Baked Halibut Fillet with Lemon Garlic Aioli烤焗檸檬香蒜比目魚扒 +$30🐟🐟比目魚嘅營養價值勁高,有豐富嘅Omega-3,佢裡面含嘅不飽和脂肪酸易被人體吸收,仲有助降低血中膽固醇,增強體質,所以本人勁鍾意食!呢碟比目魚一上枱賣相就已經唔錯,有兩件大大件,肉質細嫩又潔白,肥美肉嫩,一條骨都無,啖啖啖肉,裡有好似加咗檸檬汁蛋黃醬嘅sauce, 更吊出魚香味,另伴碟嘅配菜全部都好食!CP 值高也!!!!而沙律都係正常發揮🥗🥗。另佢地個dinner set menu仲有‘炒椰菜花飯...絕對啱曬我地呢d低碳低醣飲食嘅女仕!😻😻餐飲我就叫咗我至愛的;Matcha Soy Latte 宇治豆奶抹茶🍵🍵宇治抹茶又稱係京都抹茶,勁濃嘅抹茶粉加上豆奶係一個絕配!!!本人對宇治抹茶都有少少研究。。。佢地嘅兒茶素含量高,兒茶素係一種天然的抗氧化,抗發炎嘅,有助於對抗自由基,預防細胞損傷,幫助增強免疫系統,所以抹茶絕對係豐富的抗氧化劑,各位一定要飲多d....總括而言,估唔到呢晚亂打亂撞就揾到間咁舒服嘅Coffee Cafe, 杯Latte 香濃之餘,食物質素都高,會列入飯堂list 中!🤩🥳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-18
今日到k11吃午飯。午餐時段的客人唔係好多,感覺安靜舒適。牛油果烚旦多士這烚旦是水波旦,沒有調味,多士烘得脆,就是簡單的配上牛油果蓉,口感香滑綿密,幾清新creamy.Matcha這抹茶是無糖的,帶少少抹茶的甘味,拼上燕麥奶,口感順滑,味道平平。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Cafe位於K11 MUSEA 3樓嘅角落頭,有啲似open-spaced cafe,位置好闊落,坐得好舒服,暗色系嘅裝修配上明亮嘅燈,想就咁同friend傾偈又得,坐低做吓嘢都得👍🏻Pasta Perfect👀好多款意粉🍝$78,真心良心cafe價格,個人覺得係fusion pasta👀材料嘅配搭好特別✨檸檬香草雞意粉 $78香氣撲鼻嘅檸檬🍋香草🌿,大量雞肉同煙肉作烘托,味道唔錯,意粉濕度啱啱好,個人覺得比一般Cafe大份😋真心抵食✨Soup (+$28)豐富健康嘅雜菜湯✨蟹肉野菜餅 (+$28)兩嚿炸得香脆嘅crab cake😋啖啖飽滿嘅蟹肉,個人覺得性價比好高✨宇治豆奶抹茶 🍵 $48想飲翻最original嘅味,所以叫咗無糖😋果然冇令我失望,抹茶味非常香濃,好啱我呢啲鍾意抹茶濃到帶少少🤏🏻苦但同時好甘甜嘅感覺嘅人,相比牛奶,豆奶令整體口感更黏稠濃郁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-15
What a surprisingly nice and worth-trying restaurant in K11 which offers good food😍 I enjoy the dinner so much !!! We ate for 1.5 hrs… so jeng 😍 . Worth to give it a try. 👍🏻 The only environment and food are so beautifully decorated. Very suitable for catching up.This spaghetti 🍝 is so yummy. 😋 love it so much ~ the shrimp 🍤 is fresh ❤️must order dishFor the drink !! We ordered non-coffee drink ! The green tea 🍵 latte is so nice 👍🏻 I like the taste will not be so sweet We also ordered chocolate 🍫 drink ! The taste of chocolate is strong 💪🏼 For dessert, we hv yogurt 🍦 so healthy continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-11
初時以為只有 coffee 出色,原來食物都好得,4樣食物中,3樣好好味,大讚👍🏻我最鐘意檸檬香草雞 意粉入口 濃烈檸檬香草味,唔會只只普通 酸酸地味,完全有 fresh herbs 味,成條 herbs 也可食😋朋友最鐘意青醬大蝦薄餅藍羽衣 香脆可口,一d都冇蔬菜味😆,大蝦肉質 okay 唔錯,唔會梅,蒜片又香口,青醬味唔會大濃,整體味道配搭 唔錯。粟米芝士 意粉見到意粉好掛汁,都心心眼,入口重粟米味,整體味道 香濃。大家都鐘意蟹肉野菜餅(加配)入口蟹肉味濃,好多蟹肉絲,足料,冇乜野菜味,整體上好鮮味本來諗住會 order cakes,但已經 飽飽了,唯有下次再食啦😉平日 8pm 不太多人,氣氛 幾 chill,環境舒適,座位舒服。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)