The burger shop is originally from Canada. Apart from meat burgers, it also serves veggie burger.
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Opening Hours
10:00 - 20:45
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 20:45
Public Holiday
10:00 - 20:45
Public Holiday Eve
10:00 - 20:45
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Triple O係我細細個食過最好食嘅burger,當然都係同麥當勞嘅漢堡包比較!細個真係覺得好好食!差唔多好多年都冇食,今日經過,諗住追番之前嘅回憶,即刻同朋友去試吓!金鐘呢間分店,地方細細,本身就係一個supermarket 入面,係lunch Time見到人頭湧湧,個個都買緊外賣,淨係見過收銀都大把人排隊!但奇怪嘅係Triple O竟然冇人排隊,而且仲有好多位坐,真係好奇怪!我有少少懷疑會唔會中伏,結果我都係坐低,同朋友各叫咗一份套餐,佢食魚柳漢堡,我食傳統牛肉漢堡。兩個burger都係正常,絕對唔會唔好食,但可能試過其他burger,以前神級嘅burger已經變得失色,另外薯條一樣係粗粗嘅薯條,但係都係一樣,變得正常!人嘅期望會越嚟越高,我覺得佢都應該要進步,如果唔係最終會被淘汰!希望你加油!
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中午想食漢堡包 行過見到呢間野 就去買雞扒薄到一個點 以前食過係juicy 姨家係乾 真係差左好多薯條就中規中矩96蚊絕對有更好既午餐選擇 呢間真係不用再吃貼番收據證明有消費
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Having been so enthusiastic about my strawberry milkshake last time, I was all the more keen to try the blueberry version of Triple O’s scrumptious shake.This time round, I was really looking forward to enjoying:1) a dessert-like drink with 2) the consistency of a thick ice blended blueberry smoothie and 3) the distinct creaminess of a milkshake made with scoop after scoop of premium ice cream (well, that’s what it says on their website.)What I got served:1) ✅ Yes, with such a spectacular nutritional profile, this is no doubt a drinkable dessert in a cup. 2) ❌ Alas, this was not that icy at all. It was on the watery side, and oh very much so.3) ❌ If something is watery, it will certainly not be considered creamy. A creamy milkshake must not be watery to begin with. On the other hand, blueberries are a superfood and are high in water content (84% of the fruit is made up of water.) Real blueberries were used to make the milkshake. Each sip I took, I ended up with a mouthful of pulverised but real blueberry pieces.Junk food that features a nutritious superfood like blueberries is so rare that I think I will try my luck again at the blueberry milkshake in hope that it will be a step (or two) closer to my expectations, for example, much more ice-creamy and a lot less flavoured-milky.
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我諗應該10年前嘅triple o應該唔係咁嘅樣,金鐘這間分店應該裝修過,🧐現在一至五來都見到人聲鼎沸,非常之擠擁的樣子。😞若非妻子這是早點到單位以及落單,🤩其實平時黎食,都好似都要等位。好似真係我食過附近嚟講最好食嘅漢堡包店,例如Shake Shack即使新開,牛肉夠香夠濃,但其實個包好細,薯條夠脆皮,內裏嘅份量其實都多,不過不知為何總是極乾;triple o的薯條,可能比其他快餐店更加粗肥,但是內裏薯仔份量夠多,結實得來又不會太過乾,調味適中。以漢堡來說,其實這兒的不是特別大,不是特別好,牛肉味道就忘記了,不過這是是的如樓漢堡,魚,亦都夠脆香,凸出來少許,調味剛好,內裏吃到一片片厚實魚肉
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植根香港多年 雖然而家舖面買少見少 但太古分店裝修後仍在舊址整體質素都係一貫水準包唔會好似伍仁咁濕 但包太簿 肉汁唔夠多 但配合埋蕃落同生菜感覺上無咁重口味 薯他反而感覺太鹹 薯條偏遠 如果鍾意食軟薯條嘅人 反而會覺得好好食 藍莓奶昔 一入落口藍莓味好出 冇碎冰 但感覺唔夠奶香 同埋太稀
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