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Review (54)
於10:00 p.m. 去買外賣,見店內寫著’招牌咖哩’,所以叫了一盒咖哩豬扒飯.一大盒飯及一大兜咖哩汁(內有多舊薯仔及一塊剪開了的煎豬扒),約HK$29-30.咖哩汁幾香,味道偏重.薯仔好稔.豬扒煎得外脆內軟,亦醃得非常入味.懷舊裝修(坐位有d迫- 較適宜外買). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-03-02
想体验一下香港人的早餐,早上9点到的,人很多.跟一个女白领挤在一张餐台上. 点了2份早餐.我要了炒蛋和菠萝包,雪菜肉丝通粉;LG 要了煎蛋方包,火腿通粉. 菠萝包真的很好吃,炒蛋也不错,很嫩但感觉不够香. 我觉得我的通粉比较好吃, 火腿的不太入味. 奶茶很好喝,很滑,很香.赞.侍应生的速度真是快,2,3分钟东西就上来了.香港速度啊. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-11-15
九月上旬‧晴在附近打點飯局時宜,午飯只怱怱的吃了麵,不太夠飽,來這裡吃多個蛋撻就剛好。但來到看到舖面的兩盤蛋撻,賣相真的非常的差,每隻蛋撻的蛋餡也只得半滿,還是離邊的,單看已經會叫人打退堂鼓,不會有興趣吃。轉移目標,就要了個叉燒酥。叉燒酥吃起上來很脆口,但不夠酥化,皮嫌硬了一點。不過面層有點蜜味,甜甜的又甚討好。叉燒餡味道不錯,配合起來,算是好吃的。4蚊一件,經濟抵食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-10-26
蛋撻 -Ordered this 1 night because the Flaky Pastry on their Egg Tarts looked surprisingly done very well to my eye - in the end this observation was true. With a slightly Buttery taste as well as Lardy Taste, the multiply 'pastry' layers were baked to perfection and not sticking together like it had absorbed a blob of lard. This PASTRY is as good as it can get in my opinion, and I've tried a lot of Egg Tarts already to come to this conclusion.Unfortunately, the Egg Custard bit wasn't upto standard. It lacked any Eggy taste that day, despite the pleasant colour. To their credit - the custard was also baked to perfection and not over-cooked. A GOOD EGG-TART AND PASTRY, BUT ULTIMATELY LED DOWN BY ITS BLAND EGG CUSTARD. NOT FAR AWAY FROM A '5' THOUGH. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-08-25
如果食開牛奶公司既,甘你去榮華一定唔會令你失望.腿旦治-牛油味重, 旦夠滑, 麵包夠厚及軟. 唔好睇小黎分腿旦治, 食完我都飽到走唔郁. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)