2-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (39)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay JCB EPS
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (4)
Level4 2022-06-14
中式點心最愛桃酥每次路過舊點心舖總要買來嚐嚐應該有吃過很多間榮華很香口也不會太難咬但就是蔗糖味很重如果舊點心舖的客人群體是老人家那這樣應該也不適合老人家吃了吧笑😄 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-03-29
我有一個零食胃,食完飯點都要食啲零食😂之前過年收到盒蛋卷,食左一件就即刻望望咩牌子,有驚喜!我係屋企個盒係罐裝既肉鬆鳳凰卷,餡料好充足,又夠脆,所以我今日就買埋紫菜同蛋卷試下。🐒紫菜肉鬆鳳凰卷💰$19@6件🐒紫菜肉鬆雞蛋卷💰$19@6件兩款黎講雞蛋卷唔係太食到肉鬆,口感較硬身鳳凰卷會比較鬆脆,都會食到多啲肉鬆,配埋個紫菜我覺得好味過原味不過得6件好似少啲,同埋佢係比罐裝細件,所以如果多人share建議罐裝會抵啲,好似$8x continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
香港品牌 榮華餅家🔸,由1950年發展至今,從一間元朗茶樓餅家,發展成一個有五十多間門市的大集團。榮華更努力擴展海外市場,銷售至中國、英國、美加、澳紐和東南亞等地。多年來堅持選用上乘材料製作,在香港自設廠房,全部産品在香港製造,有質素和信心保證,讓客人買得安心、食得放心呀!❝ B.Duck小黃鴨流沙奶黃月餅 $178(特價) $278(原價) ❞榮華餅家今年聯同B.Duck小黃鴨🟡 推出 流沙奶黃月餅,月餅印有可愛的B.Duck圖案🥰,打開包裝散發濃濃的鹹蛋黄香,切開流出幼滑奶黄,甘香不已。每盒更會附送手提保温袋👜,又可愛又實用呀,粉絲不能錯過啦!❝ 貓山王榴蓮月餅 $199(特價) $348(原價) ❞採用馬來西亞🇲🇾的貓山王榴蓮做餡料,打開包裝即傳來強勁的榴蓮味,幼滑的冰皮配上濃郁果肉,香甜軟糯💓,愛榴蓮的朋友要試試啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Normally these square pastry blocks are filled with pineapple but at Wingwah they have ones filled with wintermelon and the one I got had salted eggyolk in it too.I really liked it because it wasn't too sweet and the saltiness was good.However the pastry wasn't good because it was too buttery.They had mooncakes with my favourite pandan flavour and chocolate.The mooncake testers were interesting because they sell the test batches!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)