2-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
This romantic Italian restaurant is decorated with some green plants. Besides, you can savour meals with the nice view of Victoria Harbor and Hong Kong Island. It is a nice place for dating and celebrating important days. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:30
Mon - Fri
17:30 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (122)
Level4 2024-11-09
Today was the first day of their new afternoon tea. There is a promotion if you enjoy it at November, where the cost is 688 and in December it will be 888. Their view is stunning.Their afternoon tea was based on their Aqualuna ship and with the view and their setting the ship was like sailing at Victoria Harbor.The  dried ice effect was quite nice.For the food, the savory was really impressive compared to the dessert. My favorite is their lobster maritozzo. The sauce was quite rich. There was quite a lot of caviar on the sandwich. The avocado and crab tart was refreshing as well.For dessert, the macaron was really impressive. Their seaweed and salted chocolate flavor was speficially made for their Aqua chain. Their other desserts were good too though the only point I felt was a bit disappointing was the scone, which was a bit hard and dry.Overall, I feel 688 is a great price to try this afternoon tea though I feel the price at December 888 would be a bit too expensive. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
早前見到Restaurant Week有Vista就Book左lunch試下 發覺佢個restaurant week menu真係佢平時weekend lunch menu食物選擇一樣 只係價錢平時$488 而家$328食到因為有啲餐廳會因為做promotion而將貨就價食唔到平時水準 但Vista就真係用平啲價錢offer本身嘅menu加上有呢個無敵靚景 我覺得係抵嘅 Restaurant week就黎完 要試就快啲book唔係要等下一次restaurant week 啦【Restaurant Week Lunch Menu HK$328 p.p】【Seafood Platter】呢個完全係驚喜 因為menu冇寫有seafood platter 開頭我地仲以為係咪攞錯左俾我地原來每枱都有welcome dish 仲要係咁大碟咁豐富 有螺 青口 蜆 蝦 仲要係好新鮮喎♦︎ Starter 【意式海鮮湯​】食完seafood platter 再黎非常香濃海鮮湯【意大利冷切肉拼盤】有4款冷切肉 配上酸青瓜 好開胃【意式生牛肉他他】特別鍾意將牛肉他他鋪喺撻上比起平時就咁食他他 多左層次同口感另外加上脆片都係神來之筆 口感更豐富【手撕豬肉意大利包 (2 片)】上菜後先淋上醬汁 豬肉濕潤多汁得黎又可以保留麵包少少脆身嘅口感食落豬肉多汁惹味 難怪係餐廳signature之一♦︎ Mains【三文魚配燒蘆筍和香草牛油醬】皮脆肉嫩 配上簡單嘅香草牛油醬 冇太大驚喜 但處理得唔錯【菠菜奶酪雲吞配黑松露】菠菜奶酪濃稠 黑松露超香濃 雲吞煙韌 每一啖都好滿足♦︎ Desserts【精選甜品拼盤】估唔到有咁多件 賣相相當吸引有焦糖燉蛋 Tiramisu tart 朱古力蛋糕 紅桑子蛋糕如果朱古力蛋糕可以用濃度更高dark chocolate就會更好因為而家4款都偏甜 我首先食Tiramisu tart 咖啡味唔夠濃 整體偏甜以為食朱古力蛋糕有dark chocolat有啲苦味可以同之前有少少分別點知係普通朱古力味又係甜 再黎紅桑子同焦糖燉蛋唔洗講啦4款甜品雖然多得好吸引 但如果味道上有少少分別會更吸引 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
大家樂咁!!!唔建議大家去,得個境。仲要塊玻璃勁污蔑,有水積。老婆生日飯,食到一肚氣!!!對唔住老婆添。錢是少,失望是大!仲要係生日,十分難忘!請都唔會再黎,多謝哂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-02-21
Beef Tartare佢呢個味道相當唔錯,配埋佢個薄脆口感好豐富Octopus章魚就算凍左都非常彈牙,加上佢個chickpeas purée醬汁,好夾好好味,令人期待之後會食咩RavioliDuck ravioli with porcini ragu and truffle sauce無咩黑松露味,非常普通,賣相麻麻主菜GuanciaBraised beef cheek, truffle mash potatoes and baby carrotOh my god!! 賣相已經好差,仲要好難食,無牛味,完全唔知食緊咩,啲汁好濃,濃到好漏🤮茶餐廳嘅咖喱燉牛腩都好食過佢囉,點解會揀呢樣做主菜架,食左兩啖完全食唔落,心諗點解我要食啲咁既野🤢 我未試過個main course係咁難食除咗個頭盤好味,打後完全唔知食緊咩👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻好差Heart完全無特別一嚿mousse,要比錢我絕對唔會叫更配唔上呢個餐$1388 per person叫多兩杯野,加埋一,加埋支一定要你叫既$100支水,$3000落樓我想講完全唔值得黎食物質素絕對配唔上呢個海景,更加配唔上呢個價錢,海景好多餐廳都有👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻完全唔推薦呢間 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
#MC帶你去尖沙咀.慶祝生日或者拍拖約會,想有一個儀式感、浪漫氣氛嘅環境,咁依間你一定唔可以錯過!依間餐廳位於29樓,一排窗邊位座位可以從高處飽覽維港海景,環境華麗典雅,撐枱腳就啱曬啦!➖✨ 𝙑𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖.餐廳主打精緻意大利風西式佳餚,環境格調浪漫高級,搭配一列落地大玻璃,180度俯瞰迷人維港夜景,加上昏暗嘅燈光,頗有情調。➖🥢 Set Dinner|晚市套餐.🔸️ 2 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝙃𝙆$528🔸️ 3 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝙃𝙆$618🔸️ 4 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝙃𝙆$738➖🥢 頭盤|意式海鮮湯.依款海鮮湯相當足料!有青口、大蝦、大蜆等多款海鮮,湯底茄味好濃郁,味道酸酸甜甜,胃口大開。➖🥢 頭盤|意式生牛肉他他 +$50.牛肉他他由侍應在桌邊即場製作,牛肉他他肉質嫩滑,帶濃郁牛鮮味,完全無腥味,搭配香脆薄片,口感一流。➖🥢 頭盤|鮪魚醬小牛肉.小牛肉片肉質軟嫩而且色澤偏白,搭配滋味鮪魚醬,味道細膩而簡約,牛肉嫩以不腥,好好味。➖🥢 主食|海鮮意大利飯.意大利飯質地比較偏濕潤,而且餐廳跟足傳統意大利做法,所以飯粒會偏硬身;搭配新鮮大蜆、大蝦及青口,海鮮味道清爽無沙,整體正常發揮。➖🥢 主食|自家製和牛面頰雲吞配牛肝菌及燒肉汁.一客四件意大利雲吞,以和牛面頰肉作為餡料,入口柔軟多汁,搭配牛肝菌同燒肉汁,十分惹味。➖🥢 Vermentino Costamolino - 375ml|HK$488/bottle.➖✨ 滋味食評.整體食物質素中規中矩,4 courses都係七百幾蚊算幾好抵食;餐廳最大賣點係落地大玻璃,觀望成個維港夜景;啱曬約會拍拖、周年慶祝、朋友生日,加上海景餐廳及嚟講,算性價比幾高!➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖#Ming_Course #油尖旺區 #尖沙咀美食 #香港美食 #香港探店 #銅鑼灣 #尖沙咀 #法國菜 #香港法國菜 #尖沙咀法國菜 #Vista #VistaHongKong #Vistahk #FineDining #香港FineDining #海景餐廳 #尖沙咀海景餐廳 #北京道1號 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)