

Restaurant: | TREEHOUSE (H Code) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
Opening Hours
10:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday
10:30 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
🥗🌿【 樹屋 • TREEHOUSE】 🌳🌱⋄ —————⧫♟⧫————— ⋄自從喺啟德Airside食過「TREEHOUSE」,一直對佢哋高質嘅素食念念不忘,今日路過中環砵甸乍街店,又有機會食啦🤩SNOWDROP salad Bowl(樹屋精選沙律碗)非常豐富嘅一款沙律碗,材料包括:香烤椰菜花、香烤天貝、香炸茄子、時令蔬菜、脆炸洋蔥🍆🧅而Base可選沙律、四重混合穀物,又或者兩者各半🌾標配「中東芝麻醬」 🤍當中「烤天貝」係源自印尼嘅一種發酵黃豆餅,食落扎實又綿密,幾得意🤭Margherita Pizza (瑪格麗特)呢個真係好好好好好食‼️餅底口感似印度薄餅,煙煙韌韌,勁鍾意呢個texture❤️ 表面鋪上純素芝士、意大利蕃茄醬、羅勒葉、風乾辣椒碎等,真係好好味💯Fried Cauliflower (韓式酥炸椰菜花)炸椰菜花都係第一次食,唔單止賣相似炸雞,連食落都似炸雞🍗幾可亂真,但就輕盈好多😆其餘配菜包括酸瓜、醃雜錦蔬菜、煙燻辣椒脆皮等,中和炸物嘅油膩感👍🏻Double Chocolate Brownie(雙重朱古力核桃布朗尼)估唔到甜點都咁高質🤎 brownie 用上黑朱古力,朱古力味更香濃☺️表面焗得脆口,但內裏仍然濕潤綿密,到底是怎樣做到的🥺 太正了💕呢度嘅店員全部都係講英文,態度親切友善,好有禮貌,下次一定會再嚟🫶🏻⋄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ❖ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ⋄🥗SNOWDROP salad Bowl ($88/REG)- Base : 50/50 (沙律+四重混合穀物)🍕Margherita Pizza ($118)🥦Fried Cauliflower ($78)🍫Double Chocolate Brownie ($50)⋄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ❖ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ⋄⋄📍地址:樹屋 (H Code) (中環)中環砵甸乍街45號H Code地下1號舖⋄🔥更多同區美食👉🏻 #ccrreami中環⋄⋄⋄#hkig #hkfoodie #hongkongfood #hkfood #hongkongfoodie #foodblogger #hkfoodbloggers #hkfoodies #相機食先 #openrice #香港美食 #hkinfluencer #foodiehk #香港 #香港生活 #香港旅遊 #香港探店 #香港美食 #香港打卡 #香港必吃 #中環美食 #treehouse #treehouseeco @treehouse.eco
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今日帶阿仔去大館參觀完,見到呢間主打素食既Treehouse,提供多款沙律碗、烤餅、素漢堡、Pizza、拼盤、小食、熱湯、甜品。地湧金沙律碗:配料有烤蘑菇、豆角、五香豆腐、酸瓜及麵豉醬,我揀左50/50,即係一半雜穀米飯及一半雜菜沙律,仲加左$50升級做combo套餐,有埋是日餐湯和香茅有機薑茶一杯。Soup of the day係甘筍薑黃湯,打得綿密,味道濃郁。雪降烤餅:烤餅用酸種麵包,特別飽肚,捲住炭烤椰菜花、烤天貝、烤茄子、時蔬、洋蔥及芝麻醬,咬下去餡料豐富。朱古力粒曲奇:餐廳自家烘焙,入口鬆軟帶點煙韌,裡面有果仁和朱古粒。薑黃鮮奶咖啡:有燕麥奶既甜味,亦有薑黃既辛辣味,雙重口感,味道特別。總結,餐廳食物健康好味,原來素食既煮法可以咁多元化,適合我哋呢D平時大魚大肉,少食蔬菜既朋友來品嚐。
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呢間素食cafe幾舒服,整體環境簡約而清新。餐廳主張環保,所以食後要自行收餐具,大部分都係可燃物,非常有意思,亦方便大家養成環保習慣。我叫咗個combo,包括椰菜花湯、pine wrap(入面有vegan labneh、青瓜、番茄同橄欖)、薑香香茅茶,仲有個bowl,入面有tempeh、falafel同鷹嘴豆蓉。椰菜花湯味道濃郁,好滑。pine wrap清新又開胃,vegan labneh嘅口感滑溜,配埋青瓜同橄欖,有種地中海風味。至於嗰個bowl,tempeh好特別,好似係印尼野黎,有啲煙熏味,falafel外脆內軟,鷹嘴豆蓉嘅質地適中,唔會太乾,整體味道層次好豐富。薑香香茅茶係一個驚喜,香茅嘅清香同薑嘅暖辣融合得啱啱好,飲落舒服又解膩。總括嚟講,呢度嘅食物質素高,味道豐富,仲有心思,特別適合鐘意健康飲食或者素食嘅朋友。
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I think it is never easy to be a vegetarian in Hong Kong. I am so glad that i found a place that is almost perfect with variable options for some greenery over the week. It is a hong kong local vege restaurant where serve bread, salad, soup and dessert which are completely vegan, even with the sauces they made. And take a look at the menu, if you are in the mood of creating your own bread / salad bowel, you are very welcomed to do so. If not, you can always order their signature salad bowels which will never let you down. You can also choose size on a very reasonable prices. I had the cedar bowel which made of avocado, cabbage, roasted pumpkin, pickled red onion and the chiptote sauce, with a dessert peanut butter bomb on the side haha. The Roasted cauliflower even double the veggies and give it a fabulous taste. The ingredients are all fresh and organic. You can always do a combo or value set if you like it. After food, i can't feel better to have some soup to slow down the digest process. Staff are very nice and helpful. You are also welcome to do take away. To conclude, I highly recommend everyone who wanna go greenery over the week to try this local brand and it satisfied my desire of tasty vegetables.
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有一朋友由外國回來約見面, 想約在中環, 因朋友是素食者, 所以我在網找了這店試我點了飲品, 炸物, 沙律, 薄餅, 全部有驚喜坦白說之前有點担心, 因為我不是素食者, 不知飽不飽,結果我擔心是多餘的!我們點了香茅lemonade, 好味很清新, 而且杯內有檸檬, 香茅葉, 這是店員好介紹, 這店服務很好數款主菜一起由店員拿來, 先吃薄餅,每人有四大片,點了,內有素食芝士, 羅勒葉,蕃茄醬底, 令人開胃, 這款是薄薄的底, 正宗, 其實素芝士是甚麼造的?後吃那深不見底的沙律Salad Bowl, 非常健康, 沒太多令人胖的醬料,沒薯仔蕃薯, 所以大吃也不胖胖, 我覺得用料全部新鮮, 包括香烤椰菜花, 西蘭花,香炸茄子, 香烤天貝, 仲有炸洋蔥, 我仲吃到有紅黎麥,配以芝麻醬. 所以也可以吃飽, 這應是中東的菜式另外我們也點了炸椰菜花Cauliflower, 特色, 因為從來沒吃過炸植物類,呢碗美食樣子真似炸雞, 可口, 而且粉炸得不厚, 但當然沒肉類那樣油膩啊值得一提的一間提倡環保的店, 有介紹樹, 也有回收箱, 有食店放此類箱真特別, 咁又怎可不支持?埋單不用四百元, 是合理價錢
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