Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 01:30
Payment Methods
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Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
對於在銅鑼灣長大的我黎講,街上一向人頭湧湧,各式店舖林立。但近五、六年開始,銅鑼灣仿佛不是再屬於香港人似的。由各式店舖,逐漸變成單一的、為自由行旅客服務的珠寶金飾店、藥房、化妝品、名貴服飾店.........情況由羅素街、波斯富街、東角道,開始蔓延至小小的街坊食街─渣甸街。本篇食評的主角是自從SOGO對面街角的大型小食店撤離後,街上唯一的小食店 ─ 如軒車仔麵。如軒車仔麵是最就近我家的小食及車仔麵店,所以一直有幫襯。但由於並不出色,所以並未有為它寫下任何評語。直至早幾天得知它即將結業,因此作最後一次光顧。並寫下食評,當作如軒的訃聞 今次是購買3餸車仔麵,未知是否結業在即,質素及份量有如迥光返照。有別平日份量較少及質數一般的情況今次叫左牛腩、水餃、麵筋公仔麵。牛腩 → 仍然是碎細雜牛腩,但以五香粉調味後的牛腩,味道是不錯的。可是,牛腩不夠腍。麵筋 → 煙煙韌韌,吸收了五香牛腩的湯汁,味道不錯!水餃 → 只是一般味道,普通貨色概然是我對此店最後一篇食評,順道寫下以往光顧的意見吧!碗仔翅 → 如其他食家的意見差不多。配料少、翅湯太杰太漿,調味過重!燒賣 → 沒有咬口,食落第一個感覺是軟腍腍的一堆粉團,差!總結: 最後光顧,如軒是進步左,有返一間普通食店應有的質素,因此給予OK。 但如計算多次光顧的總評分,我會比"喊"囉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-07-24
工作了一整天,下班時食少少小食也是很正常的事。在銅鑼灣/灣仔,要拮下魚蛋,食下牛雜,整件雞蛋仔,同旺角相比,真的是選擇極少。是日為食的胃就指引我來到了渣甸街的魚蛋檔食野。佈有雅座的,堂食是車仔麵,但其外賣的魚蛋牛雜,佔領了整個門口,不是店名為車仔麵,也不知道這店內有乾坤。我為小吃而來,肚餓餓就來一份牛雜加上一串牛肉球。說真一句,這些牛肉球,沒有真正的肉味,味道是 artificial 的,只覺得是一團粉再加上牛肉味。牛雜,不算是腍,而個汁帶有少少怪怪誕誕的味道,不能完美地用文字來形容。腸肺都覺得韌了一點,沒有好食的感覺。街頭小食,好食起黎可以好好食,一旦唔好食,就真係可以非常之不好吃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-02-19
中午沒甚胃口,打算隨便吃個麵便算。本想去對面街的麵家但又全場爆滿!便唯有過來這家門面看似尚算企理的車仔麵來個速食吧!廚房大又如何!看似選擇多多豬腸----完全無味!只是一件軟淋淋擁有大腸外型的物體.牛腩----又是白烚!無味程度去到湯渣級別.水餃----咬開中間韌韌地粉紅色仲未熟透呀...大佬!辣汁是淋在一旁,試清湯那邊是淡如無味,撈勻後辣度亦甚低!這個大辣湯底同自已落辣椒油有啥分別?炸魚皮----吃過有嚼勁的炸魚皮沒有? 真不知道已存放了多久!一間食店有沒有放心思在食物上客人是吃得出來的。收費混亂已令人不快,加上品質又如此。午飯時間門庭冷落事必有因! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-06-27
Along Jardine road, most of the restaurants were full with people waiting outside on a rainy day.This one only had two customers inside and was pretty empty, apart from that, it looked new and clean, so probably their prices were slightly more expensive that the rest.Anyway, walked in, and it was freezing, almost like a morgue.It was so freezing, I couldnt think, and what made it worse, the staff were like loudspeakers!!Ordered noodles and fried items.They were cold within seconds due to the air conditioner.The fried items were totally disgusting, firstly you could smell that it had been refried, and when you ate it, it was totally off.The noodles were greasy and cold.They obviously put budget into the restaurant decor and the printed matter which is obviously good quality paper, yet the food is not really up to scratch and they are also wasting money on resources such as turning on the air con too high. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-06-17
十月下旬•有雨趁吃飯時間,到祟光買點東西,求其來了這裡吃碗車仔麵。這裡的名字改得優雅,但內裡的環境很一般。坐在窄窄的位子,可以看到廚房的景象,建議大家不要多看,因為感覺是很「工業用」的。看著餐紙,沒有什麼心水,就只要了冬菇及豬大腸兩味菜。冬菇幾入味,大腸就完全不行,除了外型似大腸,口感及味道都不對辦。要了米線底,稔稔的,絕對是「維生級數」的食物。話雖如此,但也要28蚊的,想不出任何原因會再來這裡。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)