7-min walk from Exit B, Tai Wo MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last Order 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (49)
Level3 2023-06-16
呢間韓國嘢開咗之後都冇黎試過,之前呢個位係有好多茶餐廳小菜館,所以比較少行過嚟。講返呢間韓國餐廳,我係嚟食午餐,叫咗韓式泡菜烏冬煲,韓式牛肉炒粉絲同埋韓式燒雞肉套餐。味道方面,泡菜烏冬好好味,夠辣,但係唔記得影相😅韓式牛肉炒粉絲,略嫌啲粉絲太淋,食到好滯。燒雞肉定食好夠份量,好多肉,但係味道好似唔夠入味。嘢飲方便,自己可以去雪櫃選擇紙包飲品,個餐包埋,唔使逼我飲奇怪嘢飲。下次會再幫襯,因為太和廣場食肆選擇唔多,呢間算係咁。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-05-04
一行四人買了openrice餐卷平日晚市入座,餐廳環境尚算清潔,四人餐卓面積太小,每次點餐送來必須馬上吃下,感覺有㸃壓力。另外,抽風系統不吸力,用餐環境油煙大點,幸好食物質素還好,但相比其他店舖的出品是中上,飲品選擇不算太多,基本的汽水啤酒都有。店員服務態度一般,我們光顧的是平日,客人大約只有5-6枱左右,收碟速度較慢,整體來說可以試一下!。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-02-01
呢間在太和廣場的梨滿園韓國燒烤,真係非常之好啊!又夠平,又夠多野食,野食既質素又好,服務員都好有禮呢日我帶同阿爸同阿媽去食👨‍👩‍👧可能時間都重早,唔算好多人啊~刺身:都好新鮮,冇乜雪藏味!肉類:類別好多,有啲選擇都唔常見,牛肉品質好好,雞肉調味出色,豬肉厚切食得過癮🥳海鮮:魷魚爽脆,青口正常,蝦好味重有蝦膏!飲品:好多款式揀,有無糖茶👍🏻甜品:只有雪糕,但口味都有好幾款選擇服務:服務員好好,因爸爸都有啲行動不便,有話如需要可幫手拎飲品雪糕,貼心! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I have ordered mixed rice w/ assorted veggie and with meat. It topped with various ingredients including bean sprouts, radish, spanish, carrots, seeweed, sesame seeds and fried egg and pork, you name it which all sounded so healthy and scrumptious for sure and it came with 2 side dishes which are kimchi and spanish. If you are a spicy lover, you definitely can't tolerate this kind of bland kimchi; however as i am not much into spicy so I am OK about it. One more thing, the portion is really huge which must fill you up and last you for the whole day, no kidding.Besides, I asked if i could have my dish changed from chicken to pork. The waitress reminded me that the pork is a bit spicy if i could have it. Then they let me have it and even led me to a big table for only 1 person. All in all, the service is good, food delicious though a bit expensive yet the food delivery fast. Will come again in the future  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
過完年幾個朋友都未開工4條太和友約左係太和廣場呢間梨滿園韓國燒烤任食放題到🫢繼續新年肥暴飲暴食啊🐷😌呢到除左放題之外午市下午茶可夜晚亦都有好多既單點套餐又幾好wor👍🏻放題只係分左兩個價錢,貴個個價唔駛$300蚊就已經可以食到刺身同多款高質牛肉,有冇咁堅先🤤我地4個人都第一次黎,坐低侍應立即送上生菜泡菜同前菜等亦都細心教我地點用QR code落單,牛肉質素真係冇得輸,牛板鍵非常好食,肉質好好唔會鞋口刺身全部都合格,任食就唔會太高要求啦,但我地都食左2round哈哈飲品既選擇都多亦有細杯裝大阪雪糕任食,呢間CP值真心高~推介大家👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)