Restaurant: ULURU
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
2-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
A black and white hand-painted designed restaurant, it features Chinese and Western fusion dishes. The sharp contrasting between the colorful and delicate dishes and the black and white decorations is very photogenic. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
*Last Order: 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay PayMe
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Restaurant: ULURU
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (1223)
Level4 2024-07-12
呢間打卡一流嘅餐廳 就响灣仔地鐵站附近,一入去就係條長長、鋼琴琴鍵嘅樓梯,已經忍唔住影影影🤭 入到去整間餐廳都係以黑白手繪圖畫做設計,而且仲係pet friendly添!我哋點咗兩個前菜,酥皮焗田螺 同 自家制墨西哥焗脆薄片Nachos 作為開胃小食。有酥皮包住田螺焗,一口size又超香脆!而nachos,有層厚厚嘅芝士鋪上面焗,佢當薯片咁食。我就狂點牛油果同cream cheese醬,正!另外嘅main course我地都top up咗沙律、餐湯加drink嘅set,好豐富!西班牙紅花海鮮意大利飯 份量超大,有鮮蝦同帶子,risotto 汁夠creamy。 紐西蘭西冷牛扒 我只係叫咗medium rare,因為家姐細妹都想share,肉質夠tender,火喉控制得幾好,肉汁都鎖住响入面。小朋友嘅重點就梗係甜品,兩個異口同聲都話要食waffle同雪糕。見到餐牌有新甜品,就試吓港式style嘅 奶茶味麻糬waffles !旁邊有奶茶味雪糕,而窩夫上面鋪滿咗奶茶味麻糬,嘩,好有質感呀!配埋充滿蛋香嘅原味waffle,食得好滿足!打卡又點會無杯drink?呢杯 Signature drink - Rose Tea超有feel,淡淡嘅玫瑰味茶,解渴之選! Popcorn latte 都趣味性高,見到popcorn已經搶住食。一層奶一層咖啡一層foam,真係飲出層次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
成日都係社交平台見到好多人打卡,最常見係黑色衫甘去打卡,仲有D甜品超得意!食完覺得性價比超高!🍗慢煮羊膝伴野菌意大利飯羊膝係mega size~未見過甘大份,兩個人食呢個都飽左一半!羊膝不會酥,味道不錯。🍔和牛漢堡配薯條薯條係好大條,熱辣辣點茄汁真係好正。和牛漢堡都真材實料,厚身多汁、肉質鮮嫩。🗻富士芝櫻祭 丸久小山圓抹茶Tiramisu富士山既外型超可愛!!個 迷你鳥居造型 ⛩️又惟妙惟肖!以爲好睇吾好食?呢個甜品令我喜出望外,底層的抹茶味Tiramisu 茶味非常之濃郁,質感非常creamy。而周邊的Oreo 碎令層次更豐富。必叫!🍄Dream Wonderland蘑菇造型好精緻。成個蘑菇殼係白朱古力做成,但又超級薄喔!内餡有海綿蛋糕同草莓茸,酸酸地好開胃,加埋oreo好有咬口。超級推薦♥🍎Apple Crumble呢個又係不得了~~~首先$78呢個份量同造型係無得輸。味道方面更加取勝,杯入面有好多蘋果片,不會酸,配上奶茶雪糕同脆脆超有口感!好抵食!!🍹🌹Uluru Rose Tea真係有玫瑰碎花,顔色好鮮艷,不會太甜剛好,好適合打卡。餐廳仲有好多打卡位📸 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-30
