The restaurant decorated with black and cool style.It provides Japanese Cuisine like Kaiten Sushi and Yakitori. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
12:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Assorted Sashimi Rice Bowl Grilled Thick Cut Egg Grilled Mentaiko Chicken Wings Duck Meat and Foie Gras Gunkan Sushi Udon with Fresh Fish Soup
Review (78)
Level3 2013-06-27
炎炎夏日其實有時真係唔係好想食野,又唔想食好熱既野,又唔想食得 heavy,食日本菜絕對係夏天最佳既菜式。差不多是晚上八點到達餐廳,人數也不少,同事第一時間問我們有冇訂位。沒有訂位的我倆幸好也有壽司吧的位置。好食的寫先 :)三文魚腩壽司新鮮肥美,差點入口即溶,而魚的份量很大,飯很少,所以口感十分豐富。燒鰻魚亦是當晚的亮點,鰻魚亦是相當肥美,燒得剛好,很嫩,配合燒汁啖啖肉的吃,好不和味!鰻魚壽司有過之而無不及。黑豚肉日本菇串亦令人充滿驚喜,豚肉燒得金黃,配合帶有水份和鮮味的日本菇,吃了還會覺得健康。蟹籽沙律的青瓜條切得大小適中,跟蟹籽的份量也恰到好處,清新怡人,可以多吃兩口。燒口舌便一般吧,比較難咬開,而右上角的醬原來是芥末,不知道的我試了一大口,很嗆鼻呢!京都厚蛋燒是我不會推介的,好像吃蛋糕一樣,吃下去的質地十分奇怪,噱頭成份居多;還是傳統的燒玉子比較好吃。為食鴨分數:7.5/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
曾幾何時香港可容納不少中價的日本壽司餐廳,這些壽司餐廳通常都不是集團式經營,店內有一兩個日本司傳,服務較為親切。但隨時間演進,壽司餐廳各走極端,一是集團式經營,質素下降(但價錢卻企硬),另一是走向較為高檔次的模式,品質可有保證,但服務卻因舖而異。是家Yuyu Sushi,三年前品嘗過,沒有特別印象。今天經過見它沒有被淘汰已覺驚訝。於是決定入內一試,果然有它生存之道。星期五的九時多,坐無虛蓆,實在有點意外。幸運地不用等位,坐在bar枱位置。細閱餐牌壽司類是中等價,比一般迴轉壽司貴近一倍。最後決定叫了一個特上壽司,內含吞拿魚腩、三文魚子、海膽等上等壽司,二佰六十元,不敢說平,但吃過後都可以說抵食。其他鱲魚、帶子、牡丹蝦壽司都是合格貨式。大概在高級的壽司餐廳都是差不多水準。我只吃了壽司,不知它的燒烤及其他食品的質素,但看鄰座的烤雞串好像不錯。除了食品,最藉得讚的是侍應們。有別一般壽司舖,它都侍應大多都是中坑男士。別跟一般茶記侍應相比,此店的男侍應們極其誠懇有禮,在中價餐廳中實屬少見。不過其上菜的速度則有待改善,我見很多枱都等了一會上菜,有些人更失去耐性,頻吃追單。唯一解釋可能是慢工出細貨吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-20
有很多想要試的餐廳 雖然wishing list上的名單 一間間消滅 但新入列的數量 也以正比例增長 如肚子上的肉肉 絲毫沒有消停的意思有時會做定功課 好評的菜式了然於胸 也會留下兩三成的Quota 期待店家會有特別的推薦驚喜到自己然而現實總是殘酷一點的 往往驚不少 喜倒並不多不過今日 撞到一寶翻看這家店以前的食評 還是以中好評居多 在我的概念里 這種情況 就交給師傅自由發揮吧....上來一整盤的壽司好友極力推薦鵝肝壽司說實話 賣相並不出眾而味道 竟出奇的好鵝肝煎的熱呼呼 趴在壽司上 油潤肥美而壽司卷中間有用酸甜的壽司醬 很好的緩衝的油膩 壽司卷飯粒軟熟 微微黏度  顆顆飯粒充實了口感沒有期待 才會遇到驚喜 是嗎?就像這一段相識 嘻嘻今晚過得很開心 晚安 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-05
Date of visit : 2 Mar 2013 (Sat) 8pmNo. of diners : 7Average cost per head : $370Food quality : 8.5/10Environment : 8/10Service : 8/10Value-for-money : 8/10Overall rating : 8.6/10Ship Street is a relatively short street running perpendicular to Johnston Road and Queen’s Road East. However, this short lane has already been settled with a few interesting multinational restaurants such as 22 Ships serving Spanish cuisine, Limehouse for British food, Wing Hing as local neighbourhood eatery, and this Yuyu with Japanese food.Don’t get misled by its name, this dining outlet does not only serves sushi or sashimi. It offers a full range of Japanese food such as appetizers, teriyaki and tempura. The interior of this Japanese restaurant is modern. You won’t hear the staff shouting “i-ra-sha-i-ma-se” (welcome in Japanese), however, they are still serving with courtesy.a) Japanese Hairy Beans 日本枝豆 ($38) – 7.5/10Poached beans with sprinkle of salt, a common snacks to go with beer.b) From left clockwise, Sea Bream Sushi真鯛壽司 ($36 for 2pcs ), Striped Jack Sushi 深海池魚壽司 ($48 for 2 pcs), Yellow Tail Sushi 油甘魚壽司 ($36 for 2 pcs), Fatty Tuna Mix Shanghai Onion Gunkan 大蔥吞拿魚腩軍艦 ($45 for 2 pcs), Salmon Roe Gunkan 三文魚籽軍艦 ($50 for 2 pcs) – 8.5/10All the sushi and gunkan were fresh, in particular the sea bream which tasted