3-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
This Michelin-recommended Indian restaurant chain has four branches in Hong Kong. It is led by Indian chef and is famous for its Northern Indian delicacies. Classic dishes including samosa, butter chicken, tandoori and naan taste like local. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 14:45
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 14:45
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Chicken Tikka Lamb leg Lunch Set Masala Lamb Curry Tusli Herb Tea
Review (77)
Level4 2024-04-03
🥢 Lamb Masala 馬沙拉羊肉 ✏️ It’s spicy. 味道可以,羊肉夠入味。******************************🥢 Tandoori Chicken 印度烤雞✏️ Meat is tender and spicy.味道可以,雞肉夠滑夠入味。******************************🥢 Samosa 咖喱角✏️ The samosa is ok. 味道可以。******************************🥢 Garlic Naan 蒜蓉烤餅✏️ Its enough flavour of garlic. 蒜味夠******************************🥢 Masala Tea 印度奶茶✏️ It’s served in a plastic cup instead of a tea pot. It’s too sweet and not spicy or rich in tea flavour. 奶茶是用膠杯上,不是用茶壺上的,茶味和香料味也不夠。******************************There is no afternoon tea set there. They only serve item on a la carte menu during afternoon. 這裡沒有下午茶套餐,下午茶時段他們只供應散餐。In general, the food is ok but not special. 總括來說以上的食物還可以,但沒有甚麼特別。******************************The service: There was only few guests there but the staff didn’t notice the service request. 服務方面:當時全餐廳只得幾個食客,但職員也沒有注意食客示意點餐等要求。******************************The environment: It’s too dim there with smell of mildew. My ankle was was bitten by flea there.環境:光線不足,太暗,餐廳有陣霉味,我的腳踝在餐廳俾蚤咬。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-13
跟住米芝蓮推介去食印度菜行政午餐另加套餐Non-Veg ThaliH-Tandoori ChickenGarlic Naan SamosaMango Lassi幾年前乜嘢都唔識第一次就咁食過印度菜,數月前跟人去食尖沙咀一間咖喱名店,識多咗少少,今次同事特約再返嚟食,感覺好特別,原來有朋友分享係滋味啲,唔使做隱形人。先嚟熱湯材料十足,開咗個胃之後即上咖喱,配薄餅絕對天衣無縫,再加埋芒果拉絲,非常滿足。講明係免收加一,所以話凡事都好值得第二次,今次仲可以睇真啲佢哋個米芝蓮獎。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-29
又到咗介紹鰂魚涌區午餐嘅時間,呢間開業多年嘅羅勒餐廳,喺鰂魚涌區太古坊附近一帶返工嘅朋友一定認識!地點嚟講佢都算幾隱世📣,喺海光苑地下商場一個好友嘅舖位。呢間餐廳都有其他分店嘅。Weekday嚟食lunch好旺場👥,全場滿座,好彩我有朋友早去攞位。呢間餐廳都幾受外國人歡迎,而且都有唔少喺呢區返工嘅印度人喺度食lunch,所以想試一定要早啲去搵位!Weekday lunch menu我就影低咗放上嚟,通常我都唔諗咁多,一於試下個全餐,特色印度烤肉料理。基本上咩都有啲,老實講我都分唔清食緊乜😝!但係就幾香幾好食。應該就有一個係咖哩雜菜,仲有一個印度烤雞。其餘兩個肉類咖哩我都食唔出係咩。大家有機會喺鰂魚涌食lunch不妨試一試,當然夜晚都可以嚟食,仲有啤酒飲添!🍻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
各位食友,啱啱喺這家印度餐廳食完個行政午餐,真係有啲開心喎👏。先嚟啲忌廉湯,質感順滑,有啲幼滑得嚟透哂心機。咖喱就真係有得講,雞肉款又多汁,魚肉款相對軟綿,食落有啲似薯仔。而薯仔咖喱配上啲口感似秋葵嘅蔬菜,真係滋味啊!就連我呢個平時對印度菜有點挑剔嘅人都讚好👍。炸球好似咖喱角嘅餡料咁,唔辣不過好夾。至於羊肉通心燒卷,外皮酥脆,羊肉啲乾身但冇羊騷味,算是OK。個印度烤餅Naan 外層焦香,裡頭軟熟,沾咖喱汁一流。印度飯細長,同印度咖喱配埋,正!最後個凍檸茶,甜中帶酸,過口真企正🍋。整體嚟講,呢度嗰套餐豐盛,味道層次分明,令我呢個咖喱控都相當滿意。下次同班朋友再嚟,肯定又係個開心食兜飯嘅日子!各位食物愛好者,記得試下喇!🍛🥘😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-02
印度菜好推薦🇮🇳🌟 Masala Papadum酥脆既薄餅上灑滿切丁既洋蔥,番茄,青瓜,芫荽等配料食落清新唔油膩🌟Samosa印度版咖哩角炸到金黃色 包裹住咖哩味內餡搭配薄荷醬或者酸甜醬更滋味🌟Paani Puri空心既油炸球 內餡為薯泥,洋蔥,扁豆類等再倒入秘製醬汁 又酸又香好開胃🌟Panner Tikka燒烤芝士雜菜有芝士🧀️,洋蔥,紅椒🌟Chicken Tikka無骨燒雞 雞肉外皮脆肉質嫩兼帶濃濃既香草味🌟Butter Chicken雞肉好嫩滑配以牛油,香料同濃郁既番茄醬係每次食印度菜都必嗌🌟Palak Paneer芝士菠菜將菠菜打成泥 配上口感結實既芝士佐印度米飯/naan🫓 食都好好味🌟Mango Lassi 濃稠適中 口感滑順帶芒果既香甜 夠哂清爽🥭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)