Restaurant: Uptop Bistro and Bar
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
8-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / Exit P3 East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
The restaurant of Popway Hotel has a beautiful environment and provides exquisite lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. The restaurant will often introduce different afternoon tea themes, which is suitable for girls to check in. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
15:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
15:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 22:30
*(12:00-14:30) Last Order: 14:00 (15:00-17:00) Last Order: 16:00 (18:00-22:30) Last Order: 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay JCB OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Restaurant: Uptop Bistro and Bar
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 7 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (420)
Uptop Bistro又有新下午茶推出!🎊飽覽尖沙咀同紅磡景致既 「飛行甜悅」下午茶,下午茶餐點以飛行棋餐盤盛載,加埋熱氣球擺設,玩味十足🎈下午茶包含共十款咸甜點🥰而且設計亦以飛行作為靈感✈原隻鮑魚忌廉撻有彈牙鮑魚,配上柔滑鮮忌廉同脆撻皮,口感豐富😝脆旋風薯棒香脆外層下係滿滿既薯肉😊三文魚慕絲多士咸香鮮味🍞甜點中K最愛傳統既提子英式鬆餅,配搭鮮忌廉同藍莓果醬🫐仲有製作成雲朵形狀既紫色×白色啫喱糖😛種類豐富。🎀 「飛行甜悅」下午茶 🎀甜點 (5款): 士多啤梨迷你班戟奇異果意大利奶凍熱情果芝士蛋糕幻彩琉璃啫喱糖英式鬆餅配藍莓醬鹹點 (5款):原隻鮑魚忌廉撻青瓜蟹柳沙律脆旋風薯棒三文魚慕絲多士薯絲炸蝦卷飲品: 檸檬茶 / 伯爵茶 / 洋⽢菊茶/ 中國茶 / 卡布奇諾 / 拿鐵咖啡 / 咖啡升級特飲: 仲夏彩虹 / 榛⼦咖啡/ 柑橘檸檬/ 荔枝梳打/ 蜜桃果茶 (每杯+$32)💫價錢資料💫星期一至五 $408/兩位星期六、日及公眾假期 $448/兩位 (另收加一服務費)🎉限定預訂優惠: 星期一至五半價;星期六日85折 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
假期想食返餐好嘅 又想靜靜靜靜地睇吓風景傾吓偈嘅😉好適合推薦呢間酒店內嘅西餐廳💯環境幽靜 遠望維港 而且佢哋嘅set dinner係OpenRice訂座仲會有六折優惠😍好適合情侶約會/閨蜜聚會等💯「味蕾的體驗」五道菜晚餐 每位$438起(折後$263起)前菜|麻辣拍青瓜鮑魚沙律/餐包西餐少有既前菜 清爽又開胃 用貴價食材 再加青瓜既清爽 而且亦都好適合每個人嘅胃口🤣餐包就用咗士多啤梨醋做配搭 感覺清新👍🏻湯|海鮮冬陰功湯/燕窩木瓜忌廉湯我哋叫左款唔辣既中湯 有中西式fusion嘅感覺濃郁澀身 飲落真材實料 每啖都飲到少少燕窩同木瓜小食|煙燻香煎蟹餅儀式感滿滿的一道菜 用左荔枝木煙燻 外層酥脆 食落每一啖都係蟹肉 好有驚喜 口感一流🥰主菜|三重芝士焗龍蝦尾配龍蝦湯海鮮脆米泡飯檸檬牛油汁伴酸椰菜(+$128升級)芝士焗龍蝦尾 蝦肉爽口彈牙 一大塊容易脫殼配埋檸檬牛油汁 解膩同時又帶出到龍蝦既鮮香海鮮泡飯濃郁解膩 仲有蝦肉同蜆肉做配搭🥰主菜|美國西冷牛扒(8安士)拼鴨肝配香蒜扒苦白菜咖啡啤酒燒汁(+$128 升級)牛扒要咗7成熟 切開粉嫩無比 咬落唔會好嚡鴨肝香而不膩 兩者口感好夾💯比較特別啲嘅係個苦白菜加埋個帶有微微咖啡香‼️甜品|熱情果芝士蛋糕伴酸忌廉配椰子雪糕/雪糕三文治配炸蘋果條兩款甜品都好獨特 我哋每樣各叫咗一份 雪糕三文治 用漢堡包夾住中間係焦糖果仁味雪糕炸蘋果條口感爽脆 配埋雪糕一齊有冰火嘅口感🫶🏻熱情果芝士蛋糕酸酸甜甜唔會好甜膩而且椰子雪糕口感濃郁 味道清新特別😍加💰198可享餐酒搭配3杯指定餐酒 食完飯就可以上去露天酒吧品嚐美酒 有(甜) Moscato / (酸)Riesling / (苦) Rum Bitters / (辣) Bloody Mary /House Red 紅酒/House White 白酒 / ProseccoDOC N.V. 意大利氣泡酒等 性價比高👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
尖沙咀Uptop Bistro and Bar🍴Set Dinner做緊6折優惠‼️位於尖沙咀珀薈酒店19樓的Uptop Bistro and Bar,一上到嚟可以遠眺維港,環境幽靜,十分適合情侶約會、三五知已聚舊🤍「味蕾的體驗」五道菜晚餐| 每位$438起(折後$263起) 🔸前菜麻辣拍青瓜鮑魚沙律西餐少有既前菜,完美地運用左中式麻香,加青瓜既清爽,意外地有種開胃既感覺😋🔸湯海鮮冬陰功湯同平時既泰式冬陰公相比,少左椰漿既濃厚,但更加帶出到海鮮既鮮甜味😗燕窩木瓜忌廉湯係比較少見既配搭,有少少中式fusion嘅感覺,第一啖飲落去好似甜品咁🤣真材實料,每啖都配到少少燕窩🩷🔸中盤煙燻香煎蟹餅配意大利黑醋汁🦀儀式感滿滿的一道菜❣️用左荔枝木煙燻,食落每一啖都係蟹肉,好滿足,仲用左少少彩椒增加口感👍🔸主菜三重芝士焗龍蝦尾配龍蝦湯海鮮脆米泡飯🦞檸檬牛油汁伴酸椰菜(+$128升級)芝士焗龍蝦尾就一定無得輸,但餐廳好貼心咁配埋檸檬牛油汁🍋🧈解左芝士既膩同時又帶出到龍蝦既鮮💕美國西冷牛扒(8安士)拼鴨肝配香蒜扒苦白菜、咖啡啤酒燒汁(+$128 升級)牛扒要咗五成熟,切開都夠粉嫩🥩質素中規中矩👌🏻比較特別啲嘅係個苦白菜加埋個帶有微微咖啡香,帶來味蕾上的衝擊😳 🔸甜品熱情果芝士蛋糕伴酸忌亷配椰子雪糕🥥、雪糕三文治配炸蘋果條🍏兩款甜品都好獨特,特別係個雪糕三文治,我覺得更加似漢堡包,中間係焦糖果仁味雪糕,炸蘋果條口感爽脆,都幾得意!‼️加$198可享餐酒搭配3杯指定餐酒,食完飯就可以上去露天酒吧品嚐美酒🍷(甜) Moscato / (酸) Riesling / (苦) Rum Bitters / (辣) Bloody Mary /House Red 紅酒/House White 白酒 / Prosecco DOC N.V. 意大利氣泡酒📍#UptopBistroandBar (#尖沙咀美食)尖沙咀漆咸道南117號珀薈酒店19樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
尖沙咀珀薈酒店19樓嘅Uptop Bistro and Bar由即日起推出「飛行甜悅」主題下午茶☕️餐廳以經典飛行棋盤作為佈景,配上十款包括飛機、飛行棋等造型嘅精緻點心,可以同朋友一邊品嘗美食,一邊玩飛行棋,都真係幾搞笑🤣🤣‼️依家電話/OpenRice都有預訂優惠🤩平日半價😆星期六日都有85折㗎🩷🌟「飛行甜悅」下午茶✈️ $408/$448 (2ppl)✨鹹點🥢原隻鮑魚忌廉撻🥢青瓜蟹柳沙律🥢薯絲炸蝦卷🥢三文魚慕絲多士🥢脆旋風薯棒✨甜點 🥢士多啤梨迷你班戟🥢奇異果意大利奶凍🥢熱情果芝士蛋糕🥢幻彩琉璃啫喱糖🥢英式鬆餅配藍莓醬鹹點方面,個人最鍾意鮑魚忌廉撻🙌🏻原隻鮑魚質感彈牙,醬汁配下面嘅忌廉鹹甜交雜幾得意~甜點就鍾意英式鬆餅,口感唔會太乾,配埋藍莓醬就一流🥰✨飲品🥢荔枝梳打 +$32🥢蜜桃果茶 +$32 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近推出左「海陸空盛薈」五道菜晚餐,食物質素高👍🏻 餐廳更坐擁落地玻璃,可遠眺維港景色,係靜靜地談心既好地方🫶🏻🔸 🧆法式海鮮凍批伴黑醋汁頭盤既凍批入面有蜆肉、青豆角、紅蘿蔔,口味清淡開胃。🔸🫕廣島蠔薯蓉湯/黑松露蘑菇湯試左兩款湯,黑松露蘑菇湯正正常常,反而薯蓉湯用左蜆肉同薯仔做忌廉湯,入面又有兩隻蠔,好好飲😋🔸🦀蟹餅至尊/香煎蟹餅配海膽汁蟹餅至尊煙燻住上菜,打卡一流👍🏻比普通蟹餅多左蟹腳同蟹肉,蟹餅食到絲絲蟹肉,香脆可口🥰🔸🐮澳洲安格斯西冷牛扒(8安士)拼鴨肝配黑松露蘑菇燒汁/🐷慢煮斧頭豬扒拼白松露番薯角配乾蔥紅酒汁主菜既7成熟西冷牛扒肉質粉嫩,唔點醬汁都好夠味。斧頭豬扒好大塊,但煎得岩岩唔會過韌,估唔到豬扒都整得咁好食😚🔸 🍫雜莓朱古力榛子醬合桃多士/🍦蝶豆花意大利椰子奶凍配藍莓芝士雪糕甜品既合桃多士超靚!影相打卡一流🥰雖然好飽但多士加左Nutella真係好好食🤭 雪糕幾特別係cheesecake味😋
🔸☕️🍵咖啡/茶📍 #UptopBistroandBar (#尖沙咀美食)@uptopbistro 尖沙咀漆咸道南117號珀薈酒店19樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)