2-min walk from Exit D4, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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It is a popular cafe brand from Saga. The yoshoku dishes mainly serve pizza and meat items. Besides, the dessert menu is designed by a Japanese pastry chef, which is good to pair with coffee to enjoy a relaxing moment.
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
呢間sogo附近嘅日式洋食屋,係來自佐賀縣嘅日本過江龍,主打和洋料理,蛋包飯、咖哩、甜品更係佢地嘅招牌菜!🍳鹿兒島和牛漢堡蛋包飯 ($168)漢堡以鹿兒島和牛制成,厚度十足,煎完之後都保持鮮嫩,每一啖都滲出濃郁肉味同豐富嘅肉汁!蛋包飯超滑溜,入面包住蕃茄炒飯🍅配上惹味嘅日式咖喱汁,味道更香濃,係好正宗既日式蛋包飯👍🏼餐廳提供四款配料調味,包括炸蔥、椰絲、提子乾、福神漬,按個人喜好添加,增添層次感~🍝明太子帆立貝忌廉意粉 ($128)微辣明太子配上濃厚忌廉,一定係意粉醬汁嘅天花板🥰帆立貝鮮甜彈牙,意粉軟硬度適中、非常掛汁,表面加咗明太子,撈勻後濃而不膩,十分推薦!🍵八女抹茶多士 ($138)擺盤好靚好打卡📸法式多士金黃鬆脆,口感輕盈且帶有空氣感,作為飯後甜品都唔會有負擔🫶🏻吐司配上濃郁嘅抹茶醬汁、甜滑嘅十勝紅豆蓉,簡直係絕配😆 仲有軟糯白玉、新鮮士多啤梨,非常滿足🥰八女抹茶雪糕唔會太甜,入口軟滑,帶有茶味回甘,抹茶控必試!總結:環境舒適,價錢唔算貴,可以一試~
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設有吧台座位,亦有梳化邊位,落地玻璃,採光度十足,環境舒適!👉🏻鹿兒島和牛頸肉蛋包飯 $148揀左要咖喱汁,蛋包飯好岀色,滑嫩又滑溜,鹿兒島和牛頸肉肉質軟淋,好有肉香!👉🏻牛乳八女抹茶 $48抹茶濃郁,滿滿嘅香醇感,淡淡奶香,口感細膩!👉🏻鹿兒島和牛芝士漢堡 $138和牛好厚實,入口鮮嫩多汁,漢堡包有牛油香,配芝士同新鮮嘅蔬菜,層次感豐富!👉🏻維也納咖啡絲滑嘅輕盈奶泡,咖啡嘅苦香烘焙適中,用Premium Aria Rouge咖啡豆,口感滑順!
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呢間我經常會食的甜品店,餐廳以木系裝修為主,環境闊落,pizza同多士系列都賣相同味道都好正。今日過嚟銅鑼灣店發覺餐單選擇仲多。有扒🥩、咖喱飯🍛同炸物小食等等🍽️Weekdays Set Lunch C $98🥗野菜沙律 酸酸甜甜幾開胃🥣是日餐湯 濃郁的南瓜湯 入口軟綿🍝照燒雞肉和風汁意粉 成個意粉都佈滿照燒汁嘅味道,略嫌雞肉口感不夠嫩。🍋餐飲熱檸檬水🍕番茄羅勒薄餅$118賣相滿分,芝士🧀份量好足🤩,而Pizza薄皮,口感外脆內軟。🦐蒜片大蝦蕃茄汁意粉$138呢個意粉之前喺荃灣店食過,性價比真係好高,用料份量足,入口酸酸甜甜勁開胃,加上幾隻新鮮彈牙嘅大蝦,真係好香好滿足呀😚。🍵八女抹茶$45超濃郁嘅抹茶味,喜歡抹茶原味的必試。
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有時約咗朋友喺銅鑼灣都唔知食咩,今日諗起之前路過見到喺SOGO後面有一間餐廳嘅裝飾好靚,有好大個玻璃窗,於是就同朋友去咗嗰一間餐廳。原來餐廳係日式嘅西餐,有漢堡、咖喱、牛扒等等嘅餐點可以選擇,款式好多樣,而且仲可以加配套餐。💙最重要係我覺得餐廳嘅樓底好高,坐起上嚟好舒服,喺銅鑼灣唔知食咩嘅時候,不妨可以嚟呢一間日式西餐餐廳試一試。🧆玉子醬油燒雞腿漢堡+套餐 $108+$38見到佢哋餐廳主打唔同嘅漢堡,每一款味道都好有特色,最有特色就係呢款有好長嘅玉子燒加超巨型雞扒嘅漢堡。餐牌上面嘅玉子腸得好誇張,本身諗住個漢堡應該唔會太大,點知條玉子真係好似餐牌上面咁,雞扒仲要超厚超大,食完真係撐住個肚。🥹壽喜燒牛肉烏冬+套餐 $128+$38冬天梗係唔少得食壽喜燒,佢呢個壽喜燒有烏冬底,加埋金菇,肥牛等等嘅配菜,味道不過不失,但係對於暖胃嚟講係一流☺️。
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Trying something new for lunch, I decided to go to Ufufu Cafe. The place is located up a flight of stairs. The restaurant had a good amount of natural light. A bit narrow as the main part in the center that takes up the most space is the kitchen.I've only been here for tea so never came here for lunch. During lunch time, they have a set lunch that costs $98 and includes a soup, salad, main and a drink. There are upgrades possible. Menu is in English and Chinese and you order by QR code and pay at the cashier on your way out.The set salad was ok. A decent portion with plenty of corn.The soup was a cream of pumpkin. Sweet and creamy. There wasn't much to complain about. Portion was also decent.I had the Spaghetti with Wild Mushroom in Japanese Soysauce. The sauce was way too much so it was more like a soup. The pasta was not over cooked but it there was just way too much sauce. However, the portion was more than generous. Food is ok. Not great but for the price it was fair. Service was a bit cold but started to warm up a bit after a while.
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