6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Private Party
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
八千代叉燒拉麺 有機野菜冷麵 自家製餃子 鹽味拉麺
Review (112)
Level4 2015-04-22
Dear W and M 難得與兩美女進餐絕對係在下既福份(其實係我自己 crash 佢地既 private lunch, but anyway)八千代係比較 under-rated 既 ramen shop in CentralLunch 時間比較少人 (which is definitely a "plus" for me), 等位時間相對短, 咁即係我享受 Lunch 既時間亦都長左 (yes)如果你未試過呢度既天婦羅腐皮溫泉蛋, 真係唔好失禮人話你黎過.溫度岩岩好, 外脆內軟, 正是佢到位之處.不太鹹, 重口味的你, 就一定要點點佢既醬油, 配埋海苔送入嘴巴, 知冇?八千代叉燒拉麵 - 味噌湯不俗吧雖然單調點但叉燒入味有肉地又唔太過肥, 完全 MCOT.不得不提這個鐵板燒牛肉卷香噴噴的蒜味牛肉卷包入蔬菜,放入口口感一流唔洗講, 薄牛肉嫩, 芽菜爽口,仲要嚮塊熱辣辣既鐵板上 serve 俾你,誠意十足.講食飯講味道之餘, 氣氛位置誠意好緊要.Sincerely yours, Ben  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-09-11
由八千代的細舖開始, 已很喜歡這款拉麵轉左大舖D拉麵都好好食, 軟硬適中。茄子其實是重點~以前的茄子是幼嫩的~一口咬落去是甜甜的茄子味是新鮮靚茄子才有~但今次已吃不到了, 茄子大大的沒有茄子的味道, 荀也變了菇, 也是沒味的菇芥辣也是重點之一混埋冷麵汁和拉麵食刺激了我們的味蕾會更突出食物的味道 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-07-31
之前都嚟過呢度食晚飯 因為環境舒適而且食物都不錯 但今次再嚟就令我留下唔好既印象 我同男朋友大概8點20分左右到達餐廳 當時有幾台客人 我地叫左胡麻冷麵 叉燒拉麵 玉子天婦羅同埋炸牛蒡 冷麵同拉麵都不過不失 冇咩特別 玉子天婦羅同炸牛蒡都好好味但我唔會再幫襯既原因係佢地服務奇差 差不多9點半 我地食完野傾緊計 突然有個人掉張單嚟我地台面叫我地賣左張單佢 第一 我地未叫埋單 第二 我地傾緊計 突然大力掉張單喺我地台面係好冇禮貌 第三 間餐廳唔係有人等位 唔明點解要趕我地走咁既勢 食物就算幾好味都好 我都唔會再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-07-20
Hot hot outside with such a perfect sunny weather right after the typhoon in Hong Kong, I was out for weekend lunch with my roommate in Central. Yachiyo, is just downstairs; to all the people living in Central, it is such a convenient neighbor-dining spot. It is a up-floor restaurant in Soho Square, with a limited L-shape dining space which serves even half of it to the open kitchen. Weekend lunch time is quite empty. The menu is not complex, just Ramen (Ramen, Tsukemen, and Japanese cold noodle), Fries, BBQs, Salads, and some Sashimi. As a normal dining place for an easy and light lunch in a decent price in Central, it is a good choice.The free Japanese starter is always a delicious dish. The salted seaweed is quite tasty and the dish tastes very similar to instant noodle. Well, to me, I prefer sour and sweet starter, like something similar to marinated ginger slice My friend loves fresh Sashimi Salad very much, but I think the appearance is not attractive enough and the salmon tastes over-soft. Salad is not bad, especially the slightly sour sauce, which caters this season very well. My choice is Ramen, and a mixed of cold and warm style (Tsukemen Ramen - Japanese dipping Ramen) with a good presentation. The soup is a mixture of Miso and Tonkotsu (pork bone), but not warm enough and a little too salty. To be tough, Ramen is not elastic enough while as it turns cold it is really strong in texture. The pork is just too rough. I love the spring egg (Onsen Tomago) very much, because they use Japanese sweet soy sauce to make it.Deep Fried Oyster, needs time to be prepared by chef, but it turns out really good, especially the fried flour skin. I don't think the fried oil is some kind of superior brand or imported stuff, while I appreciate the skill of chef, who makes the flour skin fluffy and crispy in mouth, and even performs better than oyster itself.Overall, it is an ideal place for business lunch or weekend quick meal, cozy environment and good service. Not expensive as Central's consuming level, and I will recommend the fries for sure. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-01-23
今日的目標是大好評的『八千代』,入坐時店經理極力推介刺身及串燒時,已感到危機四伏⋯點的是“八千代叉燒拉麵”湯底是味噌湯底,欲淡中帶咸,極為單調半熟蛋賣相還可,沒有流心卻還是啫喱狀,未至太熟,但一咬下去是驚嚇的⋯半熟蛋非常非常甜⋯甜到不行⋯是醬油蛋!應曾以醬油泡了長時間⋯連在下喜好吃濃厚味道的亦接受不了⋯叉燒未夾先散,肉質瘦鞋,未吃完已放棄⋯係尼個月既拉麵之旅入面,八千代係第一家寧在下於肚餓的情況下食淨的一家⋯👎很不服氣之下以6成飽的姿態再去後街很多劣評的『無名』拉麵,給他一個機會,倒是有驚喜👍有聽說過八千代舊店還在九如坊時不是這種水準的尼⋯眼見4樓的Piyo piyo yakitori sake bar跟八千代亦是同一集團,再望真八千代的餐牌⋯能看得見這裡享用刺身與sake會更適合,拉麵的話一點也不專注,也是四不象⋯總結評分:42分總結評語:八千代的拉麵只停留在味千拉麵或以下的程度⋯如果說只有味千跟八千代,還是建議去味千會更好⋯難以明白網上為何這麼多好評?是在下跟朋友一致地舌頭有嚴重問題?還是大家的口味獨特?這就留待會再來的各位深入了解! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)