Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (13)
Level4 2014-12-15
They sell the salad by weight.Before you pick your salad, you have to choose a pasta or salad base which takes up most of the box so you are paying mainly for the pasta/salad.After you have chosen your salad/pasta they do not weigh it and they only give you a tiny pinch of salad from the cabinet to feed a mouse!They only let you choose two items which is pathetic, at Tallore they give you a huge box and you are allowed to choose as many items as you want as long as the box is big enough.It is so rubbish that you can't just choose the salad from the counter because it has to come with the compulsory pasta or plain salad leaves to fill up the box.I had an the garland Chrysanthemum and beef, potato mentaiko and pasta.The pasta base was awful and clumped together because it was chilled in the fridge for too long.Personally I feel that Japanese soba noodles would be better than pasta because this is meant to be Japanese joint. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-11-04
今日想食得fresh 點, 見到佢個沙律吧好似好正 , 沙律可以要菜底或且意粉底, 大的就$48, 細的就$38, 每份可以揀二款沙律, 款式都唔算少, 有南瓜, 烤雞, 三文魚, 大蝦, 牛肉, 明太子薯仔咁, 好似有7-8款, 每個人的喜好都滿足到。今日就試左三文魚牛油果同牛蒡絲呢二款。 先講三文魚, 入面有三文魚魚生粒, 蕃茄同牛油果粒, 配埋芝麻醬, 酸酸甜甜好開胃 仲有淡淡的wasabi味。每樣都切得唔算細粒, 有咬口, 又可以食到每樣野本身的味, 唔會俾個芝麻醬搶晒味。牛蒡個份就係牛蒡再加埋青瓜同甘荀切絲, 都係有點芝麻的汁撈埋, 但用的汁就冇三文魚個個咁重味, 呢款清淡點, 有芝麻香, 牛蒡絲較多, 青瓜同甘荀係陪襯,食落好爽脆。下面的菜底就係standard的沙律菜, 有唔同種類的生菜, 芹菜絲, 蕃茄仔咁, 見到職員夾沙律前都會先落一小羹汁係點菜上面, 雖然唔知係咩汁, 但食落係酸酸地几開胃ge..沙律菜都好新鮮好爽脆, 可以成為一個好健康的午餐 如果覺得沙律唔飽,都可以食飯, 今日就試埋個三文魚黑胡椒炒飯($35), 炒飯係普通旦炒飯底, 再加埋切左絲的雜菜, 感覺好健康, 因為好多菜, 黑胡椒係切碎晒同飯一齊炒, 成個飯都有好多黑胡椒碎, 所以好香黑胡椒味, 香而不辣, 啱晒唔食得辣的人。主角三文魚好少, 就算有心去係咁揾, 都只係揾到几粒仔, 不過精粹係炒飯面個pat好似沙律醬的野, 我估應該係加左三文魚碎入去, 好香三文魚味, 但可惜個pat 醬太細pat, 就咁試左一啖好正, 不過撈完飯后就完全唔覺佢的存在la...個飯只係剩返好香的黑胡椒味, 係呢個涼涼地的天氣食好啱, 食完成個人都暖笠笠 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-06-15
六月十一日(星期三)早上吃過了銀針粉,肚子很快又餓喇!本來想吃個三文治作下午茶,再留肚吃豐富晚餐不過,差不多午飯時間,同事又走過來說一起到附近逛,好的好的!行到這家有點似CitySuper的外賣店子,便被它的美食吸引著~再看看價錢牌,只是中環價的六七成左右如此誘惑,不由自由地走去壽司櫃,拿了盒三文魚壽司一盒五件的三文魚壽司$39,來自挪威的三文魚吃落果然肥美豐腴,魚油豐富,肉質又鮮嫩,十分新鮮確是個不錯的午餐選擇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-31
這店我久不久就會前來買野食回家食,因為有懶人生果同埋沙律,亦有壽司$48 三文魚飯份量中等,三文魚很滑,魚味充足,尚鮮新鮮,三文魚粒夠多,撈埋少少酸既壽司飯同食,還算不錯,O岩哂唔想肥既我懶人生果$??  有8折因為可能放了半天掛,波羅,蕃茄,奇異果,蜜瓜,西瓜,木瓜,哈蜜瓜,提子,火龍果....咩都有,滿足唔想叫切又心多多既我.雪得夠凍,正有時候咁樣食一餐都幾自欺欺人,以為可以健康一點呵呵 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-03-23
放工個陣肚餓,諗住買野食返屋企食.....咁岩見到呢間野, 見到D便當圖片幾吸引於是 , 我就買左個日式炸雞粒便當, 本身我都冇乜大期望因為好多餐廳都係理想與現實等左一陣,我個便當到手啦,仲熱辣辣架哈哈......先講外表D炸雞都幾大粒下, 飯又夠多 仲有沙律同西瓜粒 , 理想同現實係一樣之後,返到屋企仲係暖D炸雞粒幾好味,仲係啖啖肉,唔係食炸麵粉飯真係好多,食唔曬.....食完炸雞粒,再食沙律同西瓜冇咁"濟"第一次食到令人滿足既日式便當仲有 店員既服務態度真係幾好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)