2-min walk from Exit D2, Olympic MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Saw these cute looking items and when I got closer, it was labeled cookie cheesecakes but I think they meant cookie cheese cups because it says cup in Chinese.They are quite small.Felt a bit peckish so decided to try one.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Cookie cheese cups:Basically they taste like the egg tarts with the shortcrust pastry filled with cake and cheese mixed together.The taste was really nice and tastes nothing like a cookie.The cheese was slightly sour mimicking the real cheesecake taste and it was not heavy at all.The top of these cheese cups looks really similar to a real cheesecake!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
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尋晚o係奧海城行完街 , 返落埃華街搵食, 沿路經過地鐵站呢間山崎, 見到話星期四有九折喎於是揀左四個迷你包仔今日做早餐 ~1. 迷你咖喱冬甩~ 平時食大個o個d 炸包, 九成九都好油, 我好少會食諗住細細個應該會好d , 點知一樣係咁油淋淋 ><"個餡都係一陣油味 , 食到有 d 薯仔, 有d 肉醬......2. 迷你丹麥火腿~ 火腿切得好細好細, 無乜味, 都無乜口感 , 個丹麥酥就幾香口3. 迷你蛋沙律包~ 唔係幾食到有蛋沙律o既味道 , 不過整體好香軟4. 迷你朱古力牛角酥~ keep 到香脆, 朱古力味好香濃 , 唔會過甜 , 而且好滑牛角酥上面有 d 杏片, 甜甜地幾香幾好味 , 四個中最好食係佢 =)## $ 14 / 4 其實唔係幾抵 , 因為食晒四個都唔係幾飽肚 ,有折其實都係平少少, 不過有積分咭 , 扣左 $ 2 之後就好抵喇 xp
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