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Review (4)
Level1 2022-07-04
Today I ordered an Americano at the DB North branch. While i was waiting, I was like oh iced please. Then the barrister said “you didn’t ask for iced”, which I found quite rude, especially being the first thing I hear on a Monday morning. Tried writing a complaint email and the email address on the website doesn’t even work. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-02-19
人在愉景灣 , 未做正經事之前 , 就去 "Uncle Russ Coffee" 先飲杯咖啡 , 叉叉電 ~無敵 carrot cake 與平平 Iced Americano ~Carrot Cake : 質感濕潤 , 紅蘿蔔做的蛋糕卻沒有紅蘿蔔的草青味 , 食落去有很多乾果和果仁 , 面頭的酸忌廉層 , 有畫龍點睛之後 , 雖然有點偏甜 , 但配黑啡就是一流 ~Iced Americano : 味道偏向 nutty, 味道簡單 , 回甘味亦是一般 , 就是很普普通通的一杯咖啡 ~本篇完 ~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-05-07
喺愉景灣較易搵嘅咖啡店,大概係星巴克同Uncle Russ Coffee,當然係選擇後者,位於巴士站附近。-咖啡店鋪唔大,樓底矮,設有戶外座位,閒日人流不多,得兩位外籍店員做嘢。-店舖裝修帶少少外國風格但係偏殘舊,冷氣唔夠,雪櫃唔夠凍,本來冇咩期望。-凍巧克力 Iced Cocoa $38見店員沖嘅時候好求其,但飲落味道都還好,偏甜,略似麥當勞朱古力,但奶味重啲。-巧克力咖啡 Caffe Mocha $37味道好飲,有驚喜,甜度適中,帶咖啡烘焙香味,朱古力同咖啡兩者味道融合得好平衡,唔苦亦唔酸。-整體而言,推薦咖啡多過朱古力,堂食唔會趕人走,但坐得唔算舒服,建議外賣好啲,性價比都不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-07-05
Orders 2 drinks with bfCoconut smoothies & iced mocha The smoothies is great, coconut milk n not too sweet  highly recommend Iced mocha is so so We stay over an hour there The servers are nice continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)