4-min walk from Exit C, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Typhoon in Wan Chai is a bar that is furnished with a nautical theme. They have a wide selection of beers, shooters, wines and crafted cocktails. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
16:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
coffee pasta 三文魚意粉 牛扒 各種cake 蒜蓉飽
Review (9)
Super rude staffs! Honestly, if you don't want to serve people don't be a bartender! I am not surprised that business is bad in this place! 睇完舞台劇,諗住和朋友喺附近飲杯野先返屋企!因為我哋想傾計,見依間唔嘈就走咗入去坐。因為係bar,所以冇人招呼都無咩所謂,佢係有staffs嘅,不過大部份都喺度發夢!咁我哋坐好又知自己想飲咩我就行去個bar度order啦!當時只有一位女性職員喺bar內玩緊電話,我叫咗佢2聲excuse me佢都冇理我;之後佢有個同事好大聲叫佢佢先望下我,再慢慢放低電話先過嚟serve我。我講咗3次我想order嘅野,佢只係what what what?!i cant hear you!跟住我再repeat佢先話ok,同埋you can pay later;咁我返位啦。過咗幾分鐘同一位小姐拎咗一杯野嚟放低,我問佢其他野飲係咪都整好?佢黑面好惡咁話you didn't order them。嗰下真係o 咀!我同個friend 9秒9飲完杯野,去bar度俾錢走!唔明點解飲杯野都要受你氣?!你唔想serve客不如唔可係bar做啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The food here in general is quite good but it depends what is on the menu.That day there was risotto and pan fried fish with buttered dill.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Salad:The salad is self service from the bar.The lettuce is nice and fresh and there are lots of sauces to choose from.The croutons were not crispy enough but the garlic taste was strong.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Mushroom and cream risotto:The risotto at this place has tasted better before. The risotto this time was too hard and the sauce was too milky and creamy.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fish in creamy dill sauce with mash:The fish was nice and tender and the dill sauce and butter was nice because there was lots of dill in it.The sauce was extremely buttery, there was so much melted butter.The mash was also delicious, it was hot and velvety and had potato taste and tasted really nice with the remaining butter sauce.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
原本是訂了位子在The Blue Goose,可是到了才跟我說沒有紀錄.女服務生於是跟我說不如到隔壁的Typhoon,因為menu、食物都跟他們是一樣的,而且座位也比較舒服鬆動.這也是沒辦法中的辦法了.午餐有2 courses+茶/咖啡:湯/前菜有兩個選擇: rice & turnip soup, xxx & curry mussels salad (因為被咖哩青口嚇到所以忘了前面寫的是甚麼蔬菜了);主菜有三個: lamb fillet with steak fries, sole fillet & scallops with fries,還有smoke turkey breast sandwich with fries.因為對於咖哩青口(而且還要是涼的)很有陰影,於是只好選湯(看到旁邊的客人全都是選湯!)味道很淡,米是全都開了花,一點味道都沒有.不過蘿蔔還有點點味道,不至於是喝米水+胡椒.主菜我選了lamb fillet.沒甚麼羊的味道,不過煎得頗香,肉質也軟硬適中.只是總有一點點包在fillet外頭的薄衣/筋,有點難切開.否則也算不錯.佐碟有兩條幼幼的蘆筍(這個還是在menu裏特意寫出來的)、一些烤紅椒和黃椒絲、薯條和一大半類似饅頭/刈包的麵包.全部都蠻好吃.那個麵包醮着汁,夾着烤椒跟羊肉,自己動手把它當作三文治吃也不錯哦.那些薯條,肥肥的、大大條,實在好好吃.店裏只有一個人招呼,不過因為客人也不多,所以也沒關係.而且他也很有禮,你要甚麼就馬上給你拿來.只不過廚房其實不在這邊店裏,而在Blue Goose那邊,食物要從那邊繞到街上再拿進來,這樣就好像有點不衛生了.不過如果不介意這一點,$55+1(慈善捐款),又不加一,這樣的食物質素算是不錯了. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-06-23
五月上旬‧晴也不要問我為何會在這裡,我只需要說我是一個不折不扣的球迷,那近來傍晚的時份,就自然在這裡附近流連,跟朋友們去看球賽也。不過這裡也沒有直播,就算是歡樂時光,人也當然是比較少的。反而不錯,就當是間場的時間來休息休息,而是晚也要找個地方跟朋友傾幾句。要了一杯Kronenburg,拉得很好,泡沬幼細豐富,冰凍順喉,很不錯。這裡也有另一個優點,就是接連半露天的位置,煙民們也可邊喝邊吸。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-06-25
唔知係咪巧合,昨晚打風竟然去間吧都叫 Typhoon,呢間吧環境幾好,夠光猛,中間的大吧枱極搶眼。happy hour 都算抵飲,平均只是 $35 一杯,要了嘉士伯和 kronenbourg 1664。兩者不夠凍,好多氣,好似飲緊樽裝啤,但我睇住侍應喺 tag 度斟出來的,是技術還是來貨問題呢? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)