2-min walk from Exit A2, Kwun Tong MTR Station
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Gudetama fans must like it very much, especially its curry series. Gudetama is sleeping in the udon or the curry burger. That's so cute.
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Awards and Titles
Big Hits Cartoon Themed Restaurant (2016)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
呢個位嘅餐廳成日有唔同嘅卡通人物做主題好多時都係我鍾意嘅公仔 😍蛋黃哥正式個名叫疏乎蛋佢成日懶洋洋咁,真係好疏乎㗎 😆呢度除咗枱面有密集嘅蛋黃哥之外成張凳都係蛋嚟 🥚好鬼有 heart 呀!餐紙有唔同款嘅蛋黃哥,全部都有佢嗰啲懶惰格言㗎餐廳仲有好多呢個咁 cute 嘅蛋黃哥 cushions可以攬住佢哋影相㗎!個沙律好新鮮,中間個温泉蛋係蛋黃哥嚟㗎得意到爆呀!咖哩蛋包飯味道都唔錯個蛋都幾滑烏冬個 source 就水咗少少,但都 ok 嘅~
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Went there early like at 5:30 - 6pm and there was nobody there~ But it was very surprising how overwhelming this theme was. Everything was Gudetama~ Pork Fillet with Omelette Curry Rice: They put in the gudetama face in almost everything, even on the omelet. The egg was alittle raw, but found that was good mixing it up with the rice and curry, made the dish really smooth. Pork was freshly fried, very crispy skin, and tender meat, very flavourable. Deep Fried Shrimp and Hamburger Steak with Tartar Sauce Curry Rice: This dish was a killer! Omelet was delicious flavoured with ketchup as well..then the hamburger steak was seasoned nicely, very thick and cooked perfectly. The shrimp was a little small but still very crispy and tender inside. And finalizing the dish with a sesame sauced salad~ love the sauce! Mango Special: These are special drinks menu, but this is more or less like a mango slush with a bit of mango jelly inside, topped with a paste of cream above. Not super sweet, but nothing too surprising like regular mango slurpy, but still quite refreshing. Chocolate Special: Same as the Mango Special, it is really a chocolate slush, but this it has addition oreo piece and a chocolate stick, just 2 little snacks within the drink. This one was a little bit too sweet, could be toned down a bit. Chocolate Penne Catte: The finale dessert! Very cute dish the chocolate is basically a chocolate pudding, quite sweet to be honest. and the top gudetama is made from white chocolate. That thing is way too sweet, think its more for the gimmick than for eating. But its very cute dish overall. This place seem more like a small cafe to chill, not particularly comfortable for seating long hours. it's more for the gimmick of the place. So if you are really into Gudetama, then you have to go this place! Food is alright, don't expect it to be super super good.
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去年10月蛋黃哥Cafe開幕的第一天的時候....Makiyo就已經有幸參加BE的活動率先試食過。當時覺得食物很可愛,味道也不錯.....後來餐廳正式開幕之後, 每次經過都看到店外長長的人龍,,,,也沒有再光顧過了!!!昨天難得和老公在Weekday一起放假,,,,趁著一田減價最後一天去APM逛逛,出來剛好發現沒人排隊~一於再來會一會蛋黃哥吧!!!明太子海鮮烏冬 $99用料很足, 每一條烏冬都沾滿粒粒明太子~味道濃郁、帶微辣, 無腥味~配上鮮甜彈牙的魷魚, YUMMY!!他他醬炸蝦漢堡扒奄列飯 $119漢堡扒厚身夠JUICY, 炸蝦炸得香脆可口~惟略嫌細隻了一點!!芒果特飲 $55一個字 - 甜!!每一口都只喝到芒果味的糖漿,,,,,完全不值這個價錢!!總括來說, 這家餐廳環境乾淨衛生, 坐得很舒服~食物質素方面我也是挺滿意, 但是飲品方面就有改善空間咯**
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今晚約了朋友聚舊,觀塘APM 係大家的中間點。當大家未選到食咩時,突然想起有呢間cafe, 因近來蛋黃哥大熱,所以就去一試。入到去先知原來全部以咖哩為主題,但其中有個朋友不食得咖哩,就在不知是否繼續留係度,店員突然話所有跟飯的咖哩汁可轉燒汁,大家即刻好開心咁繼續留係度食。餐牌選擇不多。我選了咖哩叉燒烏冬,他們選了芝士漢堡咖哩飯及燒汁吉列朱朳飯。我個人覺得賣相真的不錯,每碟都有不同樣的蛋黃哥小紙牌。而我覺得咖哩汁也做得不錯,不辣帶甜,正正是日式咖哩的味道。而叉燒是厚切的,有別於其他餐廳的薄切,感覺不錯有口感,難得煮得淋及保持到肉汁。而漢堡朳飯竟然落重芝士,見朋友一邊食一邊拉長芝士。整體來說是不錯,今晚未有機會試甜品,留待下次。
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