Exit A3 , Sha Tin MTR Station continue reading
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Mon - Sun
11:30 - 20:30
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Review (26)
Level3 2023-09-08
理論上要提前2日訂,我前一晚先Last minute whatsapp佢地,都成功買到,好好彩.試左Earl Grey、玄米茶兩款,味道都好好,Earl Grey略勝一籌。.Size足夠4個人分,影相又靚,先$98,超值! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Twinkle Baker Décor 又出左新既蛋糕,今次我地就買左一個叫做「芝你辛苦了」既巴斯克奶黃夾心焦香芝士蛋糕個名既意思係 係宜個抗疫時代,辛苦了各位香港人,特別是一班醫護人員呀宜個芝士蛋糕有一個焦香既表層,入面係味道好濃郁既芝士蛋糕,仲有軟滑既奶黃吉士醬流心夾心,芝士控一定要食🥰Twinkle Baker Décor 特別想向醫護獻上最「芝」你心的Burnt Cheesecake,由即日起至4月30日去到Twinkle門市出示醫護及救護員相關證件,就可以有8折抗疫優惠品嚐「芝你辛苦了.巴斯克奶黃夾心焦香芝士蛋糕」,而其他$300或以上正價原個蛋糕都可享有9折優惠。。📍Twinkle Baker Décor @twinklebaker旺角/ 鑽石山/ 康怡AEON/ 銅鑼灣/ 上環/金鐘/尖東 K11 九龍灣德福廣場/ 觀塘APM/ 葵芳新都會/ 元朗Yoho Mall/ 屯門市廣場馬鞍山MOSTown/ 荃灣海之戀/ 荃灣廣場/ 沙田新城市廣場/ 將軍澳PopCorn 。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
生日蛋糕最緊要係可以打到卡啦🎂平時都好鍾意飲鐵觀音奶茶,見到Twinkle Baker Décor同天仁茗茶聯乘推出左呢個天仁鐵觀音配黑糖寒天蛋糕,去到門市仲見到好多其他特色玩味造型嘅蛋糕,夠晒特別呀🥳🔸天仁鐵觀音配黑糖寒天蛋糕(HK$448)最吸睛當然就係佢嘅茶壺造型啦,真係好逼真呀😁茶壺上面仲有金粉點綴呀,茶壺入面係天仁鐵觀音慕絲、海綿蛋糕以及黑糖寒天,慕斯嘅比例佔比較多,陣陣嘅鐵觀音茶味,食落甜度適中🫖海綿蛋糕中間有啲黑糖寒天,更有口感~最特別嘅係茶壺底有塊厚厚嘅brownies,朱古力味都唔會死甜,配埋蛋糕食好新穎呀🤩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-02-07
📍Twinkle Baker Decor 情人節就到啦😛TwinkleBakerDecor 出左個情人節蛋糕 🎂 「Rainbow at Dawn 🌈」蛋糕好粉好靚 成個感覺好夢幻 上面既銀色珠珠好靚 令個蛋糕更加精緻蛋糕內餡係一層一層既黃桃果茸夾心 蛋糕係士多啤梨牛油蛋糕 味道酸酸甜甜 雖然冇左晚市堂食 但都可以買蛋糕返屋企同另一半/屋企人慶祝情人節💕📍Twinkle Baker Decor (沙田)沙田沙田正街18號新城市廣場3期3樓A305A號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-10-01
Had a really good experience with the Twinkle Baker! Ordered it for mid autumn and it took my holiday celebrations up a notch with their returning @twinklebaker x @youngmasterales 「🍺乾吧,爹!」蛋糕! This cool-looking beer cake is infused with homemade salted lemon beer throughout, from the melt-in-your-mouth meringue at the top, to the layers of yuzu and salted lemon beer mousse and salted lemon beer jelly. I love the light and fluffy texture and the bittersweet flavors with a bit of lemony tang! Loved it 😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)