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Review (1)
The Flight Deck is located right next to (and apparently part of) Bite&Bite with Line Friends Though two separate restaurants, seems the staff work at both. *This is the first post for The Flight Deck, though older posts can be found at the B&B with Line Friends page.  At B&B, there's a clear cut queue to get a table; not so for FD.  After standing, waiting, for a few minutes, i was directed to find any spot.  It was the beginning of lunch time, and most of the tables had empty seats - but the plates from the previous diners hadn't been cleared.Ordering was also a challenge - clearly the place is understaffed. The order was eventually taken for a burger with additional mushrooms.The food was delivered within 15 minutes - fair enough  considering the staff seemed to be serving both outlets.  But, for the price, quite a disappointment: the bun was dry; the meat was dry too;  the  fries were average in taste and texture.The gimmick is in the seating, but that's about it.  I should've taken my business to BK and paid less than half the price for a guaranteed better burger.But, though understaffed, the staff were patient and did their jobs as best as they could! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)