sweet.c) From left to right, Crab Roe Gunkan 蟹籽軍艦 ($22 for 2 pcs), Duck Meat Mix Goose Sauce Gunkan 鴨肉鵝肝醬軍艦 ($32 for 2 pcs), Grilled Salmon Sushi 三文魚炙壽司 ($24 for 2 pcs) – 7.5/10I only tried crab roe gunkan from this dish, the seaweed sheet wrap was a bit moist than it should be.d) On top, Grilled Egg Sushi 京都厚蛋燒 ($24 for 2 pcs), bottom from left, Foie Gras Suishi 法國鵝肝壽司 ($58 for 2 pcs), Jumbo Scallop Sushi 珍寶帆立貝壽司 ($48 for 2 pcs) – 8.5/10The grilled egg suishi in Kyoto style was different from the egg roll 玉子燒 (da-shi-ma-ki), beaten eggs are baked in a pan which makes the exterior look like a pound cake. The baked egg was not too sweet and was the highlight of the dish. The credit goes to them as I haven’t tried the other two sushi.e) Lean Tuna Roll 鐡火卷 ($58), Yellow Pickled Radish Roll新春卷 ($22) – 8/10f) Left, Avocado Fried Soft Shell Hand Roll 牛油果炸軟殻蟹手卷 ($38), right, California Hand Roll 加洲手卷 ($28)I haven't tried any of these.g) Deep Fried Chicken Soft Joints – 8/10The soft joints were tender yet chewy, the flavour can further be enhanced with some Japanese spicy seasoning.h) Sea Urchin Hand Roll 海膽手卷 ($55) – 8.5/10The sea urchins were large and fresh.i) Crab Meat Clear Soup 蟹肉清湯 ($45) – 8.5/10Despite a clear soup, the unami flavour of the crab legs was strong.j) Sea Bream Simmer Soup 鯛魚湯 ($48) – 9/10I’m a soup person and this is really my “cup of soup”. The creamy colour was just right for a good fish soup. Smooth and milky, you can find dices of mushrooms and tofu inside.k) Grilled Mushroom鮮冬菇串 ($26 each) – 8/10l) Chicken Gizzard 雞腎 ($28 each) – 8.5/10m) Beef Short Rib 牛肋 ($35 each) – 8.5/10The texture of this short rib somewhat resembled that of the chicken gizzard, interesting.n) Japanese Sweet Pepper 日本青椒仔串燒 ($32) – 8/10o) Chicken with Japanese Leek 雞肉大蔥串 ($28 each) – 8/10p) Ox Tongue 牛舌 ($39) – 9/10The meat was tender and juicy, highly recommended.q) Grilled Yellow Tail Head Joints 鹽燒油甘魚頭鉸 ($120) – 8.5/10The fish was fresh and the skin was just grilled nicely. Where is my beer?r) Mirin Puffer Boshi 味淋魚干 ($75) – 7.5/10The grilled dried fish was a bit too sweet for me.s) Pumpkin and Sweet Potato Tempura 日本南瓜蕃薯天婦羅 ($55) – 9/10The pumpkin and sweet potato were lightly battered, moist inside.t) Cold Buckwheat Noodle 冷喬麥麵 ($65) – 8.5/10The noodle was chilled to its required temperature.u) Ice Cream (complimentary) – 8.5/10The restaurant offers 7 choices of ice cream, black sesame and coconut are recommended. The former was blended with noticeable sesame seeds while young coconut could be found in the coconut scoop.03.2013 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Right, so I guess this entry will be my first restaurant review writing in English, haha, I guess it will always be a good idea to explore something new and I suppose I will be able to pick up some english writing skills if I keep doing this so I forced myself to make a good start in 2013 since I am going to have 2 days off!I went to a Japanese Restaurant for lunch with a good friend of mine today at Wan Chai since my friend works in Pacific Place and it is kinda accessible for him