Yogo讓客人可以混合不同味道的乳酪,有原味,綠茶,士多啤梨,芒果,荔枝和青蘋果。客人也可以加上不同味道的配料。 continue reading
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Review (37)
Level1 2011-08-26
平時去旺角都係食開佢既..大大話話都超過十幾次...一向都覺得佢既原味yogurt好好味..每次都會簡士多啤梨, 藍莓(*但已經好耐無見過佢有了) 熊仔糖同d脆脆..不過 尋晚真係激死我了...我尋晚同bf經過 見到雖然好多人,但仍然有位置坐就行左入去當時, 間野有2男1女既店員..排係我地前面有2個女仔同1個外籍男仔...當時已經有2個男仔店員SER緊佢地..咁好理所當然地就係個女仔幫我地啦都唔知佢係度做緊咩既, 見到有客已經唔主動幫我地啦我仲要同佢講左3次 "原味YOGURT"佢擠完之後 仲要係度眼光光望住個外籍男我心諗: 小姐你番緊工定溝仔呀!?之後更離譜既係 佢竟然無理到我要D咩TOPIC去同個外籍男講野真係O曬囉...之後 叫佢次次都要講超過3次佢先聽到先去做"真係勁去到磅重既時候更加離譜!!!!要我等超過5分鐘 大佬我杯野溶啦><再離譜既係佢竟然由得之前個客拎埋我果杯完全激死我了我諗呢次應該佢最後一次嫁喇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-07-19
呢次係第一次去食無乜人有位坐個陣6點鍾左右啦有2,3鍾雪糕口味選擇因為我好鍾意食脆既野 所以我大部入都選擇個D野加多2隻生果而佢好細心咁就整左D熱既朱古力醬(PS.好少地方有)佢D脆米真係好脆唔似其他地方放到淋晒一個字正 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
行過見到門口好多雜誌介紹所以就試下...看到每100g賣$15 記住!!! 最少要買$15-我選了兩個味道... 然後店員就"自動波"冇問我買幾錢, 也冇問我要幾多...(有些店是有個sample, 標準比大家睇, 佢係冇既!)然後磅, 估唔到 ---冇得睇--- 幾重只係店員話幾錢就幾錢...似乎有點怪lor... 這個手法的確唔可以令我信復所以我唔會再去... 我不會評論好味與否 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-05-03
After visiting Crumbs,I walked a long way to YOGO.The shop is large and comfortable.Since I was quite full after eating a large cup in Crumbs,I only chose original froyo plus small amount of toppings.To me,I like sweeter froyo.The froyo was not sweet enough.But without sugar,I could taste the yoghurt flavour more.Although it was healthier for containing less sugar,I still prefer sugary froyo.Also,I prefer making whole cup of froyo myself,like in Tuttimelon,Tutti frutti. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
真係食到一肚氣~~! 我相信大家都好怕一樣野... 就係唔知自己個杯Yogurt幾重~ 到時無啦啦俾多左錢都唔知~~~Yogo... 係我第1間所見... 個重量磅唔係對住人~ 只係對住自己睇!!!嘩~~~~ 咁你講哂啦~ 個杯幾重.. 我地唔知ga wor~ 都係任你講!! 我真係覺得自己好似俾人呃左咁~~~ 明明個杯得少少yogurt... 得1個topping~但係.... 差唔多30蚊!! 我真係O左咀~~ (20蚊都唔知有冇....) 仲有d 態度~ 真係好好~~ 問: 我想問杯yogurt幾重呀......? 答: "自己睇啦!!" --> 個磅對住佢.. 點睇wor~講真, 旺角咁多間yogurt.. 點解要黎呢度食wor... 我寧願去番家樂個邊食好過.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)