Yogo Frozen Yogurt lets customers mix and match any number of yogurt flavours, which include Original, Green Tea, Strawberry, Mango, Lychee and Green Apple. Best of all, Customers can top it all off with any number of toppings. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (143)
Level4 2013-06-02
以前肥髀游完水,一定會去呢度食乳酪,自從轉咗地方學,已經好耐無嚟過,今日經過,肥髀當然唔放過緬懷嘅機會上一年好興食乳酪,當時開咗好多乳酪店,不過熱潮一過,已經摺咗好多間,呢間以前由職員幫手唧乳酪同埋配料,今次嚟已經可以自己動手「畢」配料,職員只唧乳酪!肥髀揀咗佢至愛士多啤梨乳酪,唧乳酪嘅姐姐見佢細,只係唧一小團比佢,佢自己揀咗椰果,桃肉,同埋芒果,我平時唔比佢揀糖果類嘅配料(因為我覺得既然乳酪係健康食品,配料又揀曬啲糖果朱古力,又有乜意思)今次比佢揀一款糖果,佢揀咗熊仔糖!然後先去最尾嘅櫃枱秤,依重量比錢,今次$23!乳酪味道同以前無乜分別,因為呢間聲稱唔會額外加糖(即係乳酪嘅甜味來自水果本身),所以唔會太甜,但唔係每種水果都夾乳酪,之前試過南瓜芋頭呢啲甜味不強嘅蔬菜類,味道唔太突出!但配料種類以前以水果為主,水果種類亦多,貴啲嘅藍苺草苺都有,但今次就見唔到呢啲水果(或者今日咁啱無?),仲多咗糖果類同粟米片嘅配料佔嘅比例大咗!所以覺得比以前遜色! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-27
前陣子很流行的乳酪店, 隨著去年冬天的來臨, 現在的熱潮好像回落不少,眼見經過有幾區鬧市, 本來開了幾家大的店, 但最近都關門大吉了.這晚來到銅鑼灣晚飯, 飯後總想來點甜的,友人說不如去吃YOGURT吧不過宅女吃過不少乳酪店, 水準都很一般, 只有FROYO.友人隨即說這家水準比得上FROYO呢.聽到如此, 沒理由不前去看看吧.這裡的YOGURT跟坊間某些店一樣都是按重量付錢的.不過這裡本來有自助機, 但現在安排了一位店員負責唧雪糕, 所以要多要少便要開口要求了.另一邊的配料相當多, 除了有不少生果, 朱古力, 少見的甜柑, 或色彩繽紛的粟米片都有.雪糕口味當天有抹茶, 原味, 荔枝入口比較結實, 不會很水的樣子, 質感較滑富奶香, 唯抹茶或荔枝味便比較淡了.一杯差不多三十多元, 價格算是合理, 不過這家店的確有點隱蔽, 如果不是友人帶我來, 我想經過也不會多留意吧. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-12-20
食完lunch突然想食yogurt 就係openrice睇下有邊間多好評,就見到呢間。正如上面既人所講,係店員<支>比你,一支就係100g....想食2個味就200g...變相買多左.....Topping 方面都算多gacorn flakes 係林的,可能冬天無咩人食...有d失望。。。之後主角yogurt ,我要左original and strawberry 。。strawberry 幾好,不太甜,但係好快出水(今日得15度),一出店就開始出,而且食落有冰塊。總括以言…我覺得唔太值,個店員態度好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-07-21
There was a range of flavors available, to which you are given the minimum amount of froyo, then asked if it's enough. I enjoyed the friendly service that was offered and how the toppings were self-service (meaning you can put as many on as you wanted!). It's important to keep in mind that it's paid for in weight, otherwise you might go overboard.The froyo texture was nearly identical to ice-cream, the flavour smooth and rich. I had green tea and apart from the lack of tooth-pinching sweetness, found that it was little different to the green tea ice cream available at Hagen Daz. The toppings are relatively healthy compared to other places, and the fruit fresh.The only complaint is that the seating is slightly off-putting. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-05-04
為左安慰自己,放工就搭車出銅鑼灣食甜品,本身諗住係sogo落車,但係一上到車就不停喊同埋胡思亂想,搞到唔記得落車,去左中央個站...落左車之後亂咁行,見到yogo,覺得間店既好色彩繽紛,又有位坐,諗住會開心d就入左去...一開門就見到店員既燦爛笑容,佢問我要咩味,我講左兩種味,但佢無問我要幾多,結果佢匹左兩座山俾我...toppings可以自己匹,但我對topping無興趣,只係灑左幾粒彩針...咁就要$35...因為太大杯食唔晒,我淨係食左綠茶味,味道同質感都唔錯,同yoppi差唔多...不過我唔會再幫襯非自助/非standard size既yogurt店 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)