Restaurant: | Zeugma |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
夜晚唔想等位又想食啲方便野😹食Chicken Doner Kebab 就啱啦😝個Kebab足料大卷又飽肚🐓🥬🧅🍅🌯仲有好多款sauce揀✨重點係雞肉幾滑😝
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我係regular customer,一星期起碼幫襯一至兩次,每次都係打電話落單,外賣自取。尋日一個自稱係shop manager嘅外籍男人接電話,竟然同我講唔接受電話落單,我同佢講我而家過緊去餐廳,當面同佢講。收線之後兩分鐘,我已經到餐廳,佢同我解釋話如果客多,就要去餐廳落單,要等,我心諗好似冇乜關係,加上我眼見餐廳當時只有3至4個客人,但係嗰個manager仍然都係咁講,我即時同佢講唔需要喇,我幫襯過第二間。呢間餐廳,我見住佢開張,開頭呢個shop manager都幾有禮貌,慢慢變到咁樣,真係非常忿怒,又好失望,作為食客嘅各位,千祈唔好縱容呢啲餐廳!
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I order their chicken donar rice plate almost every week. The chicken is well seasoned and tender, the rice has a lot of ingredients and a good chew to it and the salad is so fresh. At first I was super skeptical as I ordered take out but I don’t know how they did it to manage everything remained fresh even the salad. I would say quality is pretty consistent too. Keep it up please.
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西貢除咗食海鮮、特大pizza、車仔麵、泰國嘢,原來仲有土耳其烤雞!間舖幾時開架?舊年唔多覺▶️一隻烤雞+ 4 sides + 4 drinks 都係$198,會唔會太抵呀?係香草味烤雞,多肉嘅,唔太鹹,夠juicy 同soft,好味呀!d 飯係普通jasmine rice,唔係中東飯,岩返香港人口味。入面仲夾雜左chicken peas,有少少口感。4條友食都飽!當日早上行山,下午去海灘,玩完食烤雞,之後返屋企打咗一晚機,大滿足❤️
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本身入西貢諗住食斯里蘭卡野 但係full 哂 所以周圍搵食 行返到近小巴站見到哩間野有Wrap食 已經心心眼 所以二話不說咁坐低左叫左一個set 同一個wrap首先係 Beef Kofte Wrap (Tzatiziki & Harissa Sauce)成個卷由上到下都有滿滿既肉 肉既口感唔un 係軟口 而且蕃茄好新鮮 但係絕對無個啲平時啲人唔鐘意食個隻生蕃茄味 個皮幾好食 配埋佢個汁真係一流 ~ 不過辣汁雖然令到成個肉卷感覺唔同左 但係如果唔食得辣既話。可以試少少 佢個Tzatiziki 汁都同個肉卷好夾 唔食得辣就咁食哩個汁都唔錯 我個日兩隻汁都食所以都食得出 兩個汁既分別~ BTW 店入面既人都係外國人佢地幾nice 同埋基本上其實有外國人經過佢地都會傾計 所以應該關係都唔錯 而且都見佢地會買外賣走返屋企食 所以佢地應該都覺得哩間野係唔錯之後到另一個雞set 餐 我地簡左跟薯條同飯薯條佢係貴啲個隻薯條黎 口感幾好食 我都食左好多條 因為真係好香口 另外 雞果個本身醃得幾好食 佢個皮都整得唔錯跟飯果個 飯有雞香味 而且佢有啲豆 幾好食 整體黎講如果講食特色野 哩間既wrap 係好食過出面一啲既鋪頭 我之前都會出去特登搵啲卷食下~所以食左次之後都真係喜出望外 無諗過係屋企附近搵到哩啲野食~
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