7-min walk from Exit D, Long Ping MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (56)
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
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Review (44)
一入到熟悉嘅門店,好似穿越翻無憂無慮嘅學生時代。👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 招牌必點,當然喺個碗令人欲罷不能嘅和風牛肉飯啦!🥩🍚今日嘅肥牛片似預製品,似放咗好幾日咁,冇以前咁鮮嫩多汁。個秘制醬汁,依然帶住一絲絲甜意😋 重點喺,咁大碗,價格親民,性價比之王非佢莫屬!💰值得一提嘅喺,佢哋嘅珍珠米依然喺點睛之筆!軟硬適中,粒粒分明,吸飽了湯汁後更加誘人,每一粒都有小小嘅驚喜,似喺舌尖上跳舞!💃環境就,簡約而不失溫馨,適合快速解決午餐的上班族。🏠總結一句:吉野家,性價比同回憶嘅和風牛肉飯已經風光不再。🌟🌟🌟#吉野家探店# #和風牛肉飯# #性價比美食# #童年回憶殺# #珍珠米美味# #元朗美食推薦# #美食博主打卡# #快餐也精彩# continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-11
我一直都有幫襯開吉野家堂食,一個月前第一次用外賣速遞兼第一次食火鍋,送到時發現和牛配料因缺貨換成肥牛配料,食完之後嗰晚同第二日腸胃炎,懷疑肥牛運送過程可能變質,諗住唔再幫襯。今日突然心郁郁又想食吉野,俾多次機會,不過今次唔幫襯火鍋,轉食牛肉雞雙拼飯。牛肉雞雙拼飯,我一直都有幫襯開,差不多一個月食兩三次,一直都質素好好,份量亦都好夠,跟賣相一樣。但今次收到個飯埋位沒有為意,隔咗陣先見到只係得三舊雞,同埋好少牛肉,同平時不一樣(平時都有最少5件雞,牛肉份量適中。)因為埋位之後搵藥食都隔咗5分鐘,心諗無謂隔咗5分鐘先去問前台問人哋,見到前台都好忙。但諗諗吓都係覺得要做一下食評,俾人參考吓。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-07
如題,自己點了堂食火鍋,之前在另一分店點了兩次,都覺得頗好!但出餐員工態度,在出餐時在超級冇禮貌,好像無心與客人基本對答一樣,自己同同事傾計(好像不休做一樣。。。)實在很可惜。公司管理層應該很有心做,其間都不斷推出優惠,而且食物質素也ok。可惜有些員工真的十分差,希望能處理下。,,.............................. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Extremely poor service and attitude I received from Crew Leader, Sue, who was working as the cashier at Yuen Long Plaza Branch in Yuen Long at 11.51 in the morning of 11th March 2024. First of all, she repeatedly ignored my question. I asked whether the beef sauce could be served separately but she completely ignored my question. She kept on asking her usual questions and refused to answer me. She did not look at me and spoke to me as if I were unimportant and of lower level. I was offended to say the least. I had to ask four to five times to get an answer, and when I did, she twice raised her voice so loudly that I was taken aback. Her tone was aggressive, and I felt afraid and shocked with her response. This service, I believe, is totally unacceptable, and not what a Crew Leader of such a popular and big multinational fast-food chain should provide. To make matters worse, I had brought my child for the experience of your restaurant. Expecting to have a nice experience, he also had to face the poor attitude and service of your staff. She set a very bad example to my child and those nearby. Her actions and behaviour also damage the reputation of your restaurant, which I did consider family friendly. This experience has now changed my view. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-26
到午飯時間,在元朗廣場周圍逛下,見吉野家有吉位就決定在此店開飯。在吉野家大多選牛肉飯,但我今次就選了個野菜煎雞丼套餐配熱奶茶加温泉蛋,夠晒營養又飽肚。煎雞丼有野菜比淨牛肉飯更健康,再配上温泉蛋汁夠晒juicy continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)