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其實又唔係太差WOR可能係我同BF都唔鍾意食set,鍾意自己叫,所以可能會比起叫SET個D好味GUA~我地去食個陣係3:30PM我地叫左:1. 白酒忌廉煮青口- 普通,我覺得唔夠熱,同埋有1隻未開口,不過算啦,個味都OK,但係多D白酒會好D2. 煙三文魚露筍意粉- 呢個好味呀!好好味!D waiter好有禮貌WOR~!
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想搵間好d的餐廳食lunch~~~見d間又冇乜人排,又ok舒服,可惜d野食令人好唔舒服。個soup,嘩.......我想知d料同水係咪1:99啊?????我們要兩個set lunch ,D set,又比錯左E set....小食又冇黎.....個D SET雞排WITH CHIPS 勁鹹......勁DRY。我以為我個已勁差啦.....我個FRD個STEAK仲差.....6成熟......但塊排熟到硬哂。拮都拮唔入!!!!真的好失望....
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environment- not comfortable- too noisy- small tableservice- quite slowFoodizza- tast fair but too drysalad - okpot pie spaghatti- no photo- bad design- test strangesteak- baddessert- fair
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The food is completely unpalatable. I have ordered a set lunch, which have a 8oz sirlon steak w/ fries as a side dishes. The fires is overcooked and old, so chewy . The presentation is bad of course the taste also.I have ordered a medium rare for steak, however, I've got well done. Chewy like a gum and I almost lost all my teeth there.And Thank you for $108. It's totally not worth it. I will only pay them $50 for this quality.Never go there again!!!
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