由大門開始,沿路所有牆身都係手繪黑白牆,好有心思👏🏻 餐廳比我想像大同闊落😋 我地坐最入入,仲要經過滿滿手繪走廊,好似真係去咗第二個空間甘,去完廁所出嚟差啲蕩失路😂 係環境好既地方用餐🍽 心情好啲食得更滋味!除左好多創意料理,例如酥皮焗田螺、北京烤鴨Pizza 、海鮮冬陰功年糕,仲有好多甜品選擇!最出名係佢哋二次元立體夢幻蛋糕(幫朋友仔慶祝生日都好適合!)最近喺下午茶時段兩點至五點,仲有麻糬窩夫!我哋一口氣食咗兩款!綠茶味同埋好特別嘅港式鴛鴦味,本身窩夫已經好正,入邊仲有麻糬,就算食飽左,仲係一啖有一啖忍唔住係咁咬😂 鴛鴦味重配有焦糖香蕉,同奶茶雪糕!呢個很值得一試🤤🤤墊枱紙,飲管都係黑白色😆 欣賞餐廳小巧思,用心既商戶值得支持👏🏻餐廳喺灣仔地鐵站附近喔! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
想去一間比較特別嘅餐廳可以選擇灣仔地鐵站附近嘅Uluru設計係用上簡約黑白色牆上全部是手繪嘅畫作非常有創意又值得打卡而且空間感大坐得舒服我地5:30pm 到食晚餐之後陸續見到好多人嚟仲帶埋貓貓狗狗🐱🐶好熱鬧係一間好pet-friendly既餐廳😎🌮自家製墨西哥焗脆薄片 $88平時我哋都好鍾意食Nachos!呢度有三款而家製醬汁:蕃茄醬、酸忌廉醬、牛油果醬,小食一流!🦐 阿根廷紅蝦刺身配蕃茄沙沙多士 $138隻紅蝦非常大隻,好鮮甜,配埋薄薄地脆脆地嘅多士,完美配搭!🍝 流心溫泉蛋卡邦尼意粉 $128我個仔大贊非常好食,醬汁濃郁,奶香味十足!食落啖都好creamy!佢一個人已經清晒成碟😋🍱 蒲燒鰻魚、櫻花蝦意大利飯 $158超大份嘅鰻魚鋪咗喺飯上面,仲有好多好多蛋碎!🍕 京式烤鴨薄餅 $148烤鴨做嘅薄餅第一次食,食到有京蔥和甜醬,口感幾特別,啖啖肉,略嫌有少少太咸。🍰 富士芝櫻祭 - 丸久小山園抹茶 Tiramisu $118賣相非常精緻,富士山造型刻畫細緻,靚到唔捨得食!用上小山園綠茶、Mascarpone 芝士、焙茶手指餅,鐘意抹茶既一定唔好錯過!☕️ Tiramisu coffee $52造型好可愛!啱啱好打完卡,塊餅乾就溶左😛好重tiramisu味!🍫 Chocolate $40連杯朱古力都唔簡單唔求其 good! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-27
家姐哥哥終於考完試啦🎉妹妹又派到好學校📚仲記得5️⃣年前,家姐派到好學校,我哋都係去 ULURU 慶祝🎊今次都唔例外🥳餐廳牆面、家具同裝飾大多以黑色同白色為主⚫⚪形成鮮明對比✨空間時尚而簡約🪑營造出一種優雅用餐環境🍽️🌟🥗 挪威三文魚凱撒沙律新鮮挪威三文魚搭配經典凱撒沙律,融合生菜、脆皮麵包同特製凱撒醬,口感清新🧀 芝士拉絲一口豆腐外脆內嫩豆腐,搭配濃郁芝士,輕輕一咬,芝士流出🍢 蜜味沙嗲醬雞肉串燒雞肉串燒浸泡蜜味沙嗲醬中,香甜可口,烤至外焦內嫩🌮 自家製墨西哥焗脆薄片自家製脆薄片,搭配香濃墨西哥醬汁,口感酥脆🍔 和風芝士玉子和牛漢堡和牛製作漢堡,配上滑順芝士同特製日式調味🍤 芝士焗大蝦意式香草茄茸意粉新鮮大蝦與意大利香草茄茸醬完美搭配,芝士焗至金黃🐟 日式西京燒比目魚扒比目魚扒經典西京燒醬醃製,肉質鮮嫩,搭配清爽配菜🧇 港式奶茶味麻糬窩夫將港式奶茶風味融入麻糬窩夫中,外脆內軟,麻糬韌性同窩夫餅鬆軟互相結合,形成獨特口感🍓 夢-森之家磨菇外型,草莓乳酪、草莓果蓉同香脆Crumble層層疊疊,美觀又美味ULURU📍春園街1-11號春暉大廈1樓#uluru #uluruhk #chill #cafe #dinner #dinning #food #foodie #relax #anniversary #香港好去處 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)