1-min walk from Exit A2, HKU MTR Station
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Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
07:30 - 21:00
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 21:00
Sat - Sun
07:30 - 20:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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今日公眾假期 所以得佢有開因為有學生證 可以用學生價用咗自助服務機 選擇超多中式 港式 日式 火鍋都有原本諗住食拉麵 最後揀咗個雲耳蒸魚柳飯 ($28)仲可以唔使加錢揀要西檸雞定炒芥蘭我揀咗炒芥蘭另外亦可以加錢要甜品 飲品超級大碗!啲餸菜又多 雖然賣相差咗少少🥬啲芥蘭超粗 咬落少少硬但係同時好清脆 用蒜蓉同油炒過 好香好有鍋氣🐠魚柳份量真係幾多 足夠餸飯 啲雲耳都大大片魚柳好腍 但係又唔會話好散 仲可以食到一片片肉 好好食加上佢嘅醬汁味道調得好 有魚柳味但係唔腥😋配白飯好夠味🍚至於米飯 有2碗份量左右 完全夠食 質感正常嘅 唔係特別好食 因為都唔好咬口同唔香米味又話夠黏 不過未至於差 因為佢唔會好乾身好硬 所以只能說佢正常 都預咗係咁上下-味道起canteen黎講算好好環境亦唔差 因為我哋坐出面/戶外 有太陽 感覺好舒適好空曠 一啲都唔嘈 又有把大傘摭太陽 有啲picnic feel 好正服務就唔知 因為完全冇接觸到員工 不過我估一般般?價錢真係超級超級抵食!$28 一個份量咁大咁足又好食嘅飯邊度搵一直好少返黎大學食飯因為以為佢會好似啲中小學飯盒味道今次真係改觀了😲
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Went here for lunch, it was nice and spacious as expected.There were so many things to choose from so went for the chili fish instead of the chicken because the chicken probably has bones being Chinese style.It was super spicy but I liked how they prepared the dish by boiling the vegetables, fish and then pouring the chili broth into the final bowl.The only thing that it lacked was Sichuan spices because it was just spicy and nothing else.Overall, quite satisfied because it wasn't expensive.
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