to come over. We were suppose to go to a Teppanyaki place today but I am not feeling too well so I picked a sushi place as well, a reservation has been made but they only have sushi bar table available since it is fully booked.The restaurant was empty when I entered, and in fact the setting of the restaurant is plain I would say, we were lucky enough as our seats are not right next to the toilet . They served us with hot tea and refilled it quite often, I am kinda impress with that to be honest. Rather than sushi they have different lunch sets available including some donburi sets or udon sets with a few pieces of sushi, price range from $85-$230 which is reasonable enough in wan chai area, it is pretty chilly today so we decided not to eat any sushi or sashimi, instead my friend ordered a teriyaki chicken donburi set and I ordered a Salmon Steak with miso set , both served with green salad and miso soup. Green salad and miso soup came about the same time, salad comes with some Lettuce, Cucumber and cherry tomatoes served with a japanese salad dressing, the veges are kinda fresh and the taste of the dressing is not too sour for me which is pretty good too! The miso soup for me is pretty good, I reckon it is not hot enough when they delivered it on the table, and the taste is a bit too light as a miso soup but I found spring onion,tofu and mushroom in my bowl of soup though, in terms of ingrident it is good! Oh well I can’t say it is a bad one but is just not too impressive for me. While we are half way through finishing our salad and soup my friends teriyaki chicken donburi ($85) arrived, there were at least 6-7 slices of chicken fillets and some pan fried vegetables on top of a big rice bowl that filled with rice, those chicken pieces looks okay , at least it doesn’t look overcooked so hopefully my friend enjoyed it , he was saything that the portion is way too big though therefore when we are finished with our meal there was roughly half of it left in the bowl. My Salmon Steak with miso set ($95) came in a bowl of rice and a plate of vege and fish, pretty much some pan fried veges and a big piece of salmon steak coated in miso sauce. The veges for me is average, they are lightly seasoned and the presentation was quite bad indeed, the fish was okay and the miso sauce is kinda tasty, but it will be much better if the salmon skin is crispy, the fish itself was juicy enough so I will rate it good but not very good! The rice was done nicely and the texture is good so I manage to finish around 2/3 of it, I have eaten the whole piece of salmon steak except the skin but I have left half of the veges on my plate though. Overall the food is okay and the service was pretty good, at least the servers in the restaurant are really attentive which is really good because it is more or less an essential element of working in a service industry.Anyways it is really good to catch up with a good friend, and we have some interesting travel ideas in mind today, see if we will make this happen within this year continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)