1-min walk from Exit D4, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (18)
Level3 2022-06-06
間野坐位唔多 。 左面同右面都有三張檯 。 中間有兩張 。 成間鋪一共得8張檯 。佢餐牌野食個樣都幾靚既 。 同埋都係飯丼便當為主 。 價錢大約四十幾至六十左右 。d 汽水或茶飲係同出面七仔呀 ok 呀 果 d 便利店差唔多既 。溫泉蛋鹽燒三文魚便當 $63 。 個飯係日本米黎既 。 配埋 D 蔥好香 。 但唔知係 D 飯落太多水黎煮定佢 d 汁多太多 。 因為食落有小小立口 。佢有得揀茶🍵定汽水 。 咁我揀咗茶 。 係茉香綠茶嚟嘅 。咖哩牛肉飯 $58 。 個汁唔會太甜唔會太辣又唔會太鹹 。係跟本唔辣 😹🤣😂 。 麵豉湯都正常發揮既 。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-12-15
Went to this store after off work from Lai Chi kok. The staff has good attitude. The bad point is only accept cash. Which hopes that the payment way can improve later, including both octopus card and credit / debit card payment method.Food is nice, I ordered a pork with egg rice and it kind of taste good ~ hot enough and have sufficient topping on it . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-11-03
同個名完全唔同冇咩BBQ味 ,色都冇又唔係燒既肉就好似炒肉片名有誤導 成碟連菜 有半碟汁之後仲有個人,一句野都冇就搭枱冇隔板 開頭以為佢等外賣點知係堂食佢一除口罩,我就唯有起身走 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-21
今次講嘅係位於荔枝角D2 Place嘅滋味屋日本家庭料理💕係位於D2 Place 3樓嘅一個角落頭 絕對係隱世日式料理☺️☺️ 經過D2 Place可以試下🤩🤩會俾到Surprise你✨✨温泉蛋鰻魚便當 $58💰(8/10)呢個鰻魚便當有驚喜😻😻鰻魚係會切到細細件 方便入口 咁就可以每一啖飯都有鰻魚☺️☺️仲要值得一提嘅係用日本珍珠米㗎😋😋每粒都有咬口 配埋香濃鰻魚汁 真係好開胃🧡🧡再篤穿埋個温泉蛋🤤🤤真係Perfect‼️‼️大家真係可以試吓🤍🤍三文魚蟹籽炒飯 $58💰 (8/10)送到上枱 個炒飯好香好香😋😋 炒飯面頭舖佐好多蟹籽😻😻而三文魚就同飯一齊炒 再加佐啲鰻魚汁去炒 令到個飯好香同埋個味道啱啱好🤤🤤有三文魚嘅鹹香 配埋鰻魚汁嘅甜 令到個味道啱啱好‼️再撈埋面頭嘅蟹籽🤍🤍成個炒飯好吸引✨✨蟹籽沙律 $16💰 (8/10)個沙律係由蟹柳絲 青瓜絲 蟹籽同沙律醬整成嘅😋😋一啖可以試到唔同嘅味道 係好解暑🤩🤩因為凍冰冰咁 會令你想不斷放入口😍😍小編都encore佐兩次🙈🙈睇到呢度 快啲約埋朋友一齊去‼️‼️推薦指數🌟 8 / 10 🌟滋味屋日本家庭料理 (荔枝角)⚜️荔枝角長義街9號D2 Placee一期3樓307號舖⏱星期一至日 1100-2000 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這間小型家庭風味十足嘅日式便當,至今已經開咗好幾個年頭嫁啦! 負責收銀、配菜擺明嘅姨姨仍然都係咁親切。堂食嘅時候,食物送上枱時,姨姨仲會特別同我講,唔夠飯可以再添嫁,真係好窩心稍為入過廚房嘅你,睇下YouTube,要煮出這份菜並唔難。仲可以好味過這間便當店添!但當你要準備咁多配菜時,哈哈~ 你就知道這份定食餐真係好抵食。 係附近係完全食唔到咁抵食又健康。味道偏清淡,係我最鍾意嘅地方之一。另外,這個味噌湯熱辣辣,又暖胃,令人好舒服,幾粒蔥花仲帶出湯嘅微微的清甜呢。 在街飲味噌湯,好難得係無澀味。環境方面,食客真係唔多,坐得好舒服自在。 係好適合一個人食飯的好地方。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)