Exit B2, Prince Edward MTR Station/ Exit B1, Mong Kok MTR Station/ Exit C, Mong Kok East MTR Station
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This Chinese restaurant group offers high-quality dim sums and Guangdong cuisine. It has several branches and all are designed with a grand banquet theme. Besides, it provides wedding banquet service.
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
中秋節做節 外父,外母,老婆,我媽爸,夾埋六個人簡簡單單嚟呢度食半圍唔使諗嘢全包宴梗局 六罐汽水可以轉6罐嘉士伯, 幾好臨尾唔夠喉,嗌多咗兩支,50蚊兩支龍蝦伊麵係雪藏波士頓龍蝦 六個人分一隻每人都分唔到一粒調味不錯, 但若然個芡太厚乳豬脆皮好食但係好細隻,成隻雞咁細隻炒雪藏象拔蚌藕片豆角都做得唔錯雪藏象拔蚌就係雪藏象拔蚌味啦冇乜特別,當小菜食啦海鮮卷呢個係細細個食開嘅味道個人特別喜好,大家唔知道鍾唔鍾意海皇翅, 味道做得好好 翅亦都好多雖然係一啲碎翅但係過下口癮絕對不錯每人有成兩碗正正常常嘅炸子雞,皮淋嘅清蒸星斑仔, 真係好仔下,細細條螺片冬菇菜,正常小菜正常炒飯正常桂花糕講真半圍千零蚊全包唔使諗嘢每人200零蚊當然佢唔係味味餸都好熱即刻炒佢都係等齊曬先搬出嚟,溫度欠奉但係勝在簡單酒樓高樓底好坐,唔使諗味道就係正正常常啦唔會特別驚喜但係千零蚊埋單講真一家6口出去食好啲都食唔到所以我都冇乜特別要求
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成日行過,見到佢推廣,虎蝦花膠龍躉, 仲可以有半席, 星期六日都係1200蚊左右,都ok呀, 啲碟頭都好大, 最後仲可以打包伊麵同埋炆花膠, 個燕窩羹,有成七碗,每一碗都好滿, 如果人頭200蚊一個都算抵同埋化算, 地點其實都方便,喺太子站附近, 其實呢一間成日都好難book, 好多時做婚宴或者包場, 今日竟然訂到位, 如果三五知己,近地鐵站都可以考慮, 喺今時今日,算係多侍應呀, 經理好多都落手落腳一齊幫手, 啱啱佢哋有同事生日 , 都有好多食客祝福
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A friend who is sick lives nearby so we decided to have dinner at this place. 5 of us ordered stir fried broccoli with scallops, sweet and sour pork, Char Siu, and black fungus as starter.The food is poorly executed. The sweet and sour pork were not properly fried, the Char Siu is way too lean and overcooked. The broccoli was fine. I guess the only thing worth noting is the balanced taste. Portions were a bit too small even though it is reflected in price. Plating was fair. The sides and tea were fine and arguably better than the mains. The staff were ok and the restaurant on its own was comfortable.It was a valued meal and there’s no need to wait for any tables. Staff and ambience were reasonably cheerful for this type of restaurant. If someone suggests this place for dinner I wouldn’t say no. That said it is really just a lower-quality chain that doesn’t cook the dishes well.IDEAS (“Independent Dining Experience Assessment Scale”) Overall Rating - BCooking & Ingredient: BPlating and Portion: BBeverage, Side and Dessert: BService & Ambiance: AIDEAS aims to provide an objective assessment of a dining experience where cuisine, culture and price are not part of the consideration. Dining should be a common language of mankind.
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