2234 7188
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
ZOE Cake Coffee Cheese Cake Napoleon 1459
Review (220)
Level4 2013-05-23
做左港島OL。。當然食食食都係港島,今次就同一個男仔去ZOE食CAKE!~叫左一個粟子一個血橙的CAKE加一杯咖啡因為差唔多佢收工,所以去到得2桌人,比較靜這2個CAKE的味道真係好濃,餅底沒有濕的感覺(因為差不多收工,如冇意外這餅起碼放左一日),知道真係好新鮮,但價錢一D都唔平。個男仔2口一個。。咁就三十幾元但咖啡比較差D,味道好淡,所以下次再黎寧將錢買多個CAKE好過。。哈哈。。2個CAKE加一個咖啡130大元,可以食到餐飯,如果個CAKE大多少少會好D!~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-04-21
在銅鑼灣逛街,打算找個地方坐下休息,正巧路過門口,看小店小巧簡潔,是我喜歡的風格,便進去一試。本來只打算要cheesecake,但店員說最低消費50蚊。單點的cake或者飲品都是40蚊上下,一件不夠,兩件就大大超過,而且誰會花時間去研究怎樣儘量湊夠50蚊,那就加一杯咖啡吧,雖然當時並不是太想喝咖啡。American cheese: 合格,cheese味道夠,也不會太重口味,質地偏硬是比較典型的NY cheese風格。Latte: 不合我口味。拉花不是重點,奶泡打得還不錯,但咖啡本身比較苦澀。不清楚店家用何種咖啡豆和烘焙方法,不想妄自判斷咖啡豆的質量,總之40蚊的這杯咖啡我覺得不好喝。下次還是去名店坊的Segafredo,差距很明顯。東西不算出眾,價格不便宜,還要最少點兩樣,不管你想不想吃,否則沒得坐下。Okay, 難有下次了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-04-20
因為約左朋友飯局在附件,出面落雨濕濕又早到了咪諗住入黎坐下同飲杯野囉!當時時間係7點到,店內都冇客lu一坐底,就有位冇表情的店員過黎放底餐牌每人最底消費是50大元,仲有10%服務費添叫了一杯凍朱古力朱古力味好開濃,朱味也十足,份量都幾大杯架叫左杯野飲冇食cake呀!因為一陣仲要食飯麻埋單都市60大元架,不過服務就有d黑面囉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-03-31
一入到到去就搵位坐下,女店員口黑面黑甘拎個餐牌過黎放低,就行開左。叫左coffee後,就去睇下有咩cake食啦,諗左陣就番埋位同個朋友講想食咩cake,叫佢一齊嗌埋點知個女店只好似驚死你吾知佢要每個人消費五十元甘,好快行埋黎用好「提示」語氣問你地會叫cake??但又吾見佢問第二個-_-可能衣著比轉寒酸,被睇吾起。跟手叫左件有士多啤利的cake士多啤利好醱,蛋糕亦很普通過左一陣就full左,跟住有對情侶入黎要等位,個女店員又再次係甘行過黎,睇下我地食完未-_-食得好有壓力我同個朋友都急急腳甘食完就埋單埋單找錢個時最誇張,我個朋友只是拎起張十蚊紙幣,個女店員就急急想拎走個找錢盤,出去食野甘多年第一次見應該無下次,間鋪有兩個女店員,兩個都超黑面-_- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Zoe Cafe, classy decor with a beautiful chandelier. Other than that, it' doesn't provide custoner-friendly service.1. no credit-card payment I bought a cake at $480, no APM, No credit card, I'm not sure if people bring lots cash nowadays. There's no APM centre nearby2. No website A new opening store provides a website these days, Zoe which has been here for more than 4 years, im not sure if it's hard to bring the convenience to the customers . Birthday day Cake-SumiyakiCan you understand the first word? It takes us around 10 seconds to know i'ts Pisces Birthday. I am really mad at paying a high price in return with the unattractive wiritngs.There are three birthday stars: Anita, Ben, Diana. This comes to be the most important letters yet I could barely understand the writings. Does BEN become BAN to you?? And ANITA, im really sorry that they cant write your name properly, the cursive writing doesn't seem artistic to us at all, it totally ruins our names and mood. It tastes taste, but it can't make up to the ruined letters. No credit for the cake this time continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)