4-min walk from Exit D4, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:30
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 20:30
Fri - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:30
*星期一至四: 11:00-20:30 (Last order 20:00)
星期五至日公眾假期: 11:00-21:30 (Last order 21:00)
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Afternoon Tea Tearoom recenltly has a new promotion that has unlimited food orders on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. There have limited sessions and you can book it at their official website which gives you the information what days and sessions are available. https://tearoom.afternoon-tea.hk/buffet-bookingEven the drinks are unlimited though after the first glass, there are only 2 options for the refills.This a good chance to try their savory since usually we try their desserts instead.Out of all the savory, the pasta was the most impressive and it was pretty close to al dente. My favorite was Roast Chicken and Mushroom Pasta. The saue was based with soy sauce and the saltiness was just right especially with the many desserts to come. The chicken was tender and there were many mushrooms(not mushroom pieces) in it.The desserts are strawberry based. My favorite was the Strawberry Sandwich. The Strawberry was really large and I love how they didn't add too much cream to force it to an exact rectangle shape. The other Strawberry dessert that I loved especially the ricotta cheese shortcake was rich and soft. However, each dessert was not large so you can get to try them all.The Strawberry Yogurt Parfait woud depend whether you love tarty/sour desserts. However, I quite enjoyed it especiall with so many desserts.Great choice to come here and try all their food choices.
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開在銅鑼灣世貿中心的日本人氣連鎖茶室,大家吃過了沒有?Afternoon Tea TEAROOM 最近推出了全日任食 100mins 甜點鹹點和紅茶。成人每位 HKD 258,可享用九款甜點、六款鹹點。首杯飲品可以選咖啡、茶或蘋果汁之類,第二杯開始則只能點凍或熱的招牌紅茶。芳香的無咖啡因水果博士茶香桃芒果,喝起來有水果的甜還很清新。六款鹹點包括了咖喱飯、意大利麵、三文治和漢堡,絕對能吃飽吧。另外還有餐湯 (雜菜湯) 和田園沙律。因為來吃這個任吃就是衝著這間的甜點來,所以每一款都有吃到。草莓鮮忌廉三文治 - 忌廉吃落帶甜配上微酸的草莓剛剛好。草莓乳酪忌廉芭菲 - 這個雪芭的部份很酸。蘋果批 - 鬆脆的外層夾著味道酸甜的蘋果很有咬口。草莓麗哥塔芝士忌廉蛋糕 - 餐牌標示這款是期間限定的蛋糕。蛋糕質感很鬆軟,加上輕盈的忌廉吃起來不覺得膩。鬆餅三文治配草莓醬 - 鬆餅略嫌硬身了點,不過本身個草莓醬好吃,所以還不錯。草莓忌廉蛋糕 - 鬆軟蛋糕、軟滑忌廉和香甜草莓醬組合而成的蛋糕,配紅茶吃剛好。比較飽肚的還有 英式鬆餅 & 焗甜薯布丁。前者頗香,但偏乾身一點。後者口感細膩絲滑,甜薯味道十足。最後再吃雲尼拿和草莓雪糕就完滿囉。
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以紅茶和草莓甜點聞名的 ᴀғᴛᴇʀɴᴏᴏɴ ᴛᴇᴀ ᴛᴇᴀʀᴏᴏᴍ是一直 ʙᴏᴏᴋᴍᴀʀᴋ 想吃享用精緻下午茶的地方!最近他們推出了週五六日限定的「全日任食𝟷𝟶𝟶分鐘」活動可以任點品嘗各款人氣甜點 主菜及飲品馬上吸引到我了任食餐牌中包含 𝟿款甜點 𝟾款鹹點當中不乏招牌草莓蛋糕 期間限定的 ʀɪᴄᴏᴛᴛᴀ sʜᴏʀᴛᴄᴀᴋᴇ鹹食則有三文治 意大利麵 漢堡 等等在 𝟷𝟶𝟶 分鐘內可以任意選擇你喜歡的任食是點餐製形式 記得預留時間點餐及送餐๑ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ๑𓋪 草莓麗哥塔芝士忌廉蛋糕𓋪 鬆餅三文治配草莓醬𓋪 草莓鮮忌廉蛋糕𓋪 草莓乳酪忌廉芭菲𓋪 草莓鮮忌廉三文治𓋪 蘋果批𓋪 焗甜薯布丁𓋪 英式鬆餅𓋪 雪糕๑ sᴀᴠᴏʀʏ ๑𓋪 有機蕃茄醬意大利麵配馬蘇里拉芝士𓋪 醬油烤雞蘑菇意大利麵𓋪 菠菜醬蝦仁意大利麵𓋪 檸檬咖喱烤雞牛油飯𓋪 法式吐司煙燻雞肉芝士三文治𓋪 烤雞西蘭花漢堡配羅勒醬𓋪 田園沙律𓋪 餐湯๑ ᴅʀɪɴᴋ ๑𓋪 招牌紅茶𓎾 蘋果汁把餐牌大部分餐點都嚐了一遍 超滿足餐點都是兩三口就 ᴋ.ᴏ 的中等sɪᴢᴇ 份量恰好 就可以安可更多餐點了以鹹點展開華麗序幕 像重口味的咖哩飯開胃的蕃茄醬意粉跟酸爽羅宋湯都很不錯甜品最愛輕盈的草莓忌廉蛋糕 酸甜乳酪芭菲滿滿餡料的蘋果批 跟綿密香甜甜薯布丁飲品可以十款茶類或咖啡中選擇第二杯起則可選無咖啡因水果博士茶 ~招牌紅茶茶味甘香 配上一系列招牌甜點真的很搭
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For only $258 HKD, you can have unlimited pasta, salad, minestrone soup, sandwiches, curry, desserts, and iced tea!! This menu is perfect for all you can eat lovers. The portions of everything was good, so you can try out a lot of different dishes even if you aren’t a very big eater. It definitely fills you up, and I love how theres unlimited iced teas too. Their desserts were also so yummy, and included sweets like apple pie, shortcakes, mini parfaits, ice cream, sweet potato pie, etc. So much food to choose from!!
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喺日本好出名嘅afternoon tea tearoom,見佢哋呢排推出咗100分鐘任食下午茶。餐牌上有鹹點亦都有甜點,啱晒我呢啲唔係好鍾意食甜嘢嘅人。所以趁住假期,就約上好姊妹到餐廳食tea,傾吓八卦。選擇都唔少,最正嘅位係仲有鹹點可以食。🍄烤雞西蘭花漢堡嚿雞肉好Juice,成個包都好鬆軟,出乎意料之外嘅好食🍄鬆餅相對其他甜品嚟講冇咁出色🍄左上角個焗甜薯布丁真係好番薯味🍄肉醬意粉,唔怕唔飽🍄甜點同鹹點味道都唔差其實仲食咗好多,不過冇一一影相🤣總來說,體驗吓日式嘅過江龍甜品放題都唔差嘅。
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