8-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
招牌菜: 奶凍, 燉蛋白,宇治綠茶軟雪糕,千層芒果/榴槤卷,榴槤甘露,谷媽媽水餃,鹽酥雞
Opening Hours
15:00 - 00:00
Tue - Thu
15:00 - 00:30
Fri - Sat
13:00 - 01:00
15:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus UnionPay JCB
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (67)
Level4 2016-09-09
同一班朋友食完晚飯再去食甜品是常識吧👭👬見到附近有小甜谷所以就入左去🙂糖水都幾足料嘅,不過份量就真系小左啲🙈友人三十秒內已經食完😅珍珠透明帶點煙軔,芒果汁都幾濃亦有足夠嘅芒果粒☺️芒果味重!而最特別莫過於三粒四四方方嘅亮晶晶,食落爽口又有淡淡嘅荔枝味💕好吸引,好好味😉0 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-09-01
Mom super likes grass jelly, but finding good grass jelly dessert is pretty hard these days so we found this place and decided to try it out. We got in and ordered:- grass jelly and mango with mango sauce. It came and at first glance my mom and I could tell it looked like it came from a can. The colour and texture was completely different to the good stuff. So we just continued to eat it and as we scooped the mango sauce it was so thick and sour and it was literally like snot. And on top there was milk which was super unusual for this type of dessert. So we asked the waiter why the texture was so thick and she quoted " the sauce is made from fresh mango" huh I think not. She even offered to put more milk...like no. So we got up and payed and left, leaving the desserts unfinished. It may seem like a waste but it was just awful!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-08-31
早行 同朋友係TST 行街後要食下糖水咁就去左小甜谷啦叫左個楊枝甘露豆腐花反而我覺得楊枝甘露無咩特別反而佢入面有粒好似桂花味既jelly 真係幾好味因為味道清清甜甜 而覺得佢最特出而豆腐花亦不過不失 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食完飯,去找甜甜吃!得知谷祖琳開店很久,這是第一次去吃,滿滿的期望呀!門口張貼著post and share可以有5%折扣~室內環境光猛,牆壁張貼著海量的明星照片,打開menu正想找尋榴連甜品的跡影,竟然!全部Sold Out !!!唔止榴連,就連好多想揀嘅都冇!嗚~唔制呀媽咪~如果我自己一個人黎,分分鐘真係會出番去~芒果椰汁黑糯米黑糯米超多,太杰,味道可以,芒果肉香甜,好似食飯仔甘,好飽叫職員拎杯水沖沖口,可惜沒水提供最後叫職員俾左d椰汁加入去,不過幫助唔大芝麻杏仁糊Menu上的圖案明明是兩個芝麻糊拉花,可惜賣相有點差異,大家睇到捧腹大笑!味道不錯,糊質幼滑,稀杰適中芒果椰汁亮晶晶亮晶晶那透明的東東味道同口感好好可惜椰汁比較少,太杰,涼粉冇乜味,芒果足料香甜~杏汁木瓜雪耳杏汁味超香,一放下枱就聞到,木瓜雪耳足料,唯獨是糖水不夠濃~薑汁芝麻湯圓 (製作比較耐)湯圓皮薄饀靚,薑汁味道濃,$38有8粒湯圓,都算幾抵食!P.s: 食完好快走的2大原因:1.有人開始出面等位2.張椅嘅形狀同硬度坐到pat pat 痛,坐到唔想坐!想傾下計坐下唔算係好選擇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-06-20
晚上在尖沙咀韓國街附近食完晚飯,打算在附近找個甜品吃,Openrice一找最近的甜品店就是小甜谷,所以就去試試看喇!去到好好彩唔駛等位...?!(今日係星期六啊...)睇完個Menu, 我都係食番最中意嘅綠茶系列~宇治抹茶白玉新地 - 個抹茶雪糕味道幾好, 幾香濃, 都係有奶味都偏少少甜的方向。3粒白玉口感都OK, 咁當然, 我唔會覺得佢地特別好食~最底層有紅豆同一些抹茶Jelly的東西, 同個抹茶雪糕個味都幾夾,我覺得呢個都夾得唔錯~中意抹茶嘅朋友可以一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)