All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
09:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (35)
唔好食,湯底又冇味,手撕雞肉柴、冇味,香茅豬扒又係。叫咗個香茅豬扒’飯’,黎咗個香茅豬扒’麵’,之後職員都好好,有補救,會俾翻個飯我哋。總括係啲嘢食唔得,唔香,得個樣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-08
我們是愉景灣居民,試過一家人去午餐,太陽大叫他們可否開下遮陽傘,黑衣女士直接發脾氣話我們不開,有需要就去其他間。另外人身攻擊我們小朋友,話父母這樣子,教壞小朋友。反而其他幾個後生外國服務生更有禮貌,為他們老闆道歉,話佢壓力大今日心情不好。期間黑衣人仲跳出來話點解要道歉。最後結局我倒晒所有食物在檯面,幫他們裝修下,順便教下小朋友如何應對壞人。這間極品餐廳,奉勸各位思考下再入來,一定給你前所未有的體驗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The best Vietnamese food in Discovery BayA few days ago, I went to Discovery Bay with some friends to attend a beach music event. We decided to have Vietnamese food together, which would be both appetizing and suitable for a large group of friends on such a hot day.The staff at the restaurant were friendly and hospitable, and the seating was comfortable. The food was of high quality, the cocktails were enjoyable, and the beer was icy cold. Overall, it was a great experience.I highly recommend the spring rolls! They're super delicious 🤤. Vietnamese cuisine is known for its fresh and healthy flavors, which make it perfect for enjoying in hot weather. Spring rolls are a classic Vietnamese dish, especially in the summer, and taking a bite of a refreshing and delicious spring roll is truly a pleasure. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-12
難得放假同小朋友入愉景灣住一晚,於是我哋揀咗酒店對面嘅餐廳食越南菜,我哋未行到門口侍應已經好有禮貌地同我哋打招呼同埋介紹佢哋餐廳有咩食,我哋就被呢一份熱誠去打動咗入咗去坐,我哋今次叫咗個牛骨湯飯,同埋一個兒童餐,兒童餐有啲咩呢?有個紫菜雞飯同埋有杯橙汁。最咪我哋叫埋個大蝦多士。份量比我哋想像中多同埋大,而味道亦都非常之適合我哋香港人識嘅口味。總括來講餐廳無論服務同埋質素都係非常之好嘅,價錢亦都係適中 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-01-24
Absolutely not Vietnamese food!!. We’ve ordered 10+ dishes. They all taste worse than fast food chain store, but charging close to $100 each. Lemongrass porkchop has no lemongrass taste but salty taste with weird marinated vege on top. Beef noodles in MSG soup! Even the fish sauce do not taste like fish sauce. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)