Restaurant: Green Waffle Diner (希慎廣場)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

All Branches (2)
Green Waffle Diner是一間結合加拿大式及美式傳統美食的餐廳,致力為客人製作精美而令人愉悅的傳統美式菜餚,同時提供多款創意素食、生酮和無麩質食物等多元化菜單選擇。餐廳內所有招牌菜式、醬汁和酸菜都是自家研製,配以新鮮及優質的食材精心烹調一系列菜式。 招牌菜式包括熱騰騰的薯粒鑊仔、自家製薯餅、自家醃製 BBQ 豬肋骨及鹹牛肉三文治。除了一般正餐外,不同口味的窩夫和班戟亦是餐廳主打菜式,例如班蘭窩夫、生酮班戟、自製棉花糖石板街窩夫及特色炸雞腿窩夫等。 continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Accessible Environment Details
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (972)
Level4 2024-11-11
今日約埋朋友去健康餐廳,想試下新鮮嘅食材同埋輕盈嘅菜式。✨半份燒烤豬肋骨 (買一送一)搞活動豬肋骨肯定唔可以錯過,依家只要$168就有買一送一,真係好抵!肋骨肉質柔軟,燒烤醬汁香濃,令人一口接一口。✨牛油果雜菜薯粒鑊仔拉絲牛油果薯仔則清新可口,薯粒脆口,搭配牛油果既滑又香,整體味道好平衡,真係一餐滿足!✨雙重南瓜榛子烤棉花糖窩夫配自選雪糕雙重南瓜榛子烤棉花糖窩夫真係好正!窩夫外脆內軟,南瓜味道濃郁,榛子香脆,增加咗口感層次。棉花糖烤得剛好,甜甜的味道好吸引。再加上自選雪糕,無論選香草定抹茶,都令整體更豐富,食完後心情都好好,絕對係一個值得嘗試嘅甜品!✨自家發酵康普茶(紅茶菌)白茶系列-肉桂蘋果味自家發酵的康普茶味道真係好特別!呢款白茶系列的肉桂蘋果味,帶有微微的酸味,清爽又唔膩,肉桂味道香醇,令整體更加溫暖。蘋果味也恰到好處,唔會過甜,飲落去好舒服,真係一個健康又好飲的選擇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-03
今天約了銅鑼灣工作的朋友相聚,他提議去希慎廣場度食個午餐。我哋選擇咗一間美式小餐廳,睇落舒適寬敞,便襟飛等入座。軟殼蟹配意大利飯釀南瓜這個是秋季限定菜單,軟殼蟹炸至香脆,鹹香酥脆的,十分惹味。軟殼蟹配意大利飯以羽衣甘藍圍着,南瓜囊內釀了意大利飯,配以燈籠椒、蕃茄、洋蔥、南瓜忌廉汁,口感多樣易入口,南瓜營養高,高纖亦含有維他命,果腹感強。Nutella榛子鮮奶咖啡 Latte點了熱的榛子鮮奶咖啡,杯邊以榛子碎圍着,面上的拉花很美,飲下去的時候覺得朱古力味濃了一點。Sunshine breakfast 早晨全餐朋友點了Sunshine Breakfast,本身包多士和半份窩夫,另外選了煎太陽蛋、煙三文魚和薯粒;份量十足,薯粒煎得十分脆口,不會太油膩,窩夫蘸上士多啤梨醬和楓糖漿,十分sweet 。值得一提是這裏有生酮餐單keto menu, 自家發酵康普茶Kombucha、keto 糖漿可買,有有需要的人士可以留意吓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-30
有榛子、南瓜、肉桂等秋季元素出既限定菜單!!<自家發酵康普茶(紅茶菌)白茶系列 -肉桂蘋果味>好有趣嘅嘢飲!第一啖入口會有類似啤酒既味,應該係發酵茶既味道,但之後會有淡淡玉桂同蘋果清香滲出,味道特別,值得細細品嘗,同埋好大支!<軟殼蟹配意大利飯釀南瓜>軟殼蟹又大隻又好酥脆,入邊一大半南瓜!可以每一啖都食到啖啖南瓜,口感好豐富味道好夾,十分有驚喜,必定要試!<自家醃製鹹牛肉 羅賓三文治>可以選半份或者全份,對於細食量的女孩子十分貼心。半份份量可以切開兩件。三文治外脆內軟,鹹牛肉厚厚一疊,好滿足!除三文治外還附有精緻薯菜,薯條也炸得很好<斑蘭窩夫配瑞士朱古力雪糕>必試佢哋出名既窩夫,可以自選配搭窩夫口味、醬汁、鮮果伴碟、雪糕,總有一款適合自己口味!我揀咗斑蘭窩夫配瑞士朱古力雪糕,斑蘭味好香,外皮香脆,甜而不膩,可以食到停唔到口!枱面仲有糖漿,可以按口味加配!📍Green Waffle Diner (希慎廣場) (銅鑼灣)銅鑼灣軒尼詩道500號希慎廣場13樓1303號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Top Restaurants with VIP Amenities in Hong Kong"This restaurant offers a range of meals that combine traditional Canadian and American cuisine, with a focus on American fine food. We will introduce seasonal themed blue spirulina meals this summer, including the 🥞Rainbow Pancake ($158), a four-layer pancake made with fresh ingredients. There are homemade blue spirulina marshmallows among the fruits. The vibrant display makes it very appealing to check in. 😍 Pandanus is available in three flavors: blue spirulina, red dragon fruit, and pandan. A superfood that boosts growth and supports the immune system is blue spirulina. Good health overall💕🧇 Homemade Street Waffles with Marshmallow Slate ($103) Chocolate chips, marshmallows, and almond pieces are used to make the hot and fresh waffles. Tomato risotto👍🏻 My family and I went to Green Waffle for dinner today. This time, we will try the Causeway Bay branch since we found the Pai Fa Street branch in Central to be excellent. 💛Soup with pumpkin. Try the pumpkin soup carefully; it has a nice texture that isn't too thin, and it tastes strongly of pumpkin. There is also pumpkin puree.Tomato and salmon risotto When cooked to perfection, the salmon retains its smoothness and tenderness. Additionally well-seasoned and not overly salty is the tomato Risotto👍🏻. You'll feel incredibly sated after a few tastes of the thick black truffle cream spaghetti sauce, but you'll feel exhausted after a few more. It's appropriate for sharing.Toasted salmonDelicious food, whether it's toasted salmon, waffles, or scrambled eggs, brightens your day. a wide selection of foods to suit each family member's hunger. The quality of the service is really noteworthy. The woman is kind, charming, attentive, and hospitable . From the reception area to the drinking bar to the payment counter, the male supervisor oversees every aspect and visits each table to attend to the needs of various patrons. I have visited. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-19
服務超級殷勤,職員做事勤快之餘,又推介食品,主動幫忙影相📸,主動以餐飲價錢計後落嘅飲品 order🍻。可能因為喺 open rice 訂座時標明目的是為朋友慶生,有驚喜!甜品🍰上枱時,竟然有朱古力字寫上 happy birthday ,仲點埋🎂蠟燭🎂!多謝職員姐姐唱埋生日歌畀壽星聽𠻹……食物都好味;豬肋骨🐖夠大堆頭,夠冧易離骨;三文魚🐟煎完唔嚡有脆皮。地方闊落,坐得舒服,光線亦充足,所以影相出嚟好靚🤭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)