It is the best dining place i'll remember forever.I tried all types of bagal-wiches, all different fillings and different bagals. I love the blueberry and cinammon raison bagal with light cream cheese or smoked roasted chicken. This only costs $13-14!! Where can you find it??? I love the muffins, after 6pm, there will be buy1get1free.I love the banana nut muffin. The wholewheat one is very healthy, with lots of wheat. =DThe blueberry one is filled with so many blueberries!!!The mixed-berry is lovely as well!!They've got different tastes for different days, feeling so home-made and warm =PThe raisin twist and chocolate croissant are excellent! PERFECTLY MAGNIFICENT!!!which cost only $8!!!!!!The cheesecakes, apple crumbles are just fair, though. Still, the blueberry cheese is very rich in cream cheese taste and i LOVE it because it's what a REAL HOME-MADE CHEESECAKE should be like, rather than the starbucks ones... <_<
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Review (23)
無端端比個朋友o係32度高温之下呃左上黎蘇豪區食飯, 上到黎先話無野o岩食, 要落返去, 離開前點都要買d野先至唔係白行! 最經濟o既選擇就梗係買麵包啦!o係呢間soho bakery買左兩個scones -- 提子同埋芝士.提子scone雖然質素唔差, 但係唔算話係驚喜之作, 但係個芝士scone就不得之了! 芝士味香濃而且夠晒味, 加上香草點綴, 簡直欲罷不能! 不過一分錢一分貨, 兩個scones一樣大, 但芝士味$15@, 提子味只係$8@.
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Had a smoked salmon and honey and walnut cream cheese bagel with peppyseed and orange juice for lunch today. the texture of the bagel is really good. quite chewy and many peppyseed on the top. the honey and walnut cream chesse is interesting, a little bit sweet and there is some walnut. but it is quite expensive.
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因為谷德昭既大力推介,所以昨晚去了哩度一於食下佢地既bagel~入左去見倒我想食既onion都冇了,就叫左玉桂, 食落有d提子, 唔鍾意食提子既人注意了~我心想真係多得阿谷既極力推介,佢話係最接近new york taste 的,~而我都好認同佢既講法, 超有咬勁,同hk其他餅店既bagel比真係一絕,不過玉桂味唔重,如果重d會好d~我食一個就可以當dinner了,如果下次要埋佢地既餡同jam+coffee咁咪好飽?!哈哈